Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 819 False Order

About a quarter of an hour later, streaks of escaping light suddenly flew up from the Tianxiang Peak, all of them speeding towards Lu Yu's direction.

Obviously, Fang Haoran had followed Lu Yu's instructions and deliberately spread false news to the real people that he had obtained new clues.

In the blink of an eye, all these escaping lights flew before our eyes.

Suddenly, shouts and questions rang out.

"Lu Yu, you said you have obtained new clues?"

"Is there really someone else who killed those two true disciples?"

"Are they really the devils of the Red Moon Demon Sect? Do you have any evidence?"

"What kind of evidence is it?"

"This is no joke. If you have any evidence, bring it out quickly!"

"Master Tianmiao is very stubborn about this matter. If you can really prove your innocence, then we will have an explanation for him..."

Facing a group of excited real-person elders, Lu Yu took his time and said calmly: "Fellow real-persons, don't be anxious. I already have a clue about this matter, and I will naturally bring out the evidence, but I still need more. I'll give you a moment, please be patient..."

"What the hell!"

All the powerful real people suddenly became dissatisfied, "Fang Haoran clearly said that you already have new clues. You asked all of us to come down, but now you want us to wait?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "I do have new clues, but I still need some time to sort them out..."

"You... you can't make sense of this! Are you sincerely trying to make fun of us?"

"The reason why we are in this situation today is entirely because of you, but I think you haven't learned any lessons at all!"

"Since we haven't obtained the evidence yet, why are you calling us down in such a hurry? It's just a waste of our time!"

All the real people were very angry and criticized Lu Yu one after another. Some of them wanted to leave and refused to stay here to waste time.


But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly shouted loudly.

Calling all the real people here was exactly part of his plan. The longer the real people stayed here, the more suspicious Tianmiao, who was on the Tianxiang Peak at this time, would be more likely to be exposed. How could Lu Yu agree to let him go? They left at will.

"Ancestor Yunxiao has an order. This matter is related to the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and is very involved. No one is allowed to leave this place without permission until the results of the investigation come out! Otherwise, he will be treated as a traitor!"

In desperation, Lu Yu had no choice but to move out the great god, Patriarch Yunxiao.

Suddenly, everyone froze in place, their faces full of astonishment.

"Is this an order from Patriarch Yunxiao?"

"Lu Yu, who are you trying to scare?"

"Bold rebel, do you know what a crime it is to falsely deliver an order?"

"You keep saying it's the ancestor's order? Then may I ask where the dharma is? Can you take it out?"

Everyone raised questions.

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "This is the oral instruction of our ancestors. There is no legal decree. If you don't believe it, you can try it! Anyway, it won't be long before everyone knows the result!"

Everyone was secretly surprised.

Frankly speaking, they didn't quite believe Lu Yu's words. It had been hundreds of years. The only instruction sent back to the Dali Sword Sect by Patriarch Yunxiao was to appoint Lu Yu as a disciple. How could he inexplicably send a message at this time? Order back?

Besides, this order was actually oral... How could an oral order be passed back?


The person who said this was Lu Yu after all, and he had an extraordinary relationship with Ancestor Yunxiao!

Moreover, his expression was so determined and confident...

As a result, everyone ran out of ideas for a moment, and all turned their attention to Li Wangji, who was the leader.

Li Wangji looked at Lu Yu silently for a moment and said, "Come with me."

With that said, he took Lu Yu aside.

"what is going on?"

Li Wangji lowered his voice and asked through a secret message.

As the leader of a sect, he clearly knew how difficult it was for Patriarch Yunxiao, who was above the sky, to contact the sect on the ground. Lu Yu's words had deceived everyone, but they could not deceive him at all.

However, he believed in Lu Yu's character and knew that he must have deep meaning in doing so, so he called him over to talk alone.

Lu Yu did not hide anything from Li Wangji and directly stated his true intention:

"To be honest, my right eyelid has been twitching ever since Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen blew up my head with facial paint. I have never felt this way before... I suspect that Master Tianmiao has other motives. , this move is just to make him confused, so that he can expose the conspiracy behind him! "

Li Wangji looked at Lu Yu for a few seconds, without asking for any details, but asked directly: "Are you sure you can succeed?"

Lu Yu nodded vigorously: "If he is really evil, he will definitely show his flaws, but it will take some time."

Li Wangji happily agreed: "Okay, then I will let all the real people cooperate with you to perform this play!"

So, with Li Wangji's cooperation, all the real people couldn't say anything and had no choice but to stay where they were and cooperate with Lu Yuqian and wait.

Although they could not say anything, the resentment in their hearts was obviously getting bigger, and their eyes looking at Lu Yu showed deep dissatisfaction.

Lu Yu didn't care about this.

Compared with the conspiracy of Lord Chiyue that may be hidden behind the scenes, the attitudes of these elders are not worth mentioning at all.

Besides, these real elders who were dissatisfied with him were originally the group of people who disliked him, and it was impossible to convince them with a kind attitude.

More than a quarter of an hour passed like this.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew down from Tianxiang Peak and landed in Lu Yu's palm. It was a communication talisman.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked towards Lu Yu.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Yu slowly unfolded the communication talisman.

Obviously, the plan had worked. This was exactly the secret report Ye Weilan quietly sent back to him.

However, after reading the contents of the secret report, Lu Yu couldn't help but froze.

He felt a chill all over his body, and there was no sound for a long time...

It turned out that when all the real masters had gone down the mountain and Master Tianmiao was alone, he did contact the outside world...

However, the person he contacted was somewhat different from what Lu Yu had guessed. It was neither Lord Chiyue nor the headquarters of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, but the Ice Emperor Island Master Lan Qianqiu of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect!

And according to the content of the message that Ye Weilan spied on, there are already eight exquisite pagodas in Wuya Immortal Pavilion, which have left the headquarters Piaomiao Peak and are now rushing towards the Dali Sword Sect at full speed.

The content of Master Tianmiao's message is precisely to coordinate the timing of the two parties' coordinated attacks!

In an instant, Lu Yu completely understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen's self-destruction was indeed to put the blame on themselves, but putting the blame on them was just a cover. Their real purpose was to find an excuse to send troops!

Only by using the excuse of seeking justice for his true disciples, could the main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion successfully cross the line of Yashan without arousing the vigilance of the Dali Sword Sect.

Even if the Dali Sword Sect noticed the strange movement in Wuya Immortal Pavilion, they would only think that they were coming for Lu Yu, but would not think that his real purpose was to fight against the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and cooperate with him!

In other words, from the beginning, the deaths of Duan Minglou and Ge Huairen were just a smoke screen to confuse everyone.

After figuring this out, Lu Yu couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

This is indeed an impossible conspiracy.

Just when everyone thought that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect had been frightened by Shangge Lao's "severing the sun and the moon with one sword", who could have imagined that Wuya Immortal Pavilion was already sharpening its sword against the Dali Sword Sect?

There was absolutely no sign before that Wuya Immortal Pavilion was about to turn against the Dali Sword Sect and start a war...

All of this obviously has something to do with Lord Chiyue...

But what is the real reason? Lu Yu had no clue at all...

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