Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 825 Fellow Taoist, please stay.

In the northern seas, there are heavy rains.

Amidst the heavy rain, a lone boat shuttled through the turbulent waves.

It was already late at night, and the night was as dark as ink. It was difficult to see even one's fingers. Coupled with the huge waves that looked like an angry dragon rolling back, even the five-masted giant ship recently built by the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce did not dare to operate in such sea conditions. Sail as you wish.

However, this lonely boat was not affected at all, and it was always stable as it shuttled through the turbulent waves.

If you zoom in, you will find that this is not a lonely boat at all, but a huge iron ruler, which just turns into a canoe and rides the wind and waves on the sea.

The people who control this huge "iron ruler" are even more incredible. They are two real men with strong cultivation.

One of them is Master Bailu of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and the other is Master Yechi, the owner of this iron ruler weapon.

"This weather is really evil. The weather had been fine before, but suddenly it started raining heavily after dark. It continued for several hours without stopping."

Master Ye Chi complained dissatisfiedly while controlling the magical weapon.

He and Master Bailu were responsible for the security patrol in the nearest area, but this sudden and strange weather not only blocked their sight, but also doubled his consumption of real energy.

Master Bailu frowned and said worriedly: "There seems to be something wrong with the situation..."

"Brother Bailu, aren't you talking nonsense? Didn't you realize something was wrong until now?"

Master Yechi said: "In this season, there are strong winds and heavy rains in the Northern Sea, and it cannot last for several hours. This is obviously not a natural weather phenomenon... Because of this, we have to patrol here. Let’s see what tricks Dali Sword Sect is playing again!”

Master Bailu shook his head: "I'm not talking about this... Brother Yechi, don't you think the Dali Sword Sect is a little too quiet tonight?"

"Too quiet?"

Master Yechi was slightly stunned.

Amidst the heavy rain, the Middle-earth continent in the distance was completely dark. Even with his eyesight as a real strong man, his eyes were completely dark. He really couldn't see any difference between this and the past.

"Really?" In the end, Master Yechi looked confused.

"I hope I'm worrying too much..." Master Bailu sighed.

Master Yechi patted Master Bailu on the shoulder and comforted him: "Brother Taoist, don't be nervous. As long as we persist for two days, when the main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion arrives, we can retire with success..."

"However, speaking of it, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is too timid. Since we have decided to attack the Dali Sword Sect, why should we be so cautious? There are clearly eight armies of exquisite pagodas, so why should we be so cautious?"

"We were also worried that they would be attacked by the Dali Sword Sect, so they specially asked us to come as an outpost to clear the way for them... Could it be that under the attack of the troops from our two factions, the Dali Sword Sect could still escape from the sky?"

Master Bailu said: "It's always good to be careful. They just put up such a terrifying battle a few days ago, not to mention they also have the Litian Sword Code. I don't think anyone wants to Face to face with an artifact like the Litian Sword Code..."

Before he finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly penetrated the clouds and illuminated the night sky.


The two of them exclaimed in surprise at the same time. Before they could express their opinions, several rays of light shot through the clouds, like a vast meteor shower.

"Not good! The situation has changed! The main force of the Dali Sword Sect has attacked!"

Master Bailu's body was greatly shaken, and his face was horrified.

Looking around, I saw that there were fifty or sixty escaping lights in the sky. I am afraid that half of the powerful real people in the entire Dali Sword Sect have already been dispatched.

So many real people's escaping lights appeared in the night sky at the same time. Even he had never seen such a scene.

"Quick! Quick! Retreat...retreat immediately!"

Master Bailu urged repeatedly.

Master Ye Chi hurriedly controlled the iron ruler instrument and immediately changed its direction.

They now only hope that with the help of the cover of the strong wind and waves, these real strong men cannot find their traces for a while.

However, this beautiful wish soon came to nothing. Dozens of escaping lights surrounded them directly in their direction. The reason why these escaping lights penetrated the clouds was just to hit them.

