Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 841 Cleaning up the mess

Lu Yu didn't know what was happening in the distance. After returning to Jade Butterfly Peak as quickly as possible, he and Ye Weilan lived a life of partying day and night, in this way to restore his vitality.

Therefore, as soon as he returned to Jade Butterfly Peak, he closed the door to thank guests and could not come out. No matter who came to visit, he would not see him.

The place where the two retreated was the Yin-Yang Cave inside the Jade Butterfly Peak. Firstly, it was absolutely quiet here and would not be disturbed by the outside world. Secondly, they could also observe Yang Chudie's elixir formation here.

"I don't know how Sister Die's golden elixir is doing..." Ye Weilan said in a low voice.

Yang Chudie was sitting upright on top of the formation, with circles of golden light constantly emitting from his body, and his momentum was incomparably terrifying.

"Looking at it...should it be soon?" She tilted her head and asked Lu Yu.

"How do I know this? I've never formed an elixir before..."

Lu Yu said: "How about we enter her fantasy world together and have a look?"


Ye Weilan glared at him angrily: "You must not fool around... Originally I said I couldn't come here because I was worried about disturbing Sister Die, but you just didn't listen and insisted on coming here. Now you still Trying to drag her into an illusion is absolutely impossible!"

"Don't worry, your Sister Die is in the center of the formation, and is isolated by this Yin-Yang Sympathetic Formation. Our little movement will never disturb her... Since you don't let me disturb your Sister Die, then I will I have no choice but to attack you!"

After saying that, Lu Yu moved his hands up and down again.

Ye Weilan was panting, feeling shy and charming at the same time, and the spring scenery in the cave was boundless for a while.

After making a fuss for a while, Lu Yu finally became serious. After carefully observing the situation of the yin-yang sympathetic formation, he said to Ye Weilan:

"Although I cannot enter Senior Aunt's mind to check specifically, through the operation of this yin-yang sympathetic formation, I can roughly judge Senior Aunt's situation..."

"Based on the spiritual energy throughput of this formation at this time, I think it should be fast. If everything goes well, she can successfully form the golden elixir in as little as ten days and no more than a month at most..."


Ye Weilan was instantly delighted: "So fast?"

Since Yang Chudie started preparing to form pills, she inquired about many things related to pill formation while chatting with Ling Yufei and others.

She knew that forming an elixir was not a simple matter. The process of forming an elixir for ordinary practitioners often took several years. Some people even sat there for decades just to form a golden elixir. …

In comparison, Yang Chudie had calculated everything and only spent a few months, which was really too fast.

"of course!"

Lu Yu smiled proudly: "Don't you look at who assisted her? Her construction of the golden elixir was completed with the help of our mental illusions. This is actually the most difficult step in the entire elixir formation process. Ordinary practitioners This step alone may take several years, so it will definitely be faster for Master to form the elixir."

"That's great!" Ye Weilan said sincerely.

Lu Yu was also very happy. Once Yang Chudie formed a golden elixir, and it was a first-grade golden elixir, this meant that the entire Jade Butterfly Peak would face a different situation.

"You can stay here these days. You don't have to go anywhere... These days are also the most critical time!" Lu Yu warned again.

Originally, when Lu Yu called Ye Weilan away, he had sent a summons to ask Master Yong'an to come to help with the defense, but then Li Wangji issued a first-level battle order. Naturally, his face was not greater than the order of the master, so Master Yong'an had also Withdrew, Jade Butterfly Peak has been in a state of defensive emptiness.

Thinking about it afterwards, this was quite thrilling, but there was nothing we could do about it. If we didn't take the initiative to deal with the enemy, the entire Dali Sword Sect would be in danger, and Jade Butterfly Peak would be even less safe.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but said with some lingering fear: "Fortunately, this time, Master Li responded in time and responded resolutely. All the real people fought bravely enough and successfully resisted the enemy. Otherwise... the consequences would be disastrous!"

Two shocking battles, if any of them were to take place within the territory of the Dali Sword Sect, it would be unimaginable. The shock caused might affect Yang Chudie's process of forming pills... Fortunately, Such a situation did not happen, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

"I think your energy has almost recovered..." Ye Weilan said with a shy face, "Then you can go out and deal with your affairs. Just leave this to me."

"Why...are you going to drive me away now? Are you going to deny it after eating it up?" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Ye Weilan's face turned red to her ears: "I...I didn't! But, if I guessed correctly, there should be many things waiting for you to deal with outside, right?"

"You're right..."

Lu Yu sighed and played with the majestic, trembling object that looked like an upside-down jade bowl in front of Ye Weilan with infinite nostalgia.

"Just now, I can already think of several imminent things... So, no matter how reluctant I am, I have to go out."

Although the two shocking battles both ended with the victory of the Dali Sword Sect, in a battle of this scale, the enemy was injured one thousand times and oneself suffered eight hundred losses, so there was no absolute winner.

In the battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, there were more than a dozen real-person strongmen killed or injured on the Dali Jianzong side, including the leader Li Wangji, who was seriously injured at one point and was on the verge of death. It would take several years to heal, and even if the injuries were healed, I don’t know if my cultivation strength can be restored to its original state.

Back at Moon Bay, the situation is said to be even worse...

These two battles have severely damaged the Dali Sword Sect.

The situation before us is still serious.

Under such a situation, Lu Yu had to go out and clean up the mess as soon as possible.

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