Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 820 The wind is too strong to hear clearly

"How? But is there any result? Can you show the evidence now?"

At this time, the real elders around saw that Lu Yu had not responded for a long time, and couldn't help but ask.

Only then did Lu Yu come back to his senses.

What the reason is is no longer important now. The key is how to deal with the current crisis...

He set his sights on the Tianxiang Peak.

"Evidence... All real people, please follow me. I will find it for you now!"

After saying that, he immediately unfolded his body and quickly flew towards the Celestial Elephant Peak.

Before the person arrived, there was a sudden roar.

"Old Tianmiao! Come out quickly and die!"

Lu Yu's roar resounded throughout the Tianxiang Peak.

Master Tianmiao didn't respond at all, but he shocked all the elders first.

"Lu Yu, what are you doing?"

"Brother Tianmiao is a distinguished guest of Tianxiang Peak, how can he make a mistake!"

"You have already touched the bad luck of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, don't cause more trouble!"

"Could it be that you really have to see our Dali Sword Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion fall out completely before you give up?"

A group of real elders yelled angrily behind them, but Lu Yu turned a deaf ear and instead spread out his movements at full speed. His figure was as fast as a line, and in the blink of an eye he had reached the halfway point of Tianxiang Peak.

"Master Master, look at this..."

"This kid is so lawless!"

“If we don’t punish them severely, it will be difficult to enforce strict laws and disciplines!”

All the real elders turned around and complained to Li Wangji.

Li Wangji was also very surprised by Lu Yu's reaction, but this further showed that the matter was unusual. He didn't say anything at the moment, but just waved his hand: "Follow me and have a look first..."

As a result, a group of real strong men followed behind Lu Yu and chased him.

The wind whistled in my ears.

In just a few breaths, Lu Yu had already flown to the top of Tianxiang Peak.

Because of Ye Weilan, he quickly determined the location of Tian Miao without any effort, and was about to fly towards the courtyard where the other party was, but at this moment, a majestic figure stopped in front of him.

"Your Excellency, please stay!"

The man waved his hand, and in an instant, sword energy flew across the sky, and bright flying swords rose from all directions, forming a huge sword array, completely blocking Lu Yu's path.

"This is the important place of Tianxiang Peak. You are here uninvited, so please come back quickly!"

Lu Yu took a closer look and saw the person in front of him with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He had a proud character about him. He couldn't help but feel something in his heart: "Could it be that you are Senior Brother Ma Guangyuan?"

The man sneered: "Your Excellency is superb in Taoism. He can flatten vast mountains by demonstrating Taoism. He can make thousands of dragons dance by refining elixirs. His skills are unparalleled in the world. I don't dare to call you senior brother...but it's Ma's responsibility." "If you want to cause trouble here, I'm afraid I'll have to learn your clever tricks!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Senior Brother Ma, why did you say this? Senior Brother Ma has been able to occupy the second place on the Golden Sunflower Ranking for more than ten years. In fact, I admire you quite a lot... But I have something to say about this matter today. You think that flattering Mr. Tianmiao can maintain the engagement between you and Ruan Lijun, but you will be disappointed! "

"That's nonsense!"

Ma Guangyuan shouted angrily: "Master Tianmiao is a distinguished guest of our Tianxiang Peak. It is our duty to protect his safety. How can he be as unworthy as you say!"

Lu Yu said: "If you don't believe it, I will show you the evidence later... As for now, please forgive me for not accompanying you for a long time. If you have anything to say, wait until I capture Mr. Tianmiao!"

After saying that, there was a flash of flying flowers on his body, and he immediately rushed towards the direction of Tian Miao's real person.

Ma Guangyuan's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect Lu Yu to be so bold. Even when he was locked by his sword formation, he still dared to continue charging inside. It seemed that this man was just like the rumors. He was indeed a bold and lawless guy!

At that moment, he no longer hesitated, and immediately activated his magic power, controlling the sword formation to launch an offensive.

Every flying sword in the air turned into hundreds of shadows of sword blades. In the blink of an eye, the entire top of Tianxiang Peak was shrouded in sword shadows. Like a swarm of flying locusts, they all stabbed towards Lu Yu. past.

Lu Yu didn't panic, and actually laughed.

"Is this the "Tianxiang Baoguang Jue"? It is indeed Tianxiang Peak's exclusive secret! It's a pity that my aunt has already told me the secret to cracking this technique... What's more, with Senior Brother Ma's A little sword formation is nothing compared to my aunt’s exquisite sword formation!”

As he spoke, Lu Yu was seen holding the sword in his hand, and the two butterflies flew in two. The two blades danced around his body as fast as hot wheels.

Immediately, all the sword shadows that stabbed Lu Yu were bounced away. Not only could they not hurt Lu Yu at all, but Lu Yu also used the rebound to rush towards the interior of Tianxiang Peak at a faster speed.

Ma Guangyuan couldn't help but be stunned.

His sword array offensive is called "Thousand Shadows Kill". Even if he faces a real strong person, he is confident to fight against it.

But now, it was broken in such a way. This was the first time he had seen such a scene...

This shows that the opponent is not only highly skilled, but also has reached a terrifying level of cultivation.

At this time, he could only watch Lu Yu fly away with the help of the "Thousand Shadow Kill"'s counter-pushing force, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Old Tianmiao, why don't you come out and die? How long are you going to hide? Do you still want to wait for Lan Qianqiu to come and rescue you?"

Lu Yu shouted loudly.

Hearing what Lu Yu said, the real elders who were chasing after him couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts. They didn't know how Tianmiao got involved with Lan Qianqiu, the owner of Ice King Island.

Master Tianmiao couldn't sit still at this time, and finally flew out of his residence, shouting angrily: "Young man with a yellow mouth, you dare to talk nonsense in front of me. Since you are bent on seeking death, I will help you!"

Immediately, an exquisite pagoda descended from the sky, with endless air waves rolling around it, carrying the might of heaven, and suppressed it towards Lu Yu.

Seeing this scene, the real elders behind them couldn't help but feel dizzy.

If this pagoda was really smashed down, regardless of whether Lu Yu would die or not, half of the entire Tianxiang Peak would probably be smashed by him.

"Brother Tianmiao! Show mercy!"

"Children are ignorant! Don't be impulsive!"

"Please calm down!"

"Brother Tianmiao, I brought this unscrupulous disciple to apologize to you!"

"Lu Yu! Why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

A group of real elders were extremely anxious.

He was angry at Lu Yu for being so arrogant and reckless, and he also hated himself for being too slow and out of reach.

Seeing that Lu Yu was about to be suppressed under the pagoda, but at this moment, the shadow behind Master Tianmiao suddenly became strangely distorted.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful female figure appeared out of thin air, and a dagger engraved with the mark of the night owl stabbed Tianmiao's heart accurately and cruelly.

Suddenly, the pagoda body falling from the sky stopped abruptly.

Instead, Lu Yu smoothly rushed in front of Master Tianmiao. Dieshuang Fei raised his sword and stabbed Master Tianmiao through him without any effort.

The two of them worked together flawlessly.

Die Shuangfei and Ye Xiao's dagger worked in tandem, perfectly suppressing the golden elixir in Tian Miao's body, making it unable to exert any more force.

Master Tianmiao's face was full of astonishment, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Lu Yu picked it up, and he couldn't help but send out several red lotus powers, firmly restraining the key points of Tian Miao's body, so that the golden elixir in his body could no longer move at all.

Then, Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the belated arrival of the real elders.

"Mr. Huang Ge, what did you say just now? Kneel down and beg for mercy? I'm sorry, the wind was too strong just now and I didn't hear clearly..."

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