Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 808 Technology Sharing

After solving the problem of "Senior Sister", the next step is Jin Xiang's side...

Lu Yu didn't stay too long, quickly said goodbye and left Yangxin Hall, and immediately went to Zhengyang Hall.

In fact, Lu Yu's strategy for Baoding Peak was similar to that for Tianquan Peak.

Baoding Peak, like Tianquan Peak, is more or less in competition with Jade Butterfly Peak. However, evil competition always has more advantages than disadvantages. It is better to see if we can find a balance between each other and try Let’s see if there is any possibility of cooperation...

This is due to consideration of the current internal situation of Dali Sword Sect.

The Dali Sword Sect is currently deeply divided among factions, and it is impossible for Yudie Peak to rise arrogantly on its own.

Since he was unable to change this for the time being, Lu Yu decided to let Jade Butterfly Peak join the formation of cliques, striving to become the most powerful one among them.

At this stage, Tianquan Peak and Baoding Peak are both the ones he wants to win over.

Of course, the key to whether this matter can be accomplished depends on the attitude of the other party.

But since Jin Xiang is so eager to meet him, there is no doubt that this is a good start.

Therefore, on the way to Zhengyang Palace, Lu Yu was already thinking rapidly, thinking about what to say during this meeting...

When they arrived at Zhengyang Hall, Master Jin Xiang was already inside.

Fang Qian was entertaining the other party with the best tea leaves as Lu Yu had ordered. Even though he was so proud before, when he was actually facing such a big shot, he was cautious and did not even dare to take a breath.

"Master Fan, please wait for a long time... How about we go outside and talk while we walk?"

As soon as Lu Yu came in, he said straight to the point.

Fan Jinxiang put down the teacup and said calmly, "Okay, let's go for a walk over there!"

So the two of them walked out of Zhengyang Palace at the same time.

Fang Gan looked at the background of the two people and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He thought to himself: Sure enough, the senior brother is still very powerful. Just now, he faced Master Jin Xiang alone, and even his palms were sweaty. But as soon as the senior brother came forward, he summoned the other party out with just one sentence, as if the other party's identity as a real person had no regard for him at all. It works normally...

The two of them were walking on Jade Butterfly Peak.

Seeing these two big shots parading on Jade Butterfly Peak, passers-by were naturally surprised and caused quite a commotion.

But Lu Yu didn't realize it. As he walked, he introduced various buildings on Jade Butterfly Peak to Master Jin Xiang, as well as various plans for the future.

Master Jin Xiang frowned. The purpose of his visit was naturally not for this. He wanted to change the topic several times, but Lu Yu kept it vague in an understatement.

When the two came to a cliff and looked at the 800-mile "new territory" of Jade Butterfly Peak, Master Jin Xiang finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted: "Little friend Lu Yu, from Jade Butterfly Peak The future development is indeed fascinating, but the main reason I came here this time is to discuss some alchemy-related issues with you..."

Lu Yu laughed: "Master Fan, don't be impatient. There are plenty of opportunities to discuss alchemy issues. Why don't we talk about other issues first..."

"When we were walking along the road just now, many people saw you and I walking hand in hand and chatting happily. If this matter spreads, how do you think all parties will view the relationship between you and me?"

Master Jin Xiang was startled: "What do you think, little friend?"

Lu Yu said: "There have long been rumors from various parties that Baoding Peak and Yudie Peak are not on good terms and in a competitive relationship. In the past two years, Baoding Peak has indeed suppressed Yudie Peak's business, especially in the field of materials. After purchasing one piece, the high-end materials in Yuanjiangwei City are almost monopolized by Guifeng..."

"If this matter spreads, I think there will be nothing more than two kinds of rumors. One is that the two of us have put aside our past grudges and made peace with each other, and the other is that we have completely broken down our relationship after the final negotiations. There is no possibility of cooperation anymore..."

"I wonder which statement you prefer, Mr. Fan?"

Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be stunned.

Although he had long known that Lu Yu was really an extraordinary person, the sharpness displayed by the other party still made him feel frightened.

"My little friend is the disciple appointed by Patriarch Yunxiao, and is the hope of the Dali Sword Sect's future revival. I have never wanted to be my enemy..."

Lu Yu nodded: "Shou Fan is a famous person with both ability and political integrity. I believe this..."

"However, you can't stop your subordinates, and even affiliated groups with interests in Baoding Peak, from adopting a hostile attitude towards Jade Butterfly Peak... If the current momentum continues, sooner or later the conflict between you and me will be complete Intensification, does Mr. Fan think so?"

Master Jin Xiang looked at Lu Yu seriously and took a few breaths before saying, "As long as I take charge of Baoding Peak for one day, there will never be a war or conflict between the two peaks. I can guarantee this."

Lu Yu laughed, shook his head and said, "This is not enough..."

He took a deep breath and looked into the distance: "I wonder what Chief Fan thinks of the current situation in alchemy?"

Master Jin Xiang tried to figure out Lu Yu's intention when he said this, and replied slowly: "If we just talk about the way of alchemy, today's world is naturally led by Shenhuo Xuanzong. Although other sects also have alchemy masters, they are not as good in terms of quality or quantity. Nothing can be compared with it..."


Master Jin Xiang hesitated for a moment, then added: "Except maybe you..."

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Master Fan is ridiculous! I am just lucky enough to have learned one or two wonderful elixir recipes. Maybe I do have some novel insights in technology, but there is more to the competition than just alchemy." Technology, compared to material resources, restricts the upper limit of refining the Dao..."

"However, let's not talk about this issue for now. Let me ask Fan the first question... What is the current situation of the elixir market?"

Master Jin Xiang replied: "If we talk about the elixir buying and selling market, Shenhuo Xuanzong occupies at least 90%, and the remaining less than 10% will be divided equally among the various sects..."

"Tsk, tsk, 90%..."

Lu Yu spread his hands: "Isn't the situation obvious now? Fan Chief, our real opponent should be outside the Dali Sword Sect!"

"you mean……"

"Let's join forces!"

Lu Yu said directly: "After Fan Chief goes back, he must restrain his subordinates and stop being hostile to our Jade Butterfly Peak. From now on, you and I will form an alliance, share the market equally, share resources, and share technology!"

"That is to say, from now on, Baoding Peak's material warehouse will be opened to Yudie Peak, and in return, some of the technical details I have mastered will also be passed on to Baoding Peak, including the ones that Fan Shouzuo wants to discuss with me at this moment. Those alchemy issues are all included, without any reservations!"

"From now on, apart from being on different mountain peaks, our two families are the same as one family in the field of alchemy!"

Master Jin Xiang's face was filled with astonishment. He did not expect that Lu Yu would suddenly come up with such a huge plan.

But if you think about it carefully, after sharing resources and technology, Baoding Peak may have the possibility of competing with Shenhuo Xuanzong...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little hot inside.

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