Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 835: A Hero's Cutoff

"Report! The enemy's situation has been confirmed. There are a total of sixty-three real strong men from the Dali Sword Sect, led by Li Wangji himself!"

"Report! The enemy has excellent weapons. There are two Earth Spirit Divine Weapons, fifteen Xuanling Divine Weapons, and forty-six Huangling Divine Weapons!"

"Report! The tail rudder of the Golden Thunder is damaged and the steering fails!"

"Report! Both the captain and deputy captain of the Black Peacock have been injured, and there is currently a lack of command..."

"Report! The Golden Falcon's protective formation is about to be broken, and Elder Qiwen is asking us for help..."

On the Golden Crow, various emergency warnings kept coming like snow flakes, and the disciples who ordered them read them out loud.

Lan Qianqiu, the owner of Ice King Island, stood on the side of the ship, his eyes sharp and his brows furrowed.

As his flagship, the Golden Crow is the first floating battleship built. It is among the top in terms of facilities, materials, and staffing. Therefore, the Golden Crow has not suffered any damage for the time being, but this cannot change the entire situation. The fact that the entire floating fleet is in emergency and is locked in a bitter battle.

The scene before him was completely beyond his expectation.

Both the intensity of the opponent's offensive and the timing of the opponent's sudden attack far exceeded his expectations.

He and Li Wangji have been hostile to each other for many years and have a deep understanding of each other. In his impression, neither Li Wangji nor the Dali Sword Sect would behave in such a bold and risky manner. I really don’t know that this is the case. What kind of changes happened that caused the Dali Sword Sect to completely change its temper.

Of course, what surprised him even more was the offensive in front of him.

He had no idea that the combined attack of the sixty-three real-person warriors on the other side would cause such huge destructive power. It was a serious lack of estimation that resulted in the current passive situation of the entire floating fleet.

At this time, he had no time to think about how all this happened.

The top priority is to think about countermeasures as soon as possible.

Lan Qianqiu carefully observed the surrounding situation while thinking silently.

Under the constant alternation of the two forces of the Great Light Sword Art and the Dark Star Sword Art, his face was either bright or dark, sometimes cloudy and sometimes clear, and looked extremely gloomy.

After a moment, he finally made a decision.

"Command: The Golden Thunder, Golden Falcon, Black Fox, and Black Peacock climb upwards. The Golden Snake, White Dragon, and Red Flame move closer to the center. With the cover of the four ships, they activate the rainbow formation and prepare to attack the enemy. Fang launches the colorful ray! If there is no commander on the Black Peacock, let the first officer take over!"

Everyone around him was shocked when he heard this.

One of the elders couldn't help but said: "The enemy's offensive is strong. The Golden Thunder, Golden Falcon, Black Fox and Black Peacock are all already broken. If they are allowed to stand in front again, I'm afraid they will be killed soon." Totally destroyed..."

Lan Qianqiu turned around and looked at everyone with cold eyes: "Don't you guys understand? We are just one move away, and we are at a complete disadvantage in this game... Stop imagining that our fleet can be invincible. If we lose, we will lose." If you lose, you have to admit it!”

"In the current situation, only a strong man can cut off his wrist to retain a glimmer of hope, and prevent our Jade Sea Immortal Sect from completely losing the game!"

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lan Qianqiu would be so courageous. He had already made up his mind to sacrifice some of the disabled warships to allow the remaining warships to break out and escape.

However, the enemy's offensive is so fierce. The sword techniques unfolding in the surrounding airspace at this time are simply unheard of magical skills. Can they really break through the encirclement so easily?

This idea just came to everyone, and they heard Lan Qianqiu continue to say: "The left rudder of the Golden Crow is thirty-seven, the elevation angle is sixty-five, and the rainbow light array is ready to attack with maximum effectiveness!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked again.

The elevation angle is sixty-five, which is equivalent to tilting the entire Golden Crow upward. There is only one enemy in this direction, and that is Li Wangji, the master of the Dali Sword Sect, and this happens to be the enemy's most violent attack. One point.

"This... I would like to inform the island master, under the current circumstances, if I aim the rainbow main gun at Li Wangji, I'm afraid it will be difficult to lock him..." an elder reminded.

"It doesn't matter."

Lan Qianqiu waved his hand, suddenly shook his shoulders, put on a sky blue cloak, and suddenly a powerful aura erupted from his body.

"I will personally go out to pull the main gun to ensure that Li Wangji is locked!"

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

Under such a fierce offensive, Lan Qianqiu took the initiative to provide traction. Not to mention the final result of the opponent, it was definitely difficult for him to return safely.

It seems that what he called "a strong man cutting off his wrist" not only cut off part of the floating battleship, but also his own life...

"Island owner, please don't be impulsive..."

"Please think twice!"

"An army cannot be without a commander... Now that the island leader has gone, we will have no commander!"

Everyone advised him.

Lan Qianqiu said categorically: "An army cannot be without a commander. This is true not only for us, but also for the Dali Sword Sect! If I don't fight to kill Li Wangji today, none of us will be able to leave. This is tantamount to destroying the Jade Sect." The last fire of Haixian Sect is extinguished..."

"It is useless to talk more. I am sending an order to the whole army: From now on, the Nine Dragon Master Zhang Gechuan will take over as the commander-in-chief of the fleet. Everyone must obey his orders. Anyone who disobeys will be punished as treason!"

"Lao Zhang, I leave the floating fleet to you. You must take away all the warships that can move. As for the next order, you wait for the instructions from the master!"

After saying that, Lan Qianqiu suddenly jumped up.

Amidst the horrified gazes of everyone, only the back of a man in a sky blue cloak could be seen.

"The left rudder is thirty-seven, the elevation angle is sixty-five, and the rainbow light array is ready to attack with maximum effectiveness!"

Zhang Gechuan took over the command with a sad face and roared loudly.

He felt heavy on his shoulders and in his heart. However, even if he was extremely reluctant to leave, now was not the time to show his sadness.

"Everyone, cheer me up! Take action immediately! Don't let down the island owner's hard work!"

The power of light and darkness, violent force tore violently, constantly eating away at the defensive shield of the floating battleship.

Even the sea area below the battleship was evaporated and dried up in an instant, turning into a white land.

The floating battleships disintegrated one after another, falling down bit by bit, like a giant whale dying and its body falling in the sea.

There were countless real strong men killed and injured, and the smell of blood filled the air.

The battle was extremely tragic.

If this situation continues, it will only be a matter of time before the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's fleet is defeated.

However, at this moment, a bright colorful ray suddenly emitted from the battleship group.

The ray shot straight into the sky and hit Li Wangji accurately, who was wielding the Great Light Sword Technique.

In the blink of an eye, the balance of light and darkness is completely broken.

The Jade Sea Immortal Sect finally temporarily disintegrated the powerful offensive of the Dali Sword Sect at the cost of a strong man breaking his wrist.

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