Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 817 Dark Chess Test

In the end, Master Tianmiao failed to leave and was pulled back to Tianxiang Peak by Huang Zhenlin and others.

Other real elders also joined in the persuasion, including Li Wangji and Hailing, who all went to comfort him.

Li Wangji followed Feng Ruhai and was not suspicious of Lu Yu, but this time was too sensitive. For the sake of the overall situation, they had to stabilize Wuya Immortal Pavilion first.

Therefore, it didn't take long for all the real elders to go to the main peak of Tianxiang Peak.

Lu Yu was left alone at the scene facing the split heads of Duan and Ge.

There were also some disciples from Tianxiang Peak around who were on guard, but these disciples did not dare to come forward to talk to Lu Yu, and they did not dare to restrict Lu Yu's freedom.

After about two quarters of an hour, Fang Haoran returned to the scene from the main peak.


Seeing Lu Yu still staying where he was, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Why are you still here? I thought you escaped early..."

Lu Yu didn't say anything and asked directly: "How is the situation up there?"

"It's...well, it's such a mess!"

Fang Haoran sighed: "Master Tianmiao is very angry now and has a very tough attitude. He insists that you be arrested and handed over to the eight major sects for a joint public trial..."

"It is naturally impossible for the head brother and the others to agree. Master Tianmiao threatened that if the Dali Sword Sect was reluctant to take action, he would directly call people from Wuya Pavilion to do it himself..."

"Our people are divided into several opinions because of this... Some say that you should be temporarily banned and let you stay at Jade Butterfly Peak to refine elixirs and reflect; some say that the Elders Council should publicly issue an order to reprimand you and impose sanctions on you. A certain punishment; some elders think that it is okay to hand you over to the eight major sects for joint decision, at least this will make Wuya Immortal Pavilion speechless..."

Lu Yu smacked his lips: "You dare to fall in love with so many people, but no one considers the possibility that I am completely innocent?"

"I can't say that, at least I completely believe you..."

Fang Haoran comforted: "The other elders must also believe in you, but at this time, it is not enough for them to believe. They must also find a way to make Wuya Immortal Pavilion believe..."

Lu Yu thought deeply and said: "Perhaps this is the purpose of Lord Chiyue, using the self-destruction of the two demons to put me into an isolated situation... However, this still makes no sense, and what is his purpose of doing this? What?"

"Is it because they want to sow discord between our Dali Sword Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion?" Fang Haoran guessed.

Lu Yu shook his head: "If it is just to sow discord, this intensity is not enough at all..."

Fang Haoran thought about it again and again, but still didn't have any clue. Finally, he simply waved his hand with a headache on his face:

"Forget it... No matter what kind of conspiracy he has, I suggest you better withdraw first! Although the discussion above is intense, it is just to deal with Master Tianmiao. If you really Go back to Jade Butterfly Peak, close the door, and announce to the outside world that if you refine alchemy behind closed doors, no elders will dare to come to your door to trouble you..."

Lu Yu refused: "Since I know that Lord Chiyue has made some moves and is coming specifically for me, how can I still stay on Jade Butterfly Peak safely? What's the difference between doing that and sitting back and waiting for death?"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"No matter what the purpose of Lord Chiyue is, there will definitely be other back-up plans, and what I have to do is very simple. I just need to predict and find out his back-up plans one step ahead..."

"How can this be……"

Fang Haoran said very speechlessly: "If his conspiracy is so easy to predict, then is he still Lord Chiyue?"

"It is indeed not easy." Lu Yu smiled softly, "So, I found a helper..."


Fang Haoran couldn't help but be surprised: "What helper? Where is it?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "It should be here soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly hit his face.

Fang Haoran was greatly surprised. For a moment, he clearly sensed a very powerful force. However, he looked around and found no suspicious traces. This made him wonder if he had an illusion...

"What happened just now? Has your 'helper' arrived?" Fang Haoran said dubiously.

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing, "This place is a bit evil. To avoid being overheard by Master Tianmiao again, let's change the place to talk first..."

With that said, Lu Yu left the place and came directly to the outskirts of Tianxiang Peak. He estimated that he would never be eavesdropped by Master Tianmiao again, and then stopped.

"Where is your helper? Why haven't you seen him yet?"

Fang Haoran immediately followed him, and when he saw Lu Yu carefully setting up shielding barriers around him, he couldn't help but ask.

After Lu Yu completed the last shielding barrier and made sure that no one would peep at him anymore, he suddenly said: "Lan'er, come out! I am one of my own, there is no need to hide it from him... Besides, I will return it later." We need his cooperation!”

Suddenly, the shadow under Lu Yu's feet twisted, and suddenly a slender female figure slowly appeared from it.

This woman is graceful, charming, and extremely beautiful...couldn't she be Ye Weilan?

Fang Haoran didn't expect that she would appear in such a way. He was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth and couldn't speak.

"This, this, this the demon spirit you brought back from Dakong Mountain?"

"Her name is Ye Weilan, and she is now my Taoist companion..." Lu Yu took Ye Weilan's hand and introduced her concisely.

Then he introduced Fang Haoran to Ye Weilan: "Although you have known him for a long time, let's introduce him formally... This is Fang Haoran, the deacon of Wangyue Peak, the junior brother of the head master, he was him at the beginning The person who brought me into the faction was one of my best friends!”

"Brother Fang, hello."

Ye Weilan blushed with embarrassment, obviously not expecting Lu Yu to introduce herself in this way.


Fang Haoran also nodded in greeting, and then smiled bitterly at Lu Yu: "You are so capable, you actually found a demon spirit Taoist monk without saying a word... If the real elders knew about this, they would definitely There are a lot of articles to be done..."

In fact, what he really wants to say is: Your boy has found a demon spirit to be his Taoist companion, what will your aunt do?

However, in front of Ye Weilan, the words came to his lips, but he still didn't say them out.

Ye Weilan blushed and said, "Why are you so anxious to call me here all of a sudden? You want me to use these wings, what happened?"

As she spoke, she took off the black tail of the arowana stuck on her back.

Only then did Fang Haoran notice that Ye Weilan had brought such an artifact with him. No wonder he appeared here so quickly.

"Indeed, there is a very difficult matter that needs to be solved with the help of your 'shadow-following' method..."

Lu Yu said, then looked at Fang Haoran: "After all, I still think the timing of Tianmiao's arrival is too coincidental, and there are many doubts in it... No matter what Lord Chiyue's next plan is, Whatever it is, nine times out of ten it will be on him..."

"You also saw Ye Weilan's ability just now. He is the most powerful assassin of the Yehua clan. He can use the power of blood to perform special techniques and possess his body into the shadows, achieving the goal of being invisible to gods and ghosts. situation……"

"So, I plan to let her lurk next to Master Tianmiao and quietly monitor every move of Master Tianmiao. If Master Tianmiao really colludes with Lord Chiyue, the truth will definitely be revealed!"

Fang Haoran was stunned: "What if there is no connection between the two?"

"If there is no contact..."

A sharp look flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

"Then it is very possible that Lord Chiyue is really here to sow discord. In this case, his next target is likely to be Master Tianmiao. Let Lan'er lurk beside him, and he can also serve as a A secret chess move with early warning!"

"However, I still think this is unlikely... Anyway, let's test it first before talking!"

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