Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 811 Waiting to see the good show

Soon, Zhang Ji met the two mysterious friends Huang Shuyun mentioned.

It was Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen from Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Since the last time the King of Hell was defeated, these two people came to Dali Sword Sect in the name of study tour. They claimed that the purpose of their visit was to pay tribute to Jiang Feiyan, the greatest hero in killing the King of Hell. He admires the Taoist secrets of the Dali Sword Sect.

They originally lived in the Yuanjiangwei area and often discussed Taoism with the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect.

In the past two years, he has become quite famous in Dali Sword Sect.

But they have always been living in a guest place. This is the first time they go directly out of Yuanjiangwei City and visit Tianxiang Peak like this.

At this time, Zhang Ji couldn't help but be filled with questions.

He was not familiar with these two people, but he had heard of their names and knew that they were both true disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Especially Duan Minglou, he is still a master on the Golden Sunflower Ranking. His cultivation strength is not inferior to his own. The reason why he did not become a deacon is because he has not reached the qualifications. In time, he will definitely become Wuya. The powerful figures in the Immortal Pavilion...


No matter how powerful these two people are, they cannot reach the level of Lu Yu. It can even be said that they are not even qualified to help Lu Yu carry his shoes. How can they scheme against Jade Butterfly Peak?

What's more, what is their purpose in doing this? What's in it for them?

"You two want to see me, what do you want me to say?"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhang Ji did not hide his emotions, frowned, and asked straight to the point.

Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen looked at each other without saying anything, and smiled slightly. Suddenly Duan Minglou's figure sank into the mist, turning into a gaseous black shadow.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ji suddenly turned pale and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's you?"

This black figure was exactly the guy who appeared in his room in the middle of the night and tempted him to bring a ball of black light into Xiao Li Tian's fantasy world. As a result, such a tragedy happened in Xiao Li Tian's fantasy land, which made him feel guilty for a long time. Uneasy...

He had always been worried that this matter would be exposed. When Ge Lao Qi Tongshan was arrested last time, he had been worried for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was not involved in the end, so he felt relieved...

Unexpectedly, this dark shadow appeared again now, and he did not hide his true identity...

Zhang Ji immediately felt something was wrong. He pulled Huang Shuyun over and protected him behind him.

"What on earth do you want to do!" he asked loudly.

The black shadow dissipated, Duan Minglou laughed, and his true body appeared again: "It seems that Deacon Zhang has not forgotten what happened back then... There is one thing I need to correct you. The person who dealt with you back then was not me, but You can regard me as his successor, and I know everything that happened between you..."

This undoubtedly shows their identity as the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult...

Zhang Ji's eyes were full of fear and vigilance. He looked back at his wife and warned with some hatred: "Do you know who they are? They are all..."

"Red Moon Demon Sect!"

Huang Shuyun replied.

An unfamiliar expression appeared on her face that Zhang Ji found unbelievable: "Husband, don't worry, I already know all the things you did back then, and I won't blame you..."

Zhang Ji opened his mouth, his eyes filled with astonishment: "Have you... already joined them?"

Huang Shuyun smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Ji's body was shaken and he asked with difficulty: "Why..."


Huang Shuyun sneered: "What else could it be for? Of course it's to become stronger... Why do you all like those bitch twins so much? Why can't I become an amazing genius?"

Zhang Ji was speechless for a moment, and felt as if the whole world had been completely turned upside down for a moment.

"You two, please be patient..."

Duan Minglou interrupted with a smile: "Actually, from my point of view, neither of you has actually joined us, they can only be regarded as successfully passing the test... Deacon Zhang, what my wife has accomplished is actually similar to you, It just successfully passed our preliminary test..."

"Test?" Zhang Ji couldn't help being stunned again.

Duan Minglou smiled and said: "Deacon Zhang, don't you think that the changes in Xiao Litian's illusion were really related to you? In fact, it was just a test back then, and the 'black light' you got was simply fake. There is actually someone else behind the scenes... Otherwise, Mr. Qi Ge has been arrested, why do you think it won't be found on you? "

Zhang Ji couldn't help but be stunned.

Only then did he realize that the inner demon that had tortured him for several years turned out to be just a mistake...

He was filled with anger and at the same time had a deep sense of powerlessness.

"What exactly do you want to do this time?" Zhang Ji asked.

Duan Minglou laughed strangely: "Next, you will start the second round of tests soon. This time it will be a real test!"

Zhang Ji coldly replied: "No need! We have different ways and we don't want to work together! We don't need any second round of tests. If you know each other, you should leave the Dali Sword Sect as soon as possible! I can give you a chance until tomorrow. I've been exposing you all this morning..."

Duan Minglou shook his head and smiled: "Deacon Zhang, why do you need to deceive yourself? Don't you want to gain real power?"

"As far as I know, Yang Chudie has condensed the golden elixir seeds, and her golden elixir Dao foundation is very powerful. This time she is in retreat at Jade Butterfly Peak. It is very likely that she will be a first-grade elixir when she comes out. If there is no red With the help of Lord Yue, how can you surpass her at the first level? Are you really willing to be suppressed by her for the rest of your life?"

"Whether you are willing or not, at least I know that my wife is definitely not willing..."

"Besides, when the real test is coming, do you think you can escape it?"

Zhang Ji was stunned for a moment.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was: Yang Chudie actually wanted to achieve a first-grade elixir?

As for the second half of Duan Minglou's sentence, he didn't listen at all...

Zhang Ji felt his heart pounding and his chest rising and falling sharply: "What...what do you want us to do?"

"The content of this test is actually very simple. You don't need to do anything..."

The smile on Duan Minglou's face became more and more weird: "Even when someone asked about today's events, you also told them everything that happened today and told them that we once wanted to seduce you... There is no need to hide anything. ”


Zhang Ji couldn't help but be surprised: "Why is this?"

"Because the situation has changed."

Duan Minglu replied: "It can also be said that Lu Yu is too powerful, so our Lord had to change his strategy..."

"In short, your goal is to be a loyal disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, and do everything possible to gain the trust of the Dali Sword Sect's Elder Council. For this, it doesn't matter if you even expose us..."

"I believe that soon, the Lord will appear in front of you in person, and then you will get everything you want."

Zhang Ji was immediately stunned.

Wondering secretly what is going on?

What exactly does Duan Minglou mean by this, and why does the preface not match the follower?

He wanted to ask again, but at this moment, Ge Huairen, who had been silent, suddenly issued a warning.

"There's no time, they're coming soon!"

Duan Minglou nodded, and the smile gradually widened in Zhang Ji's eyes:

"Next, you don't have to worry about anything, just wait and see a good show!"

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