Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 834 Between light and darkness

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Alarm! Alarm!"

"The Dali Sword Sect is coming to kill us!"

"Hurry up and prepare to fight and kill the enemy!"

"This... seems to be unbearable!"

Yue Zijing boarded the deck, which was already full of chaos. Looking at the dazzling light coming from the distant sky like a comet, he still couldn't believe his eyes.

When the previous turmoil in the northeast occurred, Xue Zhentao and others quickly withdrew the flagship. Although he was forced to stay due to his insufficient status and rank, he had been gearing up to actively prepare.

Because he knew that no matter what the outcome of the final deliberations at the Council of Elders was, there would definitely be a war. If he wanted to make a difference in this war, he had to make all preparations for the battle in advance.

But what he didn't expect was that before he was fully prepared, he was the first to receive the alarm of a large-scale attack by the Dali Sword Sect. This was really beyond his expectation.

Not long ago, the Dali Sword Sect was at war with Wuya Immortal Pavilion in the far northeast, and now it appears here again. Is it possible that they want to fight on two fronts?

Yue Zijing was racking his brains and couldn't figure out why his opponent was so stubborn and started a war with two super sects at the same time?

What's even more confusing is why the real troops of the Dali Sword Sect suddenly appeared here? Where have all the sentinels and warnings along the way gone?

"Don't panic! All disciples line up and get in position! Just like during training!"

Yue Zijing didn't have time to think carefully, and immediately shouted loudly at the disciples who were in a mess on the ship. If he didn't stand up and take charge of the overall situation, he would destroy the overall layout of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

"Array! Array! Array quickly!"

"Activate the first and second formation devices!"

"The third formation device is charged immediately and ready!"

Yue Zijing commanded loudly.

The first array device is a protective array, the second array device is an attack array, and the third array device is a teleportation array.

This is exactly the overall layout of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Although this is a fake floating fleet, when encountering an enemy attack, you still have to pretend to operate it to achieve the best confusing effect.

Although Yue Zijing wondered why someone from the Dali Sword Sect suddenly appeared here, he still had the most basic fighting qualities and meticulously executed the battle plan formulated by the Ice King Island Master.

Among them, the first and second formation devices are used to confuse the enemy. The third formation device is really effective, allowing everyone to evacuate safely.

At this moment, Yue Zijing couldn't help but feel a little lucky. He had always thought that the arrangement of the Ice King Island Master was unnecessary, but he didn't expect that it would play a role at the critical moment.

If the enemy really mistakes this place as the main force of the floating fleet and launches an attack here, then the enemy's offensive will undoubtedly be greatly delayed, and the real main force of the fleet will gain more reaction time. With one situation ebbing and the other ebbing, the enemy will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Move quickly! Move quickly!"

"As long as we persist for half a quarter of an hour, victory will be ours!"

Yue Zijing continued to urge loudly.

However, in just a few words, the distance between the enemy's escape and the light was much closer.

If you want to persist for half a quarter of an hour, it is simply impossible. It can only be a delusion!

What's even more terrifying is that as the enemy continues to approach, an unparalleled sense of oppression also follows!

One sword first, followed by dozens of swords!

When seeing this scene, Yue Zijing felt that the whole sky seemed to be crushing towards him.

The unparalleled and powerful sword intent almost made the heart in his chest stop beating.

Yue Zijing's face instantly turned pale, and he shouted quickly: "Stop! Stop! It's too late! Change the third formation device quickly! Quick! Quick! Activate the teleportation array quickly!"

As a result, all the disciples dropped the first and second formation devices one after another and began to hurriedly operate the third formation device.

However, it was still too late.

According to the speed of the sword intent in the sky at this time, they didn't even have time to activate the third formation device.

Yue Zijing felt anxious and tormented inside.

He was hesitating whether to abandon ship and escape...

These floating warships are essentially just expanded models of sea ships. Sooner or later, they will be abandoned. Yue Zijing has no psychological burden on this. But the problem is that there are so many subordinates on the ship. He abandons the ship at this time. If he escapes, how will the many teachers of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect view him in the future?

But if I don't escape, will I really die here? He has no confidence that he can withstand such a fierce sword intent!

While he was hesitating, at this moment, the sword force in the sky suddenly turned upward, leaving everyone behind and whizzing straight towards the rear.

Yue Zijing couldn't help but be stunned.

After seeing the dazzling castration clearly, I couldn't help but feel a numbness in my scalp.

"No! They have already seen through it!"

Yue Zijing shouted.

Judging from the sudden change in the trajectory of the sword, in fact, the enemy was heading towards the real main force of the fleet from the beginning. The reason why it rushed towards them was just a feint shot to deliberately confuse their own side.

Yue Zijing suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

Because if you are confused on your side, then there is a high probability that the main ship is also confused. Maybe the main ship is accumulating an offensive at this time, preparing to deal with the enemy after a missed blow, leaving them with The reaction time will be less...

Compared to that outcome, Yue Zijing hoped that the sword intent just now would attack him directly.

However, no matter what thoughts he had, there was nothing he could do at this moment except pray silently.

In the sky, Lu Yu continued to control the two butterflies to fly, using the sword as a signal to implement the essence of the sword intention of the combined skills into the minds of every real strong person.

The deliberate attack on the fake floating fleet just now was not just to confuse the main ship as Yue Zijing thought.

More importantly, he also needs to use this method to train the strong real people behind him so that they can keep up with the rhythm.

In this way, we can ensure to the greatest extent that there will be no mistakes when performing combo skills at the last moment.

At this time, after several "torsions" in the sky all the way, Lu Yu felt that he was almost ready.

The time has come.

And the real main force of the floating fleet is already close at hand.

"I'm going!"

On the emerald leaves, Lu Yu looked back at Ye Weilan and said.

"Well, go ahead!" Ye Weilan nodded lightly.

Suddenly, Lu Yu's body flashed with flying flowers, and his body shot out with electricity.

The next moment, he had caught up with Die Shuangfei and held his sword in his hand.

The sword force then unfolded.

The light of the sword is brilliant, and the shadow of the sword is like weaving.

This is the signal for a general attack!

The more than sixty magic weapons behind him also scattered in all directions.

Every divine weapon burst out with bright light.

After being combined together, it is filled with some kind of wonderful rhythm.

The Earth Spirit Divine Weapon Libo Sword is here!

This is the sword of the real master of the Dali Sword Sect. With the power of Mount Tai, he launched a great bright sword technique.

The Earth Spirit Divine Weapon Hate Water Sword is in the middle!

Life has always been full of hatred for the east... Maoye Zhenren launched a Great Canghai Sword Technique, strangulating towards the middle of the game with the power of going east without regrets.

The Xuanling Divine Weapons and Butterflies are flying down!

The power of the dark stars suddenly burst out, and a huge black hole with a strange and terrifying atmosphere opened up at the bottom of the floating fleet.

The other magic weapons also fell into place step by step.

In the blink of an eye, the huge fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has been completely surrounded by the combined attack.

The floating warships are like the clouds in the eastern sky at this time, rising and falling, colorful and disillusioned, sinking and floating between light and darkness.

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