Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 826 Opening the Treasure House


The night sky is as bright as day.

At this time, a group of real people had left Tianxiang Peak and arrived at Wulao Peak.

Including Lu Yu and Tian Miao, everyone also moved over.

Ye Weilan was naturally among them. Because she was equipped with the black tail of the dragon fish, her escape speed was no less than those of these real people. She even had enough energy to take Lu Yu with her.

Everyone's escaping lights fell one after another around the Council of Elders in the center of Wulao Peak.

Several elders responsible for guarding this place immediately came forward to greet them.

After all, Wulao Peak is the center of gravity of the Dali Sword Sect. Since the first-level battle order was issued, there are still several pavilion elders guarding here and they did not leave rashly.

When these pavilion elders saw Ye Weilan, they became obviously vigilant. Apparently they noticed the aura of the demon spirit on her body and couldn't figure out why she appeared here.

However, after seeing Lu Yu standing next to her...

After all, these pavilion elders didn't say anything and acquiesced that she could enter.

"Mr. Zhang Ge, how is the current situation in each peak?"

Li Wangji asked directly without any courtesy.

"Reporting to the Master, the disciples from all peaks have returned to their posts. Although people's hearts are inevitably a little flustered for the time being, the overall situation is pretty good at the moment." One of the pavilion elders replied.

"How is the operation status of the Dali Barrier?" Li Wangji asked again.

The Great Li Barrier is made up of sixty-eight intertwined light pillars. At this time, there is a huge magic circle in the sky.

When each mountain peak is opened, a formation cornerstone will be rooted in the dojo as the basis for opening the mountain dojo, and it will be inspected regularly every few years. The purpose is to prepare for a rainy day in order to deal with situations like the present. state of war.

"The Dali Barrier is operating stably. Currently, all sixty-eight formation cores are online. There are no dead ends in the entire Dali Sword Sect's territory. According to the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens, The barrier can probably remain stable for about three days," Mr. Zhang Ge replied again.

Li Wangji nodded and looked at the other elder beside him: "Elder Zhu, please open the Tiangong treasure house!"

Mr. Zhu Ge couldn't help but be startled.

The Tiangong Treasure House is a place dedicated to storing magical weapons and magical treasures. It is the most advanced treasure house in the entire Dali Sword Sect. In the past, whenever Li Wangji needed any treasure, he would just ask him to take out one piece. How could he open the entire treasure house like this? Something that has never happened before.

However, he also knew that this was a special moment, so he didn't say much and replied directly: "Master, please come with me..."

As a result, everyone crossed the High Pavilion Council and reached the highest level of the main peak.

Zhu Ge's veteran hand kneaded the magic formula and uttered a mantra in his mouth.

Suddenly, the mountain in front of him changed rapidly. The mountain that was originally shrouded in clouds and mist turned into a cliff that was narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, like a sharp sword hanging upside down.

"Please ask the master to verify the key imprint!" Mr. Zhu Ge said.

Li Wangji raised his hand and used the power of the golden elixir to unleash a unique force, hitting a spherical protrusion on the cliff.

The protruding spherical surface immediately sunk down.

However, there are four similar spheres in total.

So Mr. Zhu Ge invited two other elders who were guarding here, and they also used their own power of golden elixir to verify the key mark.

Then it was himself who verified the last key imprint.

All four spherical protrusions were sunken.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and the cliff in front of him suddenly split into two, like a box, and violent spiritual energy fluctuations surged from it like a tidal wave.

Brilliance rises all over the sky, among countless arrays of treasures, all of which are divine weapons or magic weapons above the spiritual level.

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Before, he was envious of the many weapons and weapons in the Bixiao Shrine. Now that he saw the "family wealth" of the Dali Sword Sect, he realized that his treasures were not inferior to others...

Li Wangji moved his hand, took out one piece, and handed it directly to Lu Yu.

"This is the Lingxi Pot, which can help you quickly recover your vitality. I will leave it to you for the time being. I hope you can dig out more details about the enemy's troop deployment from Master Tianmiao as soon as possible!"

