Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 833 Taking the Sword as a Call

The night is as dark as ink.

It was almost daybreak at this time, and it was the darkest moment before dawn.

One stick of incense will pass, and it happens to be the transition point between day and night. It is also the time when the human body is most tired and relaxed. It is just right to launch a general attack at such a time point.

Shocks were still coming from the distance, but all the powerful real people had no time to care. They all devoted themselves to intense study of the spiritual seal paper provided by Lu Yu.

On the contrary, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan became okay people for the time being.

So Lu Yu simply held the Lingxi Pot in one hand and Ye Weilan in the other, and climbed to the big rock. On the one hand, he was watching for the wind and on the other hand, he was also recovering his own vitality.


Ye Weilan felt the constant shaking of the rocks and couldn't help but said: "We are so far away and the shaking is still so strong. I really don't know what the frontal battlefield over there will be like..."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "It's probably similar to what happened when Qin Yanzhen pulled the World Tree away from Da Kong Mountain..."

Ye Weilan recalled the scene he had seen in the northern foothills of the Demon Spirit Realm, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was collapsing, and he suddenly felt a shudder.

"Aren't you worried?" Ye Weilan whispered, "You don't care whether the immortals of the Dali Sword Sect will lose..."

"Worry is naturally worrying..."

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "But what's the use of worrying? I've done everything I can, and now I can only do my best and obey fate..."

"Instead of worrying about the situation in the distance, it is better to concentrate all your energy and concentrate on dealing with the current situation."

Ye Weilan didn't speak. She looked back at the group of powerful real people under the reef and found that everyone was concentrating on reading the Shensi Seal Paper. No one noticed it at all, so she quietly leaned her head against it. Lu Yu's shoulders.

At this moment, Lu Yu, for some reason, always gave her a feeling of peace of mind.

The two hugged each other tenderly for a moment.

Ye Weilan asked again: "Are we really going to launch a general attack later? But you haven't taken the turtle's breath and dragon elixir for enough time, and you can't exert its maximum power at all..."

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Time waits for no one, there is nothing we can do about it... Actually speaking, even for Zifu Zhenren, they did not have enough time to take the elixir, but they activated it at this time The offensive means that the situation over there must have changed, and they cannot wait any longer..."

"But... if it can't be activated in its strongest state, can it really be successful?" Ye Weilan asked quietly.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief: "As I said before, do your best and obey fate... We have already achieved the limit of what we can do. If it still doesn't work, there is nothing we can do..."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally the appointed time arrived.

Lu Yu estimated that this was already the limit of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's response time. If it dragged on any longer, these floating fleets might take action, so he immediately stood up and said loudly: "Masters, what do you think? Have you finished reading them all? ?”

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and they were all moved.

"This... is really amazing!"

"Lu Yu, did you come up with all this alone?"

"Incredible... This is equivalent to reinterpreting the secrets of swordsmanship of our Dali Sword Sect! How did you come up with this?"

Lu Yu ignored these guys who answered the question incorrectly, and turned to Li Wangji and Master Maoye and asked: "Master Master, Master Maoye, have you read the contents on the Shen Si Seal paper?"

The two of them are also the main attackers who have taken the Turtle Breath Shenglong. As long as these two people can keep up with the rhythm, the entire set of combo skills is equivalent to half completed.

Li Wangji and Mao Ye looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

"I've already read it, but there are many details in it that are quite profound and unforgettable. I haven't had time to understand them carefully..." Li Wangji said with regret.

Lu Yu thought to himself that this combination of skills was deduced by him with the help of the evolutionary ability of the stars in the sky, and it had been deduced for such a long time. If someone could see through it casually, then why not do it?

In fact, it doesn't matter if you haven't fully understood it yet. As long as everyone has a thorough understanding and can complete it step by step, it doesn't matter.

"It doesn't matter, as long as everyone can understand the general meaning and know what to do in detail. As for the thorough understanding, let's leave it to the actual combat!"

Lu Yu held the sword in his hand and shook it lightly, and a powerful momentum suddenly aroused.

"This set of techniques is based on my Star Sword Technique. It is completed with the help of all the real people. Later I will use this sword as a trumpet to launch a general attack on the floating fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Please Be sure to keep an eye out and keep up! ”

"If there is any real person who has doubts about this, or has something unclear, then come and ask me directly on the way out! Next, we don't have time to delay any more. You don't have to hide your whereabouts anymore. I'll set off at full speed!"

"Please remember that the future fortune of the Dali Sword Sect and the changes in the structure of the major sects are all determined by this one move!"

After saying that, Lu Yu threw a backhand, and immediately the two butterflies flew into the air, sparking a bright light, and flew forward through the air with an indomitable momentum.

Then, he turned back and climbed onto the emerald leaves. Suddenly the emerald leaves became radiant, and he quickly caught up with the flying butterflies.

Take the sword as your signal!

Everyone who had just seen the Shensi Seal Paper suddenly realized in their hearts that this was the clear signal given by Lu Yu, the main attacker!

As a result, everyone drew their swords, spread out their escape lights, and quickly followed.


Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

One sword is the main one, and dozens of swords are the supplementary ones.

The sword intentions merged with each other in the void.

Within a few back and forth, the mist that was originally so thick that it was almost impossible to see was split inch by inch by the sharp sword intent and quickly melted away.

The dense fog that stretched for 800 miles disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The Golden Rooster Islands revealed their true identity.

There are dense reefs and jagged rocks.

The tide rises and falls.

Gulls flew from the cliff.

These scenes that were originally invisible were all clearly revealed.

At the same time, the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was completely without cover, facing Lu Yu and others from a distance.

Lu Yu silently estimated that with everyone's light-escape speed, it would take less than half a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Apart from that, the movement in the distance has stopped.

A ray of dawn appeared in the eastern sky, which was the moment when dawn and night alternated with each other.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something.

In the final analysis, the two most important components of his combo are his Dark Star Sword Technique and Li Wangji's Great Light Sword Technique.

Its core is equivalent to the perfect harmony between the power of darkness and the power of light.

The scene in front of me perfectly fits the core idea of ​​this combination of skills - the line of dawn, between light and darkness!

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