Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 823 Yunji responds

Yuanjiangwei City.

This is the most prosperous and busy place in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

As Li Wangji issued the first-level battle order, people's faces couldn't help but be filled with astonishment.

Soon, the entire market fell into panic, and people hurriedly packed up their stalls and quickly began to evacuate.

The disciples of the Da Li Sword Sect also withdrew to their respective peaks, including the disciples who were building a new market on the lake, and the disciples who were waiting to receive tasks on Langya Peak. They all took to the air with their swords and retreated hastily.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were in chaos.

The traffickers, footmen, merchants and tourists on the ground were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, while the disciples of various peaks in the sky were like a group of tired birds returning to the forest with their wings constantly flapping.

However, all this is just the beginning...

The so-called first-level battle order response is not just as simple as informing everyone to prepare for battle.

As Li Wangji's order was issued, within the entire area of ​​the Dali Sword Sect, there were bright beams of light rising from various mountain dojos!

Tianxiang Peak, Wangyue Peak, Baiyun Peak, Tianlan Peak, Tianquan Peak, Zixia Peak, Qingyang Peak, Cuizhu Peak, Baoding Peak...from south to north, from east to west, regardless of strength or weakness, Big or small, all of them, without exception, emitted a beam of light that shot straight into the sky!

There are a total of sixty-eight mountain peaks, and there are sixty-eight pillars of light rising into the sky!

The light emitted by these light pillars converged in the sky and formed a huge network, forming an unprecedentedly huge force field.

As this huge force field was generated, countless light points stagnated in mid-air, and then fell one after another.

People picked up these "light spots" in astonishment, only to discover that they were actually communication talismans...

Under the influence of this force field, all communications have been isolated and blocked, and the entire Dali Sword Sect has become a place of martial law.

From this moment on, any personal communication is prohibited, and only the exclusive communication channels between the various peaks can be used normally.

In a corner of Yuanjiangwei City, in the courtyard of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, Yu Rongzhou also picked up a "light spot" and said with surprise on his face: "What on earth is going on?"

On the side, Yu Wanli, the president of Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, said with emotion:

"Level 1 battle order, this is the highest level of combat readiness of the Dali Sword Sect..."

"As soon as this order came out, all the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect gathered together to respond... At that time, the territory of the Dali Sword Sect will be under full martial law. All disciples of all peaks must return to their posts. No one is allowed to go out privately, and all outside contact is cut off. Only Follow the instructions of the commander of the school..."

"Originally I just heard about such a thing in the Dali Sword Sect, but I didn't expect that I actually encountered it this time!"

Yu Rongzhou said with lingering fear: "I wonder what happened? Could it be that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect came here?"

Yu Wanli thought for a moment: "I'm afraid it will be worse than this..."

In recent years, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has been relied on by Yudie Peak, almost as a well-known affiliated organization, so Yu Wanli also has a certain degree of understanding of the internal situation of Dali Sword Sect.

Just listen to him continue: "The news that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is going to attack the Dali Sword Sect has been spread for a long time, but our benefactor is not in a hurry at all, and even orders us to cooperate with Baoding Peak... This shows that My benefactor and the others must have a way to deal with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but if something like this happens suddenly, I'm afraid something more serious will happen..."

Yu Rongzhou sighed: "My benefactor didn't send a summons in advance. Now our eyes are darkened and we don't know what's going on. What should we do next?"

Yu Wanli said: "We should remain unchanged to cope with all changes. Next, we will stick to the door, appease the morale of the army, and don't cause chaos to our benefactor... As for the rest, just wait quietly for the results of our benefactor and others. What problem can’t be solved by my benefactor?”

Yu Rongzhou nodded.

The courtyard he was in at this time could overlook a vast lake, which was the "new market" of Yuanjiangwei City that Lu Yu had created with the power of his sword.

Seeing this scene, the panic in Yu Rongzhou's heart gradually calmed down.

Yes, how could the benefactor, who possesses such great power, be stumped by the predicament in front of him?

Just as he was thinking this, suddenly a brilliance shone in the sky, and a shower of meteors flew past, all disappearing toward the northeast.

Yu Rongzhou has been in the Dali Sword Sect for so long, so he naturally knows that these are the escape lights that can only be controlled by a real strong person.

It seems that there is indeed an emergency situation, so that a large number of real strong people have gathered towards the northeast corner...

Yu Rongzhou also knew that although his benefactor's cultivation level had not yet reached the level of a real person, his strength was no less than that of a real person.

I wonder if one of these escaping lights happens to be the omnipotent benefactor?

The light flies by like a meteor shower falling.

In addition to seeing this scene in Yuanjiangwei City, similar scenes can also be seen in other places in Dali Sword Sect.

Especially at Tianxiang Peak, which is located at the center of the battle order release, we can see the gleaming brilliance of tail flames dragging all over the sky.

In the territory of Dali Sword Sect, Wangyue Peak and Baiyun Peak stand proudly in the west, while Tianxiang Peak dominates the northeast corner. If the Wuya Immortal Pavilion army attacks, then this will be the first line of battle. .

Therefore, it is indeed a very suitable place to serve as the frontline command center.

But Li Wangji summoned so many powerful real people at once, including the leaders of each peak who would never leave the peak. Such intensity was still somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

"The leader of Baiyun Peak, Ting Yuan, is here!"

"The first Master Jianlong of Qingyang Peak is here!"

"The first Nuan Xia real person in Bishui Peak is here!"

As the deacons guarding the mountain gate continued to sing, tyrannical figures with unfathomable cultivation levels came to the Tianxiang Peak one after another.

The disciples of Tianxiang Peak were completely frightened. When had they ever seen such a formation?

Those who know it think this is Tianxiang Peak, and those who don't know think this is Wulao Peak... Even when the elders meeting is held at Wulao Peak, there will never be such a neat real strong person.

At this moment, even the dullest Tianxiang Peak disciples knew that something extraordinary would happen next.


The entire Tianxiang Peak suddenly shook.

All the disciples of Tianxiang Peak were shocked. They thought that a powerful enemy had already arrived, so they all screamed in surprise.

Then, everyone discovered that this earth-shaking force originally came from within Tianxiang Peak.

A purple mansion shrouded in the glow slowly rises from among the peaks as the mountain vibrates.

At this time, Li Wangji, who had always been as serious as water, suddenly laughed happily.

"Brother Zifu, long time no see!"

Only then did everyone wake up from a dream.

The deacon who was responsible for guarding the singing shouted even more ecstatically:

"Our first real person has come out of seclusion! Our first real person has come out of seclusion!"

In an instant, up and down the Tianxiang Peak, inside and outside, all the disciples knelt together, their eyes were blazing, and they shouted in unison:

"Congratulations to the first real person to come out of seclusion!"

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