Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 816 No Regrets

At the top of the sea of ​​clouds, Piaomiao Peak.

This is the headquarters of Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

While Tianxiang Peak, thousands of miles away, was falling into chaos due to the tragic deaths of Duan Minglou and Ge Huaiming, Wuya Immortal Pavilion was also a bustling and busy scene.

Under Piaomiao Peak, towers stand one after another.

It is these towers that form the overall layout of Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

When nothing happens, these high towers open up magic circles and arrange the place into a training ground.

And when a war breaks out, these towers will transform into powerful giant magic weapons, suppressing all directions and making them indestructible.

In a sense, these towers are similar to the floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, except that the floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect consume huge resources.

Although the exquisite pagoda of Wuya Immortal Pavilion is not as maneuverable as a floating battleship, it only requires a very small amount of resources, and when used as a fortress, it has more terrifying defensive capabilities.

One is stronger than charging into battle, and the other is stronger than standing firm. If the two work closely together, they will be invincible.

At this time, a brilliance shone under Piaomiao Peak. This was a sign that the magic circles of these exquisite pagodas were preparing to be activated and were about to move out and fight elsewhere.

There are a total of eight exquisite pagodas that are being prepared for activation.

This has never happened in the past thousands of years.

Therefore, although the senior officials of Wuya Immortal Pavilion have not announced where the target of this attack is, the disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion who are maintaining the operation of the magic circle in the pagoda are extremely excited, knowing that this time It must be an unprecedented "big move".

"I wonder if these disciples will be so excited after learning that the target of the attack is the Dali Sword Sect..."

On the Piaomiao Peak, there were two real strong men with white beards and hair, playing chess in a sea of ​​clouds. One of them, an old man wearing a golden robe and holding a black chess piece, couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the heated scene below the peak.

The other person was wearing a black robe and holding a white chess piece. Hearing the words of the old man in gold robe, he couldn't help but paused and said, "Did the Pavilion Master hesitate?"

The old man in golden robe smiled faintly, looked away and looked at the chessboard in front of him: "The general trend of the world is just like the chess game in front of you. How can no matter how powerful a chess player is, not hesitate in front of such a big chess game? "

The old man in black robe sighed: "To be honest, I am actually very hesitant about this matter in my heart. After all, the other party is the Dali Sword Sect, and there is also the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect involved. Does it really not matter if we do this...? "

As he spoke, he placed the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard.

The old man in golden robe said: "It is precisely because of hesitation that we must determine our goal through constant introspection... I have repeatedly reflected on this matter many times, and now I am very convinced that this move is the right one." Yes, after all...this is a move made by the ancestor himself!"

As he spoke, the old man in golden robe slammed the chess piece in his hand onto the chessboard.

Hearing the words "that ancestor", the old man in black robe couldn't help but look stern, showing a look of awe, and then he realized that he had fallen into a dead game on the chessboard.

"Pavilion Master, you win again!"

The old man in black robe sighed.

The old man in gold robe smiled and was about to speak, but at this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot out.

The golden-robed old man reached out and copied it, and a special encrypted communication talisman suddenly appeared in his hand.

"But is there any news from the Dali Sword Sect?" the black-robed old man asked, his face uncontrollably excited.


The old man in golden robe nodded and smiled happily: "Taoist brother Tianmiao sent back a message saying that the strategy has been successful. He has completed the steps of using the topic. Next, it is up to you, Taoist brother Tiansheng, to complete the part of crossing the sky and the sea. It’s time to leave without further ado!”

The old man in black robe, Master Tiansheng, nodded, stood up, and bowed slightly to the old man in gold robe: "Okay! Then I'm ready to set off!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked down Piaomiao Peak.

"Brother Tiansheng." The old man in golden robe suddenly called out again.

Master Tian Sheng turned around in surprise.

The old man in gold robe flicked his finger, and with a sudden "swish", a white chess piece was flicked into his hand.

"Brother Taoist, the purpose of going here is very big, and the fortunes and disasters are really unpredictable... But no matter what the situation is, there is no turning back when you draw the bow. You must remember to make no regrets."

The golden-robed master's eyes were piercing, and there seemed to be flames in his pupils.

Master Tian Sheng was slightly startled and bowed again, but this time he bowed deeply.

"I will obey the decree of the Lord of the Pavilion!"

After saying this, he didn't hesitate anymore, launched the Escape Light at full speed, and hurried down the mountain.

In a flash of light and trembling, Tian Sheng stood suspended in the air among the eight exquisite pagodas.

Amid the sound of hunting, there was a sudden roar: "Disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, listen to the order and get up in formation! Ferry! Get up immediately and follow me to the Dali Sword Sect at full speed!"

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