Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 810 Mysterious Friend

Tianxiang Peak, in a courtyard in the back mountain.

The fire was blazing, and steam was rising.

A tall man stood in front of the furnace, moving his fingers like the wind, operating frantically.

He looked like he was trying his best to imitate Lu Yu's steps in refining the elixir.

However, no one knew what went wrong, the state of the furnace became more and more unstable, and it kept jumping in place.

The man's mood was greatly affected by this, and his expression became very impatient, but he was unwilling to give up so easily, so he became more and more manic, like crazy.

Finally, the man couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked the furnace out with a kick.


With a loud bang, the boiling elixir and molten crystal flowed all over the ground, igniting a raging fire, and the whole courtyard was destroyed.

The man watched all this coldly, letting the flames burn without any reaction.

"Husband, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, a woman's delicate shout came.

Along with the woman's delicate shout, a sharp cold wind blew, instantly freezing the fire in the yard.

Then, a charming figure appeared beside the man. It turned out to be Huang Shuyun, the steward of Tianxiang Peak, who had never gotten along with Yang Chudie.

And the man who was refining the elixir in the yard was naturally Zhang Ji.

It turned out that during the time when Lu Yu and Yang Chudie were traveling overseas, the two had already married and became Taoist couples.

Huang Shuyun's face was full of concern: "Husband, how are you? How did you get into this state?"

Zhang Ji buried his emotions deeply in his heart, and his face gradually eased: "I'm fine, don't worry... I was trying a new elixir recipe, but I didn't expect that a step would go wrong. Thanks to your timely arrival..."

Huang Shuyun had been getting along with him for a long time, and she knew his temper very well. How could she not see his abnormality?

She thought for a while and said, "At noon today, my father suddenly called you over. What did he say to you?"

Her father was Huang Zhenlin, the real elder of the Five Elders Peak.

Zhang Ji's face suddenly became a little unnatural, and he forced a smile and said, "Nothing, just talked to me about the current situation facing our Dali Sword Sect..."

"Is that it?" Huang Shuyun stared at her.

Zhang Ji hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth: "He also told me that Yudie Peak is now in full swing, and that Lu Yu is even more unstoppable. Now the entire Dali Sword Sect has to rely on his alchemy skills... He knows that I have had a rift with that kid, and hopes that I can take the initiative to apologize to him and turn hostility into friendship..."

Huang Shuyun suddenly realized: "No wonder... So, you will turn down the afternoon teaching and hide here to make alchemy alone..."

Zhang Ji did not speak, pursed his lips, and his face was slightly distorted.

"That kid is indeed a nasty guy..."

Huang Shuyun suddenly became angry. As a young lady, she is not a gentle and kind person.

"However, the reason why you are so abnormal is probably not just because of that boy... You are still obsessed with that bitch, right?"

Her eyes became sharp and stared at Zhang Ji fiercely.

Zhang Ji did not speak, his eyes slightly condensed, and his eyes obviously became more violent.

"I knew it! I knew it!"

Huang Shuyun sneered repeatedly, like a wounded female beast, roaring in a low voice...

"What's so good about that bitch? Is it worth you to keep thinking about her like this?"

"You and I have already become Taoist companions, can't we compare to her position in your heart?"

"That bitch is clearly a fickle woman! She would seduce any man, even her own disciples..."

"I saw that she said she was going out to travel, but in the past two years, I'm afraid that the two dogs and bitches have been together!"

"Maybe she has even secretly gotten pregnant, so she stayed indoors as soon as she came back. She said she was in seclusion, but I think she was actually nurturing the baby!"

"Shut up!"

Zhang Ji roared, and his emotions finally couldn't be suppressed and he completely exploded.

"Yes! I can't forget her! I can't forget her!"

"But what do you think is the purpose of my doing this? Do you think I want to reconcile with her?"

"No! You are wrong! I want to kill her with my own hands! I wish I could eat her raw!"

"Because she trampled my inner pride and my most vigorous years under her feet. This is the biggest gap in my Dao Heart Realm! As a result, I have not made any progress in my cultivation so far!"

"You are right! She is a bitch! I just want her to know the consequences of abandoning me! I want to trample her and her lover under my feet once again!"

The deepest darkness in Zhang Ji's heart was all revealed without any concealment.

Huang Shuyun seemed to be frightened and asked blankly: "Really?"

Zhang Ji did not answer, turned his back and snorted coldly.

Huang Shuyun suddenly became tender and slowly hugged Zhang Ji from behind, putting his face against his back.

"Husband, then...if there is a chance for you to kill Yang Chudie right now, would you dare to do it?" Zhang Ji was stunned, and quickly turned around and looked at her in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Huang Shuyun's smile was as bright as a flower, but his tone was gloomy: "I said, if Yang Chudie appears in front of you without any precautions, do you dare to take action? You don't care whether this is impossible, just say what you are doing Can’t you do it?”

Zhang Ji's eyes turned cold: "If there is such an opportunity, I will naturally not show mercy!"

Huang Shuyun laughed happily: "That's great. I have two friends who are willing to provide such an opportunity... Come with me, I will take you to meet them!"

Zhang Ji was stunned: "What kind of friend..."

Huang Shuyun's smile became even sweeter, and there was a strong mystery in the sweetness.

"Friends from Wuya Immortal Pavilion."

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