Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 838 Follow-up Arrangements

Ye Weilan immediately flew down and rushed into the pit.

After a moment, she hugged Lu Yu's body and flew up again.

Originally, everyone thought that Lu Yu would be seriously injured, but unexpectedly, the situation was much better. It seemed that he was not injured at all. He was still conscious, but his face was extremely pale and he looked very weak... Other than that, he didn't even wrinkle his clothes!

This was simply an unbelievable thing under the earth-shattering fierce offensive just now.

As a result, everyone looked at Lu Yu in disbelief and marveled at him. They couldn't figure out how he did all this.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Only he knows that, despite the big noise just now, the external battle has nothing to do with the overall situation. In fact, the real battle is in the sea of ​​consciousness...

At that moment, Lord Chiyue's thoughts invaded his sea of ​​consciousness. Although he tried his best, he still couldn't stop it. In the end, he could only hold the determination to perish together and wanted to imitate Duan Ming. Like Ge Huairen, Lou took the initiative to blow his own head open, and then successfully scared him away.

Therefore, what Lord Chiyue said before leaving was indeed true. He indeed knew the biggest secret about Lu Yu, knew the subtle connection between him and the stars outside the sky, and then also knew that he had the seed of lotus hidden in him. secret.

Lord Chiyue came from a place called Heaven beyond Jiutian, and the same lotus seed also came from Jiutian. Perhaps it was for this reason that he said that Lu Yu was "the descendant of an old acquaintance."

It is really difficult to predict how this matter will turn out...

In short, after this fight, Lu Yu could be said to have been completely defeated.

The reason why he was able to save his life was entirely due to good luck.

First of all, Lord Red Moon still has a lot of blood moon eclipses lodged in Demon Zi and has not been returned. At this time, he is not in his strongest state.

Secondly, he was not determined to kill himself.

At this time, Lu Yu had also come to his senses. The other party's real purpose was to cover the retreat of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and rescue Lan Qianqiu.

Although he showed a strong killing intention at the beginning, in fact, the killing intention was just like the previous statement that he wanted to snatch away the Heavenly Sword Code. It was all a pretense. Otherwise, even if Lu Yu blew up his head, he would not really do it. If you die, your vitality will be severely damaged.

If Lord Chiyue could be stronger, or if his murderous intention were more determined, then Lu Yu would no longer be alive at this time.

"How are you? Why haven't you spoken?" Ye Weilan asked.

At this time, Ye Weilan had moved Lu Yu back to the jade leaves.

After seeing that Lu Yu was fine, other powerful real people around him had already walked away to check the casualties everywhere. Although Lu Yu, the main character, was fine, the battle just now still affected many real people. Strong men, some were seriously injured.

Only then did Lu Yu come back to his senses and said: "I'm fine... I'm just reviewing what happened just now. In fact, when I fought against Lord Chiyue just now, I should have been able to do better..."

"Stop using your brain power." Ye Weilan said angrily, "Your complexion is so bad, it is only right to hurry up and recover... Where is the Lingxi Pot? Why not use the Lingxi Pot to recover quickly!"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "No need, it's already done..."

As he said that, he raised his hand, deliberately took out the Lingxi Pot and shook it gently, only to see that this magic weapon that originally had amazing spiritual power had no trace of spiritual power fluctuations at this time.

"Then you should meditate and adjust your breath quickly... In short, I don't want to see anything happen to you again." Ye Weilan said quietly.

"Why don't you help me!" Lu Yu winked at her and smiled, "You know, you have a way to help me!"

Ye Weilan was stunned, and his face suddenly turned red.

She naturally knew that Lu Yu was talking about the combination of dual cultivation. Since she had practiced the special technique designed by Lu Yu, it was equivalent to his exclusive mysterious body. Once the two of them went to Wushan together, it would be of great benefit to Lu Yu.

" can this be done? There are so many people here..." Ye Weilan blushed and said hesitantly.

"There are many people here, so let's move to a place where no one is around..." Lu Yu said with a smile, "Anyway, things here are basically over. The remaining finishing matters can be left to the real elders. We are It’s time to go home.”

"Hurry over to Maoye Zhenren and the others, bid farewell to him and the others, and we will go back now."

"Go there by yourself!" Ye Weilan bit her lower lip lightly, feeling embarrassed.

After saying that, she handed over the control of the black tail of the dragon fish to Lu Yu, then shrank her body and possessed Lu Yu's shadow.

Obviously, she was afraid that her expression would be noticed by the powerful real people.

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh and cry, secretly thinking that her technique of shadow possession was really convenient, she could just hide it when she didn't want to see people.

So Lu Yu himself controlled the black tail of the dragon fish and drove the emerald leaves to the side of Maoye Zhenren and others.

"Gentlemen, I wonder what your arrangements will be next?" Lu Yu asked directly.

Everyone turned around.

Master Maoye said: "We have just discussed that although the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has escaped, it is still capable of fighting. In addition, there is the weird and unpredictable Red Moon Demon Head watching from the side. It is indeed inappropriate. Let’s pursue again…”

"So we plan to go back to Yuewan first to see how Brother Zifu and the others are doing, and then make the next step..."

"Of course, the defense of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect cannot be relaxed, so people must be on guard in this area... What do you have in mind?"

After this series of events, Lu Yu's performance has been obvious to everyone, so everyone attaches great importance to his opinion.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "What opinions can I have? This is a mature and prudent approach for all of you, just arrange it this way... Besides, my vitality is severely damaged now, and I guess I won't be able to do anything else during this period, so I plan to go back to Yu first." Die Feng went to recuperate, and now I’m here specifically to pay you a visit.”

"Are you leaving now?"

Master Maoye was startled, and then said: "Master Master is also seriously injured. Just now we also mentioned that we would send a few people to escort him back first. Do you want to go with you?"

Lu Yu originally wanted to get rid of everyone, but he was not willing to agree to this request. He quickly said: "No, there should be no more dangers along the way. Our dragon fish with black tail is also faster. I don't want to delay it anymore." ”

"That's okay..."

Master Maoye sighed: "Then you should be careful along the way, take a good rest after you go back, and strive to recover as soon as possible. We are far away from the Sword Sect, and there will be many places where we need you in the future!"

Lu Yu nodded and saluted the other real elders around him. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, there is one more thing. You all need to make arrangements early..."

"After this battle, although we severely defeated the enemy, our own vitality was also severely damaged, especially the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill, which was all used up at once... But the enemy is still powerful, especially the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is still haunted. In order to cope with the changes that may occur next, we must purchase the materials for the Turtle Breathing Pill as soon as possible."

"The importance of this matter is no less important than anything else. Only by regaining control of the Turtle Breath and Falling Spirit Pill can we calmly deal with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Whether it is defense or counterattack, we can handle it with ease. You real people must pay attention to this matter!”

Master Maoye frowned and said: "The elixirs refined this time have exhausted the Dali Sword Sect's inventory for many years. Where should we find more materials next?"

"This requires all of you real people to work together and find a solution together!" Lu Yu shrugged, "But I have a suggestion. You might as well go to Shenhuo Xuanzong for ideas..."

After saying that, Lu Yu stopped staying and drifted away.

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