Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 831 Solved

The sand table evolved by Li Wangji is very wonderful. It can not only give an overview of the overall situation, but also infinitely magnify the details of the local area.

As Lu Yu continued to operate, the real perspective was presented in front of him, which was equivalent to his immersive visit.

As a person who had personally boarded the floating battleship, Lu Yu could be said to be the one who knew the floating battleship of Yuhai Xianzong the most among all the people in the audience.

But even so, after checking the situation of the three floating fleets, he couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake.

And just as he was checking carefully, as the pictures on the sand table kept changing, the real strong men around him started discussing again.

Some thought it was the first place, some thought it was the second place, and some thought it was the third place...

Others thought that these three places were half true and half false. In fact, Yuhai Xianzong divided all the floating battleships into three places, and combined with a certain sleight of hand, so this situation was created.

More radical people thought that these three places were all fake, all sleight of hand, and in fact the real floating fleet was hidden in other places.

Everyone expressed their own opinions. All the inferences were based on facts and the analysis was well-reasoned. No one could convince anyone else.

After about a quarter of an hour, the discussion became intense again. Lu Yu, on the other hand, kept looking at the sand table silently without saying a word.

"Lu Yu, what do you think?"

The crowd was deadlocked, and finally someone couldn't help asking Lu Yu.

So the scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu did not answer, but quickly enlarged the picture on the sand table, then pointed at a formation device on the picture and asked: "Masters, does anyone know what this is?"

More than 60 masters were present, and their eyesight and knowledge were naturally needless to say. Someone immediately answered: "This is a special formation hub made by Yuhai Xianzong. Judging from the spell patterns on it, it should be a water-avoiding formation."

Lu Yu looked in the direction of the voice and found that the person who spoke was Li Xuan, the head of Moyu Peak. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "Master Li really has a good eye, worthy of being a disciple of Master Cangsong! It seems that Master Li's attainments in formations will surpass his master sooner or later!"

"I also think this should be It is a water-repellent array, but I am not as powerful as Li Shouzuo, who can judge the properties of the array device from the spell pattern. This is just an inference based on facts..."

"You may not know that a few months ago, I had the honor to observe these floating warships up close. I clearly remember that there were no such array devices on the floating warships at that time..."

"But now, these floating warships are all equipped with such array devices, and they are water-repellent arrays that are very useless to floating warships. Don't you think it's strange?"

After listening to Lu Yu's words, everyone really realized that something was wrong...

That's right! These behemoths of Yuhai Xianzong can go up to the sky and into the earth, cross thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and don't have to deal with water at all. Why do they need to install water-repellent arrays?

Could it be... to prevent rain?

But using a water-avoiding formation to prevent rain is too extravagant. It is simply like using a mysterious divine weapon to kill a fly...

"This is really strange? Why is it?"

All the real strong men were confused.

Lu Yu smiled embarrassedly at this time: "You may not believe it, but this is the fact. The invincible fleets of Yuhai Xianzong are very afraid of water, because they were flooded by us once in Mingjian City. Now they have made such a change, which can be regarded as a lesson learned..."

Everyone was stunned.

Lu Yu and others had never deliberately mentioned the battle in Mingjian City, and Yuhai Xianzong would naturally not take the initiative to publicize it. Everyone only knew that the two sides had a big battle at that time, but they did not know the details. When they heard Lu Yu talk about this, they couldn't help but show incredible eyes for a while.

"You mean, the hub of this water-avoiding formation will be the key to seeing through the authenticity of these floating warships?" Li Wangji immediately followed Lu Yu's thoughts and said thoughtfully.


Lu Yu nodded and continued: "Yuhai Xianzong is indeed a sect famous for its weapon-making skills. Their counterfeiting ability is also unparalleled in the world. Frankly speaking, even I, who have personally seen the internal structure of the 'Golden Snake', can't tell the real from the fake..."

"But they did it in a hurry after all. Maybe the appearance of the floating warship can be lifelike, but details like the water-proof array must be missed. They can't just create so many water-proof array hubs overnight..."

"So, on these fake floating warships, the water-proof array hubs must be real and fake, and it is difficult to unify them. I just need to compare them carefully and identify them one by one. I believe I will definitely gain something!"

"Of course, I can't do this. It depends on professionals like Li Shouzuo!"

After listening to Lu Yu's words, everyone felt their thoughts suddenly enlightened.

Li Xuan rushed directly to the front of the sand table and immediately began to identify them one by one.

Everyone couldn't help but cast admiring eyes on Lu Yu.

Unexpectedly, the problem that left so many powerful real people helpless was easily solved after he gave a few pointers.

More and more real experts who have studied all kinds of battle methods are getting in front of the sand table and joining the ranks of "fighting against counterfeiting".

Seeing this scene, Li Wangji couldn't help but feel a big stone falling to the ground in his heart. He pinched his beard and smiled: "Can you tell me about the specific offensive strategy now?"

"I'm afraid this isn't enough..." Lu Yu wondered.

"Oh? It's already this time, do you still want to show off?"

Lu Yu sighed: "Master, it's not that I want to show off, but I can't explain this matter clearly... I would like to ask all the masters, does anyone carry the Shensi Seal Paper with them?"

Li Wangji couldn't help but be speechless.

The other powerful real people around him couldn't help but look shocked.

What offensive strategy would be so complex? It can't be said orally, but it has to be manifested using Shensi Seal Paper?

After a long silence, Li Wangji finally spoke: "Fellow Taoists, please take out all the Shensi Seals on your body!"

Everyone just woke up from a dream, opened the Qiankun bag one after another, and presented their own spiritual thoughts seal paper.

The biggest function of this special paper is to manifest the true meaning of Taoism. Due to its high price, its practicality is not very high.

Fortunately, the people present are all masters of the same sect. In order to teach disciples, they usually carry some with them. Although the number is not large, it is enough to put them together.

After a while, Lu Yu began to meditate, and transferred the "combined skills" that he had deduced in the illusion of his thoughts onto the spiritual printing paper.

The real people at the scene were then divided into two groups. One group surrounded the sand table to "find differences", and the other group surrounded Lu Yu, watching him manifest the true meaning in his mind one by one.

Ye Weilan was outside the crowd, looking at the real strong men who were eagerly looking forward to it, and couldn't help thinking silently: When these people see the specific details of Yu Lang's fantastic idea, the expressions on their faces must be still... It will be more exciting.

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