Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 840 Peerless Grace

"This, this... what is going on?"

"How did this happen?"


"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

The disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong were so shocked that even those who spoke stuttered.

He Feiyang was also shocked. After watching this scene for a quarter of an hour, he said: "It seems... this is the place where the battle was originally fought!"

"Under the impact of huge spiritual power, the laws of heaven and earth here were completely distorted, so that such a scene appeared. Although the battle had ended long ago, the remaining spiritual power still maintained the original scene..."

"However, this shouldn't last long..."

As he was speaking, the seawater was still eroding the white land. Compared to the vast area of ​​the entire white land, it didn't seem very obvious. However, if this momentum continues, I believe that in a few days This white land will disappear completely.

"This is already very scary, okay!"

Junior Sister Yao said with lingering fear: "Now that the war has ended, and a few days after it ended, the situation is still like this. It's really hard to imagine what it would have been like at that time..."

"Is this really an effect that can be caused by human power... Now I believe what Senior Brother Zhu said. I also think that the Dali Sword Sect must have used the Litian Sword Code. I didn't expect that the power of the Litian Sword Code was so powerful. There is indeed a reason why Dali Sword Sect can be called the number one in swordsmanship..."

Everyone around them nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, He Feiyang shook his head: "It's hard to say. This can only prove that the spiritual power fluctuations at that time were very violent. If the Dali Sword Sect gathered the power of dozens of real people, and added the assistance of pills, If so, it can be done like this..."

"Let's hurry up and take a look inside! Otherwise, in a few days, we won't be able to see the scene here anymore."

So, several people continued to walk towards the depths of the white land.

I saw the remains of damaged battleships everywhere, some of which were very precious materials and had considerable reuse value.

But at this time, few people have time to scavenge here, so the top priority is to find out the clues as soon as possible.

However, He Feiyang couldn't help but murmur in his heart, maybe this place will evolve into a holy place for scavenging in the future.

As they continued to go deeper, they discovered that they were not the only "explorers". Even the deeper they went, the more "peers" they met. However, everyone abided by their duties and no one disturbed anyone. They understand each other tacitly.

"Senior brother, look! What is that?"

Suddenly, Junior Sister Yao exclaimed.

He Feiyang followed her direction and saw a giant pit suddenly appearing in the middle of the white ground.

On the surface, it looks like it was caused by a falling meteorite, but if you look closely, you will find that there is an extremely dark and bottomless pit in the center of the pit, which looks extremely weird.

Intuition told He Feiyang that there must be something strange in this deep pit, and maybe there were some important clues hidden in it.

"Let's go! Let's go and take a look!" He Feiyang said: "But the remaining spiritual power here fluctuates astonishingly, so everyone must be careful!"

So a few people tried their best to bypass the whirlpools of spiritual power fluctuations, and finally reached the center of the pit.

However, what they didn't expect was that someone had already arrived here first.

There were several true disciples from other sects who were obviously standing guard around the pit. However, these people were standing inside the pit, so they had not been seen before.

"Get away! We are here to do business! No one is allowed to come near!"

Those people stared at the arrival of He Feiyang and others and said unceremoniously.

Even if everyone in Shenhuo Xuanzong is unhappy, they are all the proud sons of the sect. How have they ever been so angry?

Junior Sister Yao immediately yelled angrily: "This is an unowned land, and it's not your home. Why are we not allowed to come here?"

"Why?" The other party smiled coldly: "Is it enough that we are Bixiao Shrine?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled. They didn't expect that the other party was actually a disciple of Bixiao Divine Palace... But if you lose, you won't lose. Bixiao Divine Palace is not necessarily superior to Shenhuo Xuanzong.

"What about the Bixiao Shrine? Can the Bixiao Shrine be arrogant?"

"We Shenhuo Xuanzong are not vegetarians either!"

"I still have to see what your Bixiao Shrine is going to do here today!"

The two sides immediately became tense.

He Feiyang said nothing.

Two years ago, this would have been impossible.

Two years ago, he had just won the title of first place in the Danwu Tournament. He was extremely high-spirited, his eyes were high, and he couldn't stand the slightest anger.

But now, he has washed away his brilliance and become more calm and reserved.

All this was just because he saw a person who was better than him, rising like a comet, which deeply touched him.

He Feiyang remained silent and just took a step forward lightly, and a powerful momentum suddenly surged out.

The few true disciples on the opposite side immediately felt the strong pressure, and they all showed surprised looks: "Who are you?"

"He Feiyang, Shenhuo Xuanzong, I wonder if you can give in. We want to find out what's going on in this deep pit." He Feiyang said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

Several true disciples of Bixiao Shrine looked at each other and said, "Some of us are already here.

He Feiyang frowned.

Junior sister Yao on the side had already taken the lead in scolding: "Your people are leaving, why do you want us to wait?"

"In short... it just doesn't work!" the Bixiao Shrine disciple responded very rudely.

"You... are simply unreasonable!"

Junior sister Yao took out a pair of water-splitting thorns, and the blades shone with a frightening cold light.

The disciples of Bixiao Shrine refused to give in an inch and drew their weapons one after another.

Seeing that the battle between the two sides was about to break out, but at this moment, a soft voice came from the deep pit.

"No rudeness..."

I saw a woman's figure rising slowly from the pit.

This woman has a graceful figure and a beautiful face. What is even more rare is that she has a very indescribable temperament. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful in the country and is unparalleled in the world.

For a moment, several disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong couldn't help but be fascinated. They couldn't believe that there was such a beautiful and incomparable woman in the world.

Even Junior Sister Yao, who is also a woman, could not help but be stunned, her mouth slightly opened, and she was speechless for a long time.

She was also a woman who thought highly of herself, but when facing this woman, all she could think of was "convinced" in her heart.

"Your Highness the Saint!"

Several Bixiao Shrine disciples immediately saluted respectfully.

The saint gently waved her hand and said: "Since they want to go in, then just let them in..."

"Yes!" Several disciples put away their weapons.

"Do you want to go in?" The saint suddenly turned her head and asked He Feiyang.

He Feiyang finally woke up from a dream and replied: "Yes."

"Then you can go in now."

The saint said calmly, "But I think it's useless even if you go in. With your strength, you won't be able to reach the bottom at all, and you can't see why..."

After saying that, she turned back to the disciples of the Bixiao Shrine and said: "Let's go, I've finished reading everything that needs to be seen... Next, it's time to go to Jade Butterfly Peak for a walk!"

As she spoke, the woman's beautiful figure floated into the sky.

He Feiyang and others could only stand there blankly, hearing lingering sounds coming back from the sky...

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