Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 812 Self-destruction

After hearing Fang Haoran talk about Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel curious and went to Tianxiang Peak with Fang Haoran.

The two of them are getting closer and closer to Tianxiang Peak...

"Tsk, tsk, it's been more than two years, and you still haven't closed the net?"

Along the way, after listening to Fang Haoran talk about the situation of Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen, Lu Yu sighed in disbelief.

Fang Haoran said helplessly: "I haven't caught any big fish yet, it's just the two of them, so what's the point of closing the net?"

"Then you can't just let them waste time in Yuanjiangwei City all the time, right? Aren't you worried about what trouble they might cause?" Lu Yu said again.

"It's natural to be worried, so we have been closely monitoring their every move. If there is any drastic move, we will take immediate action... But in the past two years, they have been keeping to themselves. Besides, these two people After all, he is a disciple of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and he is here in the name of a study tour, so we can't kick him out, right?" Fang Haoran said with an aggrieved look.

Lu Yu somewhat felt the vitality in his words, and suddenly understood a little bit.

In fact, in the final analysis, the accusation that the other party is a remnant of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is just a word of his, and there is no real evidence. The Dali Sword Sect can naturally believe in itself without reservation, but if the matter involves Wuya Immortal Pavilion, then It's not that simple.

"Okay, then I will accompany you this time to see what tricks they have been playing over the years... No matter how cautious they are, I will let them show their feet this time!" Lu Yu said.

He had confirmed Ge Huairen's identity a long time ago. Although Duan Minglou was not unable to confirm it at that time, he and Ge Huairen were so mixed together that it was almost impossible to escape from the relationship with the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect.

Therefore, Lu Yu has secretly made up his mind...

This time, the true identities of the two must be revealed in one fell swoop, even if they directly use force to read each other's memories.

Anyway, his strength at this time has long been different from what it used to be.

When he was still in the True Yuan realm, he could directly refine Pei Longxiang's Eclipse of the Blood Moon. Now that he had entered the Return to the Sea realm, it was no problem to deal with these two guys.

Maybe we can get more information about Lord Red Moon...

In fact, this was the real reason why he insisted on coming together this time.

Not long after, the two arrived at Tianxiang Peak.

At this time, another deacon responsible for monitoring the scene came out to meet the two people.

"Old Fang!"

This person is very familiar with Fang Haoran, and Fang Haoran calls him "Lao Fang" just like Lu Yu.

"Old money!"

Fang Haoran also said a simple hello to the other party and introduced to Lu Yu: "This is Deacon Qian Sian of Bao Chan Peak. He is Bao Chan's favorite disciple. His skills in making and controlling talismans are surpassed by Bao Chan's." Zhenzhuan is a genius in talismans, and he will take over from Master Baochan sooner or later!"

"It turns out to be Deacon Qian. I respect your name. I'm glad to meet you!" Lu Yu said hello quickly.

At the same time, there was a clear understanding in his heart. No wonder Fang Haoran had so many strange and magical talismans. I'm afraid they were all provided by Deacon Qian.

Qian Sian also said politely: "Old Fang is really unreasonable. How can I be called a genius in front of you, God Lu? I have admired you for a long time. I didn't expect that Old Fang would treat you this time." Dragged here too!"

After a few brief greetings, Lu Yu went straight to the topic and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Qian Sian replied: "I have been monitoring their movements with the Sentry Talisman. After they arrived here, not long after they arrived, two deacons from Tianxiang Peak came to meet them. Now there are four people in total, all in front. inside the house.”

"Who is the person who came to meet them?" Fang Haoran asked.

Qian Sian's face looked a little unnatural: "He is Mr. Huang Ge's daughter and son-in-law..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

He had just dealt with Huang Zhenlin not long ago, so he was naturally the daughter and son-in-law of Mr. Huang Ge.

"Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun?"

"Exactly." Qian Sian said.

Fang Haoran was also surprised: "How did they get together with these two guys? Have they ever been in contact?"

Qian Sian shook his head: "As far as I know, no, at least not on the surface..."

"How could it be like this..." Fang Haoran frowned.

If this matter involves Mr. Huang Ge, it will be really troublesome.

Qian Sian's face showed a look of shame. Obviously he also knew the seriousness of this matter and felt that he had neglected his duty.

"no need to worry."

Lu Yu consoled him, "We will find out what is going on soon!"

With that said, he strode directly in.

Qian Sian was stunned for a moment, and quickly wanted to remind Lu Yu not to alert others, but was stopped by Fang Haoran.

"Don't worry, let him handle it!" Fang Haoran said: "You have said that he is Lu Shen. This matter will not trouble him. Besides, he is an expert in handling this kind of matter..."

Qian Sian's face was full of astonishment. Although he knew Lu Yu's name very well, he didn't know where this "expert"'s statement came from... But since Fang Haoran said so, it was natural that he couldn't say anything else.

So, the two had no choice but to follow quickly.

Lu Yu walked up to a house. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and used his fingers as a sword.

Suddenly, the house fell apart in an instant and was dismantled into an empty shell like building blocks.

Four people were immediately revealed inside, namely Zhang Ji, Huang Shuyun, Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen.

"Lu Yu? Why is it you?"

Zhang Ji and his wife said with astonishment on their faces.

On the other hand, Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen looked calm.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu immediately knew what was going on and strode into the "house".

"You brat! What are you going to do? This is Tianxiang Peak, not a place where you can run wild!" Huang Shuyun said in a stern tone.

Lu Yu ignored him and winked at Fang Haoran and Qian Sian behind him.

The two people immediately understood and rushed forward to control the two of them. Fang Haoran had advanced cultivation, Qian Sian had many strange talismans, Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun were no match at all, and they were controlled by the two in the blink of an eye. .

Lu Yu waved his hand again, signaling the two of them to take Zhang Ji and his wife away, and let him deal with Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen specifically.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the entire area.

Duan Minglou suddenly laughed: "Lu Yu, long time no see!"

Lu Yu couldn't help being amused: "It's rare that you two are so elegant and can still laugh at this time. Don't you know what will happen next?"

"Of course we know that you can refine the Blood Moon Eclipse." Duan Minglou looked calm.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and now he was really a little surprised.

This information must have been provided to them by Lord Chiyue, which shows that since they are under the strict surveillance of Qian Sian, they cannot be isolated from Lord Chiyue at all.


Duan Minglou suddenly smiled strangely: "I'm afraid you should be the one who doesn't know what will happen next!"

After saying this, he looked at Ge Huairen beside him and smiled solemnly at the same time.

Then, the two of them were in front of Lu Yu, their eyes suddenly popped out, their heads exploded with a "bang", and their brains splashed towards Lu Yu.

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