Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 818 The Last Dusk

"Then what do you need me to do specifically?" Fang Haoran asked.

"Of course it's up to you to bring Wei Lan in..."

Lu Yu said: "After all, this is the territory of Tianxiang Peak, and there are so many powerful elders present. Although with Weilan's ability, she will be able to sneak in sooner or later, but in order to save time, it is best for you to lead the way. Her trip..."

"In addition, in order to achieve the purpose of testing as quickly as possible, I also need you to cooperate in a play..."

Fang Haoran said in astonishment: "What kind of show are you playing?"

"Well... think of a way to lure all the real elders away and create a time for Tianmiao to be alone, so that he can really show his flaws..."

Fang Haoran was shocked: "You are really you want to keep all the real elders in the dark?"

"In order to find out the truth as soon as possible, there is nothing we can do..."

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "Let's do this. After you bring Weilan in, you can inform the real elders above that I have found new clues related to Lord Chiyue, so that all of them can Come and find me!"

"In this way, Master Tianmiao will have time to be alone, and if he really has something in his heart, it will be revealed immediately!"


Fang Haoran was completely shocked by Lu Yu's boldness: "Aren't you deceiving all the real elders?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "If we can catch Master Tianmiao's flaw in time, it will not be considered a lie."

Fang Haoran was speechless for a moment, looked at Lu Yu for a long time, and finally could only sigh helplessly:

"I really don't know what evil I did in my last life, and with a troublemaker like you... sooner or later I will be implicated to death by you!"

"rest assured!"

Lu Yu patted his shoulder and comforted him: "If something really happens, you just need to push the blame on me and say that you don't know anything... Anyway, I am thick-skinned and not afraid of real elders. We punish!”

Fang Haoran rolled his eyes speechlessly.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It's okay to accompany your kid to go crazy once... But the most dangerous part of your plan is your younger brother and sister... Is there really no problem with her? There are a group of real strong people up there. , Master Tianmiao’s cultivation level can only be described as terrifying, don’t you think that even the head senior brother wants to give him three points?”

Lu Yu glanced at Ye Weilan and suddenly laughed: "Don't worry, her shadow-following method has been tested by Tianshu Palace and Chunyang Palace. I have confidence in her!"

Fang Haoran couldn't help being surprised again. He didn't expect Ye Weilan to have the experience of sneaking into Tianshu Palace and Chunyang Palace. No wonder Lu Yu would trust her with such a task.

"Okay, there's no problem on my side! You're ready to go at any time!"

Lu Yu held up Ye Weilan's snow-white hands, looked into her eyes and warned: "Then I'll leave this matter to you... Although I have full confidence in you, you still have to be careful. Once you see her, If the situation is not good, use the dragon fish black tail to run away immediately, I will be here to support you. "

Ye Weilan nodded gently, hesitated for a moment, and said: "With the black tail of the dragon fish close by, I won't be in any danger. The key is over at Jade Butterfly Peak. As soon as I leave, the entire Jade Butterfly Peak will be destroyed." The defense is empty..."

"Now is the critical moment for Sister Die to conclude the golden elixir. If something unexpected happens suddenly, I'm afraid there will be big trouble... Why don't you go back to Jade Butterfly Peak to take charge first? I can leave it to me!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I have made arrangements for Jade Butterfly Peak. While sending you a message, I also sent a message to Master Yong'an, asking him to temporarily help defend Jade Butterfly Peak... Master Yong'an is the direct descendant of Patriarch Yunxiao, and he regards me as his direct descendant and someone he can trust, so you don't have to worry. "

Fang Haoran listened to Lu Yu mentioning the name of Yong'an, and his heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that Lu Yu was really serious now.

However, even Master Yongan has moved out...Does he really think that the current situation has completely collapsed?

Ye Weilan nodded meekly: "I understand... Then I'll go over there now!"

"Well, go ahead! I'm waiting for your good news!"

Then, Lu Yu felt that the warm touch in his hand disappeared like quicksand, the void was strangely distorted, and Ye Weilan's graceful figure instantly sank into the shadows.

Fang Haoran couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

Seeing the shadow sneaking on the ground and attaching itself to his own shadow silently, he couldn't help but deliberately twist his body a few times, trying to see if he could shake it off. In the end, he found that not only could he not shake it off, but he also couldn't shake it off. I can't even notice any feeling...

Suddenly, his scalp couldn't help but feel even more numb...

Fortunately, this was one of our own, otherwise if it was really a hostile assassin, then I might not even know how he died.

"What are you squirming about? Why don't you hurry up and get down to business!"

Lu Yu stared at him and said dissatisfied.

Only then did Fang Haoran stop probing and let out a long breath: "I really don't know how you got such good luck. You met such a powerful demon spirit just by going out, and you were willing to marry him." Enlightenment couple..."

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business!" Lu Yu urged, "After the matter is settled, I will brag to you slowly!"

Fang Haoran was extremely depressed. He gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, immediately spread out his body, and quickly flew towards the Tianxiang Peak.

By this time the sun was setting in the west.

The afterglow of the setting sun paints the rocks, trees, pavilions and pavilions on Tianxiang Peak into a golden glory.

The mist rises at the foot of the mountain...

A group of crows circle back to their nests among the colorful clouds...

In front of me is a magnificent picture, as unreal as if it were in a dream.

In the dark, Lu Yu suddenly had an indescribable and ominous premonition in his heart.

Could this scene before me be the last peaceful dusk of the Dali Sword Sect?

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