"Brother Bailu Taoist, don't worry about exposing your whereabouts anymore! Your evasion speed is faster. Hurry up and retreat first, and I will cut off the rear for you!" Master Ye Chi said through gritted teeth.

After saying that, without waiting for Master Bailu to respond, he suddenly shook the iron ruler and threw Master Bailu away far away.

Then he still turned around, and the iron ruler swung across the air, instantly increasing a hundred times, blocking the bright light behind him.

Master Bailu was shocked in his heart, but he also knew that this was not the time for mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and everything had to focus on the overall situation...

Without hesitation, he immediately took out a pair of jade rings and unfolded them. Suddenly, a dazzling flame shot out from the rings, and his light escape speed increased in an instant.


There was a huge roar behind him, and it was obvious that Master Yechi had engaged with dozens of escaping lights behind him, but Master Bailu did not dare to look back at all.

Even if he didn't look at it, he could still imagine the scene behind him. With only one person's strength, Master Ye Chi must have been swallowed up by the opponent with overwhelming force...

Master Bailu immediately became even more panicked, and pushed his speed to the limit with all his strength, wishing he could use up all his energy to suck milk.

At this moment, it can be said that he was even more embarrassed than when he was avoiding Lu Yu's Star Sword Art.

However, what made him feel even more desperate was that a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Fellow Taoist, please stay for now..."

His light escaping speed is only close to that of a top-tier powerhouse, but among the powerhouses behind him, there are truly top-tier powerhouses!

Master Bailu was immediately frightened out of his wits.

At this time, he had no fighting spirit and no longer thought about how to fight back. He quickly took out the communication talisman and wanted to quickly convey the news here before he was captured.

Finally, the hard work paid off, the message was sent out smoothly, and the brilliance of the talisman flew into the sky...

Master Bailu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a majestic and majestic mansion suddenly appeared in the sky.

The mansion exuded purple brilliance, and a huge phantom of a hand stretched out from the mansion, effortlessly intercepting the brilliance of the talisman.

Bailu's body shook violently, and for a moment he felt cold all over.

A name suddenly appeared in his mind. It was a powerful person who was already famous when he was a young apprentice of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

Master Zifu!

I didn’t expect that even he would come out of the mountain...

This shows that there has indeed been a huge change in the Dali Sword Sect that they did not expect!

At this moment, he felt that the originally good situation suddenly became gloomy and gloomy...

"Brother Zifu, these two people are sneaky. They seem to be enemy sentries. I don't know how to deal with them?"

The battle between the two sides ended in an instant. Everyone captured the two dying people and came to seek instructions from Master Zifu.

"Kill him!"

Master Zifu didn't even look back and said casually: "We don't have the skills of that kid Lu Yu. We can dig out the memories directly from their heads. What's the use of keeping them?"

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Suddenly, the two heads fell and were thrown into the windy and rainy northern sea together with the bodies.

Master Zifu still didn't look back, looking ahead silently, not knowing what he was thinking...

"Brother Zifu, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Mr. Shang Ge asked with concern from the side.

"Is this turtle's breath dragon elixir really refined by that kid Lu Yu?" asked the real person of Zifu.

Mr. Shangge was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the real person of Zifu was in a daze because of the completely unrelated Turtle Breath Shenglong Pill.

"How can it be false? This matter was witnessed by more than 20 real strong men of our Dali Sword Sect with our own eyes!"

"However, we only tested the Shenglong Baoyuan Pill that day, and not the Turtle Breath Meteor Pill. According to Lu Yu, taking the Turtle Breath Meteor Pill can not only increase the effect of the burst, but also reduce the side effects after the burst. ...Brother Zifu, do you feel any discomfort?"

"That's not the's just that the feeling after taking this elixir reminds me of a past event!" Master Zifu said with emotion.

Mr. Shangge couldn't help but be startled.

Master Zifu immediately calmed down and said, "Let's go! With the help of such a magical elixir, it is simply unreasonable not to capture Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

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