Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 839 Postwar Ruins

Three days later.

With the contact of the first-level battle order of the Dali Sword Sect, the communication was restored again, and the unprecedented battle between the Dali Sword Sect, the Yuhai Immortal Sect, and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion quickly spread, and the whole world was suddenly shocked. .

Although there had long been rumors that the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect were at odds with each other, no one expected that the two sides would eventually develop into full-scale development, let alone that Wuya Immortal Pavilion would also intervene.

What was even more unexpected was that the Dali Sword Sect fought one against two, fighting on two fronts, and actually won in the end, killing the Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion and fleeing, only to return home defeated.

These three are all one of the strongest sects in the world. This sudden change of sides between the two parties indicates that the alliance between the eight major sects has completely broken down.

As soon as the news came out, the disciples of the three sects living outside began to fight each other. Whether it was the battlefield of Heavenly Prison, the secret realms of various rivers and lakes, or large auction venues, Dali Sword Sect could be seen everywhere. The figure of the disciple fighting each other with the other two disciples.

Under the three major sects, there are also many local forces that are vassals of the three major sects. Some of these forces are sects, some are aristocratic families, and some are dynasties. Due to the hostility between the three major sects, these vassal forces also have conflicts with each other. They started fighting each other, and for a while the world was filled with blood.

In this context, the other major sects have also become restless and are trying to absorb some of their involvement and influence. After all, the relationship between the eight major sects was quite good in the past. They were all friends with each other, so it would be natural for them to have disputes. It is inevitable that they will be dragged into the water.

As a result, the remaining five major sects had to issue an urgent announcement, admonishing their disciples to return to the mountain immediately and not go out unless necessary. This was to prevent the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect from being accidentally killed when there was a dispute between the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect and the other two sects. Drag down...

Of course, this ban may not necessarily be effective, because the condition of "not going out unless necessary" is very vague, and all disciples will feel that they are "very necessary."

Especially after learning that two shocking battles took place in succession, everyone was very curious about the specific details of the battle.

Even countless disciples from major sects rushed to the place where the battle between the two sides took place, just to find some clues in the details.

And the true disciple of Shenhuo Xuanzong, the youngest red-topped master in history, is one of them.

"Senior brother, this should be the place where the real strong men of the Great Li Sword Sect fought with the floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, right?"

Over the Golden Rooster Islands, a group of true disciples of the Shenhuo Xuanzong flew past. There were seven or eight people in total. All of these people, without a doubt, had a Frisbee at their feet.

The person speaking at this time was a female disciple, and the person she was asking was He Feiyang.

Before He Feiyang could answer, a person next to him had already answered: "This should be the Jinji Islands. It is said that the battle took place about 800 miles west of the Jinji Islands. We should be there soon."

The female disciple nodded suddenly, but she didn't seem to be interested in the person who answered. Her eyes still lingered on He Feiyang, and then asked: "Brother He, I heard that you have seen the floating sky of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect." Battleship?"

This time the question was asked by name, and the people next to him finally couldn't rush to answer it.

He Feiyang replied: "Yes, when the monsters were raging last time, I was ordered to cooperate with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. I was fortunate enough to witness the Ice King Island Master's floating battleship dealing with the Nine-Headed Mirage Dragon..."

"Is the floating battleship really that powerful?" the female disciple asked.

"Of course... At that time, the monster suddenly attacked, and everyone was helpless. Fortunately, the Golden Crow battleship of the Ice Emperor Island Master suddenly arrived and cut off the monster's two heads with one blow. This laid the foundation for the subsequent encirclement and suppression. win."

As He Feiyang spoke, the figure of Lu Yu unexpectedly appeared in his mind. Before that battle, it was the last time he saw Lu Yu. At that time, Lu Yu was sitting in a pill furnace, looking quite embarrassed. He didn't expect this. At that time, he was already famous all over the world.

"Since the floating battleship is so powerful, why did the Jade Sea Immortal Sect still lose? Even the owner of Ice King Island is said to have died in the battle..." said the female disciple.

At this time, the man next to him found another opportunity to answer the conversation and said: "No matter how powerful the Ice King Island Master is, you still have to see who his opponent is..."

"The person who took action this time was Li Wangji, the leader of the Great Li Sword Sect, and he also used artifacts such as the Litian Sword Code. It is said that there is another leader of Cuizhu Peak who uses the Earth Spirit Divine Weapon Hate Water Sword. , under such an offensive, the death of the Ice Emperor Island Master is not considered unjust..."

"But, I heard that the Dali Sword Sect did not use the Litian Sword Code at all this time. It is said that the person who organized this attack was Lu Yu. For this, the elders of the Dali Sword Sect even specially commended him!" said the female disciple! .

The man smiled and said: "It's just a blind trick! The Litian Sword Code is the most important treasure of the Dali Sword Sect. After using it once, it will take decades to accumulate divine power. At this sensitive time, no matter what Externally and internally, they need to use the Litian Sword Code to stabilize people's hearts."

The female disciple shook her head: "That's not necessarily true. It is said that the Dali Sword Sect has developed a very powerful elixir. After taking it, a person's cultivation level can skyrocket dozens of times. It is precisely because of this that the Dali Sword Sect defeated the enemy in one fell swoop. Two opponents!"

The man smiled and said, "Junior Sister Yao, you are so naive. Do you believe what you say?"

The two were at loggerheads and started arguing with each other.

Several other people on the side also joined the discussion. Everyone expressed their own opinions, but no one could convince anyone.

Only He Feiyang remained silent and did not speak.

"Senior Brother He, what do you think?" Junior Sister Yao asked crisply.

He Feiyang glanced at everyone silently: "To be honest, I don't know...but I can tell you the truth. Do you think we are really out for fun this time? In fact, we are bringing people with us this time. Came out with a mission..."

Everyone was startled and asked: "What mission?"

He Feiyang said: "Before departure, the master master once specially told me that since this is a sensitive period, it is inconvenient for real masters in the sect to come, so he hopes that I will visit the post-war ruins in person to see What exactly caused this war, and whether the Litian Sword Code was really used..."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Since the real person in charge gave such serious instructions, it means that even he is not sure about the specific situation, which means that he is actually leaning towards the theory that all this is led by Lu Yu.

Everyone was shocked and fell silent for a while.

After a while, everyone finally arrived eight hundred miles away.

However, the sight before them couldn't help but make their eyes fall out of shock.

I saw a piece of dry white land suddenly appeared in the vast sea. This dry white land was hundreds of miles in radius. Seawater as high as a hundred feet was lingering outside the white land, but it could not flow in at all.

This scene is completely beyond common sense.

However, it actually appeared in front of everyone.

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