Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 809 As expected of you

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

With the strong support of Master Cangsong, the new site of Jade Butterfly Peak soon began to take shape.

Lu Yu also took advantage of this opportunity to refine the Turtle Breathing and Falling Spirit Pill on the new territory.

Although the scene caused during the refining process was far less than the previous time at Wuwang Mountain, it still made this new territory popular in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

On the day of refining, more than 20 real people came, including countless ordinary elders and deacons. Ordinary disciples had no chance to get close to the alchemy area and could only watch from a distance outside.

Baoding Peak also sent a large number of people to Yudie Peak to study and communicate, and the exchanges between the two sides became very close.

No one could have imagined that the two peaks that had the biggest opinions on Jade Butterfly Peak would change their attitudes in the blink of an eye, and the two sides would become inseparable.

Moreover, all of this was successfully accomplished without Yang Chudie coming forward. This is really dreamy...

So everyone knew that Jade Butterfly Peak was no longer the Jade Butterfly Peak of the past. Whether it was status, strength, or the right to speak within the Dali Sword Sect, there had been earth-shaking changes.

The most outstanding performance was at the recent Five Elders Summit...

It is said that at this meeting, Jade Butterfly Peak proposed a proposal to open the gate and expand the number of disciples, which even included the promotion qualification of a true disciple.

Originally, such a bill was very sensitive, but people from the Baoding Peak and Six Peaks Alliance firmly supported the bill, so that the bill was successfully passed at the Elders' Meeting without any effort.

Everyone knows in their hearts that Jade Butterfly Peak is now a bit unstoppable.

Under such circumstances, Fang Haoran came to Jade Butterfly Peak again...

"Here, it's for you!"

In the buzzing hall, Fang Haoran threw a document on Lu Yu's table.

Lu Yu was currently preparing the lecture content for the "On Dan Conference". He had left Jade Butterfly Peak for two years and had missed many courses. Moreover, since he had agreed to share technology with Baoding Peak, he had to show his sincerity. Get the real stuff.

When he heard Fang Haoran's words, he didn't even raise his head and asked, "What is it?"

"What else could it be?"

Fang Haoran said with a depressed look: "Of course it's the permission to expand enrollment and the qualification certification of true disciples that you want so much... Speaking of which, your Jade Butterfly Peak is really trouble-free. If someone else throws such a big bill, even if it's the first true disciple If he is not present, the real elder must be there to be present..."

"But it's a good thing for you, let's not talk about the first real person, and even the only deacon and true disciple don't show up. This arrogance is really boundless!"

Lu Yu then raised his head and took a look at the documents on the table: "I remember when I was promoted to a true disciple a few days ago, a real elder from Wulaofeng came over in person and read out the decree in public. This time Why did I send you a piece of paper quietly?"

"What do you mean you just sent me?" Fang Haoran said very unhappily, "Does it embarrass you that I made a special trip to run errands for you?"

"That's not what I mean... I want to say that the real elders of Wulao Peak are treating one another too favorably and treating them differently, right?"

"Okay! You'll get less advantage and still behave well..."

Fang Haoran rolled his eyes: "This is a true disciple, and this person was originally from the Bixiao Palace... There were true disciples who transferred from other sects in the past, but at least they had to go through an observation period of more than seven years. , you can only pass it after careful review... This time they have opened the door for you!"

"Besides, they still send a notice to the whole sect about the promotion here, but they just passed it without sending the elders to read it out. You have to save some face for them, right?"

Lu Yu shrugged, changed the topic and said: "There is something new in this Elders Council meeting. Isn't it just about discussing our Jade Butterfly Peak?"

The implication is naturally that he is asking about the situation of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Under the current situation, there is nothing newer than this.

Fang Haoran said: "Old Shang Ge suggested that since we have basically confirmed that the troops of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect are gathering in the north of Jiaohai, we should take the initiative to attack. He is willing to bring the two elixirs you provided and lead the troops out in person. , defeated the Jade Sea Immortal Sect’s fleet in one fell swoop…”

"However, other elders felt that this move was too risky and expressed their opposition... In fact, most of the elders believed that going to war with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect would be a lose-lose situation. If disputes can be avoided, we should try our best to avoid them. Avoid, they all tend to solve the problem through negotiations with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect..."


Lu Yu wondered: "How are they going to talk about it? The reason why the Jade Sea Immortal Sect wants to fight us now is that I have offended them, but in fact it is because they covet our resources and territory, and there is the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect behind it. Encourage...are they going to hand me over, or give part of the resource territory to the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?"

Fang Haoran said: "It's not that... now that we have the elixir you provided, the real elders all think that we have enough capital, and we will never give in to them during negotiations."

Lu Yu asked again: "What about the real person in charge? What does he mean?"

Fang Haoran replied: "My senior brother, the head of the family, has the same views as Master Hailing. They think that if the Jade Sea Immortal Sect can be defeated in one fell swoop, then they might as well fight. According to the information you provided, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's There are currently at least fifteen floating battleships. Such a huge force cannot be defeated in an instant..."

"Furthermore, the floating battleships are too maneuverable. If we rashly gather the main force and rush out, it is very likely that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's fleet will take advantage of it. Therefore, it is best not to act rashly unless necessary." ,Maintaining the status quo……"

Lu Yu nodded: "The Master and Master Hailing are more mature and prudent, and look at problems more comprehensively..."

"So, you also agree with the head brother's point of view?" Fang Haoran said.

Lu Yu shook his head: "I just said that they have a more comprehensive view of the problem, but I didn't say that I agree with their views?"

"What's your opinion?"

"What's my opinion..."

Lu Yu didn't even think about it and snorted coldly: "Since the other party has come to the door, why don't we fight a fight? Since a full-scale battle is impossible, then just send a surprise force. It doesn't require that the other party be completely annihilated. Just allow them to be defeated." They have suffered heavy losses, just let them know the pain! Otherwise, how can we talk about this judgment if we don’t let them experience the pain?”

Fang Haoran opened his mouth in astonishment: "It's's your usual style!"

After thinking for a moment, Fang Haoran suddenly rolled his eyes: "In that case..."

Before he could finish the second half of his sentence, Lu Yu immediately interrupted: "Don't even think about it. I'm so busy right now. Don't even think about me leading the team to do any surprise attacks. If you have the energy, you might as well let me fire more." Furnace elixir...Besides, I’m just a true disciple, can I lead a group of real bosses?”

Fang Haoran glared dissatisfied: "I haven't said anything yet, and you just said everything..."

"Do you have anything else to do? If there is nothing else, I won't let you have dinner!"

Lu Yu looked like he was about to see off his guests.

Fang Haoran was depressed, but he really had nothing to say, so he planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a two-color talisman suddenly flew over.

The two-color talisman is a special encrypted message. Generally, messages using this method represent the transmission of important messages.

At first, Fang Haoran thought this was a summons from Lu Yu.

However, what he didn't expect was that the summons ended up in his own hands.

Fang Haoran was stunned for a moment, and then opened the summons.

"What's going on?" Lu Yu couldn't help but become curious.

Fang Haoran showed a strange expression on his face: "Do you remember the two spies from Wuya Immortal Pavilion that you discovered on the battlefield of Heavenly Prison? It's the news about them... Now they suddenly came to Tianxiang Peak!"

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