Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 824: Keep the enemy at bay

The leader of Tianxiang Peak, Master Zifu...

Looking at the slowly rising purple mansion, Lu Yu thought silently in his heart.

His cultivation realm at this time is no longer what it used to be, so he has a more intuitive understanding of the strength of these real strong men around him.

At this time, in his opinion, the strong man sitting in the purple mansion seemed to be even stronger than the top strong men such as Li Wangji, Feng Ruhai, Du Tingyuan and so on.

"As expected of Master Zifu..."

Lu Yu murmured to himself, and at the same time he couldn't help but think of what Yang Chudie once told him, a past event related to Zhenren Zifu...

It is said that before Li Wangji succeeded to the throne and became the master, Master Zifu was a strong contender for the position of master, and the two of them had a very unhappy fight over the position of master...

In the end, the real person of the Zi Mansion failed in the fight for the throne, and Li Wangji firmly took the position of leader.

From then on, Master Zifu lived in seclusion behind the scenes and began to concentrate on practicing in seclusion. Over the years, he has only been out of seclusion a handful of times, and some of them may not have been because he failed to compete for the throne and became discouraged...

Now it seems that Master Zifu may indeed have been depressed back then, but his efforts in cultivation were still fruitful.

"Brother Zifu Taoist..."

"Brother Taoist, stay well..."

"haven't seen you for a long time……"

As the door of the mansion opened, a middle-aged man who thought his aura was extremely powerful walked out of it, and the real strong men around him immediately stepped forward to say hello to him.

This also illustrates his strength and status. Even if he has been living in seclusion for many years, no one dares to look down upon him in the slightest.

Master Zifu stepped on the auspicious clouds and walked up from the void. While nodding to everyone, he walked directly in front of Li Wangji.

"Li Wangji, I didn't expect that after so many years, you, the master, have been treated as if you are the same as your cultivation level. It seems that there is no progress at all... What happened this time? Why did you issue a first-level battle order?"

Li Wangji smiled bitterly and said: "Ashamed... Wangji is incompetent. He has been in charge of the Dali Sword Sect for many years, but it has put the Dali Sword Sect into such a dangerous situation... This moment is really a critical moment of life and death, otherwise I would not have been in a hurry. Gathering everyone here..."

Then, Li Wangji told the situation faced by the Dali Sword Sect, not only to explain it to the real person Zifu, but also to other real strong people who came in a hurry and didn't know the cause and effect.

All the powerful real people were shocked.

Only then did I know that the Yuhai Immortal Sect had actually colluded with Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and were conspiring to jointly attack the Dali Sword Sect...

After hearing the cause and effect of the matter, Master Zifu's face couldn't help but become solemn:

"The Jade Sea Immortal Sect is so ambitious that they have been thinking about this treasure land of our Dali Sword Sect back then. It is really not surprising that they would do such a thing... But Wuya Immortal Pavilion has always been close to us. What is their purpose?" , actually want to draw a sword against us? "

"What exactly is the reason? I'm afraid we have to wait for him to know the more precise news..."

Li Wangji pointed his finger at Lu Yu and said.

Therefore, Master Zifu also looked at Lu Yu, looked at it for a moment, and then said: "Although I have been in retreat, I heard Zhenlin tell you about your deeds. I didn't expect that our Dali Sword Sect would have you. For such a rising star, Patriarch Yunxiao really has a discerning eye..."

After a pause, he continued: "Judging from the current situation, the two factions of Yuhai and Wuya are conspiring together. Lord Chiyue must be the middle man to coordinate the situation. If he wants to completely crush their alliance, We must know the reason behind this, otherwise we can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause... If this happens, we still need you to continue to dig deeper into the secrets, so that we, the Dali Sword Sect, can complete the battle! "

Lu Yu replied: "Master Zifu is too polite. This is the disciple's responsibility. When the disciple recovers some strength, he will definitely continue to dig deeper... However, the most important thing at the moment is to destroy the Wuya Immortal Pavilion first. Let’s talk about it with the main force, otherwise we won’t have any chance to cure the symptoms or the root cause!”

Master Zifu nodded in agreement, then looked at Li Wangji and said, "Does the Master have any plans? What do you want us to do?"

Li Wangji's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Zhenlin said that he would personally lead the Tianxiang Peak disciples to lead the battle and resist the enemy in the Huiyue Bay area... I think this move is too conservative. Since we want to fight, then let's fight We must use the power of thunder to knock off the seven inches that hit the enemy..."

"So, my plan is to divide all the real people on the battlefield into two, and let Mr. Shangge, Mr. Huangge, Brother Hailing, Brother Cangsong, Brother Tingyuan and Brother Zifu jointly lead one group. And carrying six sets of the 'Turtle Breath Rising Dragon' elixir, with the power of thunder, we must annihilate all Wuya Immortal Pavilion's troops in Huiyue Bay!"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

You know, due to the shortage of materials, Lu Yu refined a total of eight sets of Turtle Breath and Dragon Elixir. Unexpectedly, Li Wangji decided to invest six sets here at once.

Such a move has to be said to be very risky and bold.

"Half of the powerful real people attack and return to Yuewan, then the faction must be empty. What if the Jade Sea Immortal Sect takes the opportunity to attack at this time?" Someone questioned.

"They don't have such a chance." Li Wangji said.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Li Wangji continued: "Strictly order the disciples of each peak to guard the door tightly, and the other half of the remaining real masters will follow me to attack the main force of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect! I will invite the Heavenly Sword Canon to use the power of the Sword Canon to Give the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating fleet a fatal blow!"

Everyone was speechless.

I didn’t expect that Li Wangji would be so determined and even use the Litian Sword Code!

The Litian Sword Code is indeed extremely powerful, but once it is used, it may not be able to regain its power within a hundred years. By then, the entire Dali Sword Sect will be weak for a hundred years...

"However, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating fleet is too maneuverable. If we take the initiative and they raid our base behind us, wouldn't we be in big trouble?" Someone else questioned.

Li Wangji shook his head: "If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached? If we don't take the initiative, we will always be under the threat of the other party. How long can we beware of them?"

"Furthermore, at this time, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion are colluding. They must wait for the cooperation of each other, so they will not act rashly at this time, let alone think that we will take the initiative!"

"This opportunity is fleeting. Once the news of the destruction of the Wuya Immortal Pavilion troops comes out, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will definitely be alarmed! This is our only chance to resist the enemy!"

Li Wangji's voice was deafening.

After a pause, he softened his tone again and turned to look at Lu Yu: "Of course, in order to be able to hit the target with one hit, the prepared intelligence is the greatest guarantee... So, during the period before the battle of Huiyue Bay begins, you We must dig out more information from Master Tianmiao as soon as possible!"

Without waiting for Lu Yu to respond, Li Wangji raised his voice and said: "As for the rest, you don't need to say anything else. This plan is my decision as the master of the sect. If anyone wants to object, it is equivalent to asking me. issue a challenge!"

After saying that, Li Wangji looked around the entire audience with fierce eyes.

All the powerful real men bowed their heads silently, and no one dared to look at them.

On the contrary, Master Zi Mansion burst into laughter: "Brother Wangji, frankly speaking, you and I have been fighting for the position for more than two hundred years, but it was not until this moment that I felt that you, the Master Master, really impressed me. Convinced!”

After a while, the light above Tianxiang Peak shone in the sky again.

The stars flew towards the distant night sky.

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