Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 832 The sky hangs upside down

Deep in the mist, there are dense barriers.

Just when everyone in the Dali Sword Sect was looking forward to Lu Yu, a group of powerful real people with advanced cultivation suddenly arrived on one of the barriers.

This group of powerful real people are all high-level officials of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and the leader among them is Xue Zhentao, the master of Jixian Island.

With the arrival of everyone, the barrier portal opened wide, and a total of twenty floating warships suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Xue Zhentao led a group of senior officials and boarded one of the ships, and the person in charge of the ship immediately came to greet him.

"Hello, Uncle Xue! Hello, elders! Why are you here suddenly?"

It turned out that the person in charge of the ship was Yue Zijing.

He is the third one on the Golden Sunflower List. Due to his outstanding strength and talent, he is favored by the head wife Yue Shi. Therefore, even with each island owner, he is treated as a personal relationship.

It is precisely for this reason that he became the person in charge here as a true disciple.

"Routine inspection."

Xue Zhentao said calmly: "How is the situation tonight? Did you notice anything unusual?"

"What else can happen? Everything is business as usual..."

Yue Zijing said with a bit of complaint: "You ask me, is Uncle Lan too careful? It is obvious that these are fakes modified from sea-based ships, and the purpose is to confuse the Dali Sword Sect, but Uncle Lan Or do we send people to patrol eight times a day, even in the middle of the night? Isn’t this too restrictive? "

"It's never wrong to be careful..."

Xue Zhentao said: "You also know the scene of 'severing the sun and the moon with one sword' a few days ago. This shows that they are capable of causing damage to our floating battleships..."

"These floating battleships of ours are hard-earned and have almost exhausted all the resources accumulated by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect over the years. They are our lifeblood and we must not allow any mistakes. Otherwise, even if we defeat the Dali Sword Sect, we will not be able to defeat it. It is difficult to hold on to the resource-rich region of Middle-earth..."

"Brother Qianqiu is far-sighted and long-term, please don't slander him at will!"

Yue Zijing said quickly: "I don't mean to slander Uncle Lan... But, doesn't it mean that Wuya Immortal Pavilion has completely turned to our side? Since there is Wuya Immortal Pavilion to help, why do we have to hide in this place all the time? here?"

Xue Zhentao said: "It is true that Wuya Immortal Pavilion will participate in the war, but it will take a certain amount of time for the main force of their army to arrive. Only after their main force arrives, they can work with us to cut the Dali Sword Sect left and right. Only in this way can we Defeat it with minimal cost.”

Yue Zijing nodded, and suddenly lowered his voice and asked: "Uncle Xue, please tell me how long it will take before we start a head-on battle with the Dali Sword Sect. I can't wait..."

Xue Zhentao glanced at him, knowing that under the protection of the head of the family, Mrs. Yue, this boy had always been pampered and used to living a luxurious life. To let him stay in such a dark place and guard such a broken ship was indeed It's a bit difficult for him...

In fact, from Xue Zhentao's personal point of view, he also felt that the head's wife was too doting on Yue Zijing, so that he had never suffered any hardship at all and had no hard-working spirit.

But under such circumstances, Yue Zijing successfully understood the realm of Taoist enlightenment, and his cultivation realm rapidly improved, directly pointing to the golden elixir avenue. He is the most likely disciple of the entire Jade Sea Immortal Sect to become a real person in recent years. one.

Therefore, Xue Zhentao couldn't say much about this.

"Be patient, it won't be the day after tomorrow at the latest..." Xue Zhentao said ambiguously.

"We still have to wait for two more days..."

Yue Zijing said with some disappointment, but soon his eyes became excited again: "Uncle Xue, let's discuss something..."

"When the time comes, can you tell Uncle Lan and let me take the lead? It would be best if I attack Jade Butterfly Peak directly... I have long disliked that boy named Lu Yu!"

"Oh? You want to go to Jade Butterfly Peak?" Xue Zhentao said in surprise: "I thought you would ask to go to Tianlan Peak? Didn't you always say you wanted to deal with Wei Zhihan before?"

"This time, that time."

Yue Zijing said: "Now that guy named Lu Yu is the number one enemy of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Not only did he interfere with a good thing of mine in Bixiao Palace, but he also asked Uncle Xue not long ago to do it tomorrow." Sword City made a big mistake, causing our Jade Sea Immortal Sect to suffer heavy losses...I am also seeking revenge for you, Uncle Xue!"

Xue Zhentao couldn't help but recall the confrontation with Lu Yu in Mingjian City, and he suddenly felt an unpleasant emotion in his heart, but he did not show it, and just said lightly: "Let's talk about this at that time..."

Then, everyone patrolled around the "Floating Battleship".

Not only are they checking the status of these ships, whether the formation is running stably, and whether there are any flaws, but they are also investigating the surrounding situation to see if there are any signs of agents from the Great Li Sword Sect infiltrating...

After everyone walked through it, they found that everything was as usual as Yue Zijing said.

But for some reason, Xue Zhentao always had a bad premonition. He always felt that something was wrong somewhere.

"Is there anything unusual about the Dali Sword Sect?" Xue Zhentao asked an elder beside him.

"I have not received any communication from the Dali Sword Sect..."

"No news?"

"This... I haven't received any news from there since nightfall..."

Hearing the elder's answer, everyone immediately felt something strange.

Lord Chiyue and Wuya Immortal Pavilion conspired to frame Lu Yu, using this to attract the attention of the Dali Sword Sect so that the main force of Wuya Immortal Pavilion could hide it. They knew about this.

Although the Jade Sea Immortal Sect did not lead this matter, their sentinels have been lurking within the Dali Sword Sect, paying close attention to the relevant developments. However, nearly a night has passed, and the frontline sentinels have not received any information. Feedback, this is indeed very suspicious.

Xue Zhentao frowned and was about to express his doubts.

However, at this moment, the world suddenly shook violently, and even the floating battleship suspended in mid-air could not help but shake violently.

"What's going on?"

"Could it be that Earth Dragon has turned over?"

"It seems like there's movement coming from the north..."

Everyone was shocked and looked around to find what went wrong.

Xue Zhentao closed his eyes, and his mind and consciousness reached out of the thick fog.

I saw bursts of thunder in the northeast, the sky was hanging upside down, and the world seemed to be collapsing...

Even though he has been the master of Jixian Island for many years, he has never seen such a scene.

Even though this place was nearly ten thousand miles away from the source of the shock, he still couldn't help but feel a bone-chilling chill...

Xue Zhentao's body was shaken violently, and he opened his eyes suddenly: "No! Something happened at Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

In an instant, everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

At the same time, the people of the Dali Sword Sect hidden under the rocks naturally sensed this violent shock.

"It seems that Zi Mansion's real person has already taken action..."

Lu Yu also opened his eyes and looked at the powerful real people beside him.

"We don't have much time left, everyone, please hurry up! After at most one stick of incense, we will launch an offensive!"

After saying that, he threw the last Shen Si Seal paper in his hand to everyone.

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