Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 830 It’s hard to tell the truth from the false

Under the vast starry sky.

After a violent shock, there were only some remaining lights and shadows left in the sky, but they were still as gorgeous and colorful as a grand fireworks.


Ye Weilan looked up at this scene, her heart filled with shock: "Is this considered a success?"

"Barely..." Lu Yu said, "The main reason is that we don't have enough time. Let's just deduce it to this level for the time being. I think it should be enough..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand.

Suddenly, the lights and shadows in the sky froze and flew toward him with a whirring sound. They gathered into the shape of a book in his hand, which was a miniature version of the Litian Sword Canon.

This miniature version is different from the dark and heavy texture of the actual book. Instead, it is colorful and brilliant... What it carries is not the unique skills of the sword code in the true sense, but is based on his star secrets and various other sword secrets. It's just a set of "combination skills" that assist from the side.

Such a "combination skill" is naturally far from the real Li Tianjian Dian, but it is already the limit of what he can do under the current conditions.

"However, how should we convey the content of this to Li Wangji and the others? This is really worrying..."

Lu Yu gently rubbed the "Sword Code" in his hand, and couldn't help showing a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face.

This is an illusion of thoughts, and the "Sword Book" in his hand is naturally also a collection of thoughts and consciousness.

Although the "Sword Code" was just a small book in his hand at this time, in the real world, if he was asked to dictate it, he would not be able to explain it clearly even for three days and three nights.

"No matter what, let's go out and see the situation first!"

In the end, Lu Yu still couldn't come up with any good solution.

He took Ye Weilan's hand and left this illusion together.

The sea breeze is still sounding...

The tide is still surging...

The only difference is that there are several white light groups standing in front of them, which are the light emitted by the communication talisman...

Obviously, Li Wangji and others' search had yielded results, so they sent a summons to notify him, and they sent several messages in succession, presumably to urge him to hurry over.

However, Lu Yu was not busy opening the message, because there was a figure standing on the sea outside the emerald leaves, and Die Shuangfei was watching vigilantly.

"You finally woke up..."

The man suddenly spoke, but it was the real Caiwei who lent them the jade leaves before.

"What is the origin of this mysterious weapon of yours? It looks really bluffing..." Master Caiwei looked at Die Shuangfei in front of him, with lingering fear.

"Nothing to do with it..."

Lu Yu waved his hand, and Die Shuangfei immediately withdrew and landed firmly on his hand: "This sword is called 'Die Shuangfei', and it is just a weapon forged by our first master..."

"Master Yudie is amazing! I remember when she forged the Red Luan Sword, it shocked the whole sect. I didn't expect that there would be such a masterpiece later..." Master Caiwei admired sincerely.

"So, you really met her when you traveled overseas this time? I wonder when she will come back? I have accumulated a lot of materials over the years, and I am preparing to forge a weapon, waiting for her When I come back, I can ask her to give me some details."

Lu Yu replied: "I don't know the specific behavior of the first master, but... I think it will be soon!"

Ye Weilan listened to the exchange between the two, and couldn't help but think to herself: Yu Lang's words are really impeccable... But what he said seems to be right. When things here come to an end, Sister Die successfully concluded a A first-grade golden elixir, I am afraid that by then we will be ready to find Sister Die’s sister, right?

"Why did Master Caiwei come back alone?" Lu Yu asked again.

Master Caiwei said: "Because you haven't responded to the summons for a long time, the master is worried, so he asked me to come back to check the situation... Don't worry, I have already replied to the master, and he knows that you are fine."

Lu Yu felt no shame and asked: "So, you have found the location of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleet?"

"I think I've found it, but the situation is a bit complicated..." Caiwei's real face looked troubled, "You'd better follow me first, and wait until we get to the master!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart, wondering what kind of problems Li Wangji had encountered.

But this is the normal process. The Jade Sea Immortal Sect has built such an invincible fleet. On the surface, it seems to have unlimited glory, but in fact, it has also consumed almost all the family wealth. If you want to win it in one fell swoop, you will naturally not It's a simple thing.

"You'd better come here! This magic weapon is faster!" Lu Yu said.

So, Master Caiwei also climbed onto the emerald leaves.

Ye Weilan controlled the black tail of the dragon fish, got close to the sea surface, and flew across the water. In an instant, it was like the wind and lightning, stirring up a high water line.

"What Miss Ye said is indeed true! The speed of this treasure on the water is definitely the fastest in the world!" Master Caiwei said with a look of horror.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said nothing.

Under the guidance of Master Caiwei, Jade Leaf soon entered the scope of the Golden Rooster Islands.

Master Caiwei reminded: "Be careful, there are many traps set by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect here. Although their people have withdrawn, for the sake of safety, we'd better not trigger them!"

As he spoke, he pointed out the location of each trap and guided Ye Weilan to avoid them one by one.

Lu Yu finally understood why Li Wangji sent Caiwei back alone. It was because she was extremely careful and had a photographic memory. Even if it was an inconspicuous little trap, she could do it. Palm.

A moment later, the emerald leaves circled a backwater bay where the sea water swirled, and slammed into a huge reef.

The moment the two came into contact, the giant reef disappeared instantly.

It turned out that this was just an illusion. After passing through the "reef", the vision immediately changed, and Li Wangji and others suddenly appeared in front.

At this time, more than 60 real people were sitting together, seeming to be discussing something intensely.

"Gentlemen, how is the discussion going?"

Lu Yu jumped down from the emerald leaves and asked first.

Suddenly, all the powerful real people turned their heads, and more than sixty eyes looked at him.

"Have you already figured out an offensive strategy?" Li Wangji asked.

Lu Yu nodded and said with a smile: "I have already worked out the strategy... However, I heard from Master Caiwei that there seems to be some trouble here? What kind of problem have we encountered?"

Li Wangji didn't answer, but suddenly he flicked his long sleeve, and a sand table map made of light and shadow was immediately displayed in the void.

What is shown on the sand table is exactly the situation in the nearby area.

Looking at the vivid details on the sand table, Lu Yu immediately understood the problem everyone had.

It turns out that what they were in trouble for was not that they couldn't find any clues about the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleet, but that there were simply too many clues...

At this time, there are three Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleets displayed on the sand table, and the number of fleets at each location is more than twenty.

This is simply impossible.

According to intelligence, the total number of their floating warships is only between fifteen and twenty at most.

Otherwise, if the Jade Sea Immortal Sect really had more than sixty floating battleships, they would not hesitate at all and would have flattened the entire Dali Sword Sect in one fell swoop.

This shows that there must be two fake locations, and only one of them is real, and even the real one still has moisture.

Unexpectedly, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect actually played a trick here...

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