Lu Yu was stunned and took it blankly.

I felt a warmth in my tentacles. Not only did the real energy in my body increase crazily, but even the spent mental energy was quickly restored.

Lu Yu suddenly became energetic.

Secretly, this is indeed a good treasure! No wonder he is envied by other major sects!

You must know that there are ways to recover injuries, but the means to restore vitality are very scarce. Even the recovery elixir refined with the best materials has little effect.

When he and Ye Weilan were fleeing at sea, if he had such a treasure, he wouldn't be in such a mess...

"Thank you Master Master! I will definitely try my best to not disappoint you Master Master!" Lu Yu responded.

Li Wangji nodded, raised his hand again, and took out another treasure from the treasure house.

Lu Yu suddenly felt a chill coming over him, which was in sharp contrast with the warm Lingxi pot in his hand. Even the cold hairs on his body could not help but stand up.

Ye Weilan on the side couldn't help but frown slightly, and his body involuntarily tensed up.

I saw that it was a strange sword in the shape of flowing water. Judging from the spiritual power fluctuations it caused, it was no less powerful than the Spring Conch possessed by Yang Chudie.

In other words, this is an Earth Spirit Divine Weapon!

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. There were only a handful of Earth Spirit Divine Weapons in the entire Dali Sword Sect, and suddenly a thunderous name came to his mind.

"This is the Hate Water Sword..."

As expected, Li Wangji quickly verified what Lu Yu was thinking.

"Life is long and full of hatred... Everyone must know the origin of this sword. It was the thing left behind by Patriarch Chonghua when he failed to overcome the tribulation and died. It also contains the endless memory of Patriarch Chonghua. Hate, so there is a famous saying like 'Hate the water as long as life grows eastward' spread throughout the world..."

"This sword has been passed down to the hands of senior masters of our sect several times, and has created many mythical deeds. However, the previous sword masters were unable to control the hatred attached to the sword, so that they were taken advantage of by their inner demons and eventually went wrong. Become a demon, your cultivation level will decline..."

"Therefore, this can be said to be a 'double-edged sword'! There must be a person with a firm and stable Taoist heart who can control this sword... Now, when danger is approaching, who is willing to take charge?"

After saying that, Li Wangji turned around and looked around at everyone, holding the Water Sword of Hate in his hand.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

It's not that they are so noble and upright that they don't covet such an earthly magic weapon, but the legends and stories that happened on this magic weapon are too weird. It can almost be said that it is a cursed magic weapon...

Therefore, everyone had to weigh in their hearts whether they had the ability to control such a magical weapon.

"Let me do it!"

Suddenly a voice responded.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was the first Maoye Master of Cuizhu Peak.

Li Wangji stroked his beard, nodded and said, "Taoist Brother Mao Ye is indeed the most suitable candidate to hold this sword..."

With that said, he handed the Hate Water Sword into the hands of Maoye Zhenren.

Master Maoye's face was full of pain, but his eyes were extremely firm.

He held the sword in his hand, and then a magical scene happened!

The Hate Water Sword, which was originally in the form of flowing water, suddenly burst out with a cold light and instantly became as solid as iron stone.

Lu Yu was greatly surprised and secretly wondered if there was something sad about Mao Ye's past. Otherwise, why would Li Wangji say that he was the most suitable candidate?

Li Wangji ignored the changes in the Hate Water Sword, and then took out the third treasure.

This time it was a dark classic, carved from an unknown material, as thick and huge as a slab of stone.

Lu Yu immediately felt that all the real energy in his body was restless.

Even the Die Shuangfei and Feihong Sword hidden in the Qiankun Bag could not stop buzzing and trembling.

At this moment, Li Wangji no longer needed to introduce it, and he guessed the name of this treasure.

This is the supreme treasure of the sect that has suppressed for eternity, convinced all the heroes in the world, and made countless demons shed blood - the Litian Sword Code.

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