Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 842 Saving people and putting out fires

Lu Yu never expected that the first person he saw after leaving seclusion was neither the Jade Butterfly Peak disciple who came to ask for instructions and report, nor the familiar Fang Haoran, but Hai, who was in charge of the Sutra Storage Tower and was the mainstay. Ling Zhenren.

A dignified real elder stood guard outside the door of his residence.

"Master Hailing...why are you here?" Lu Yu said with surprise on his face.

"Lu Yu, you are out of seclusion..." A faint smile appeared on Feng Ruhai's face, "I have been waiting for you just to take you to a place as soon as possible. We need your help... "

"Us?" Lu Yu blinked.

"To be more precise, the entire Dali Sword Sect needs you now!"

Feng Ruhai waved his long sleeves, and immediately brought up a breeze that rolled up Lu Yu, unfolded his escaping light and took him flying into the sky.

Lu Yu was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would take him on his way without any explanation. It seemed that there was indeed something very urgent.

"Master Hailing, what happened? Could it be that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's fleet has gone and returned?"

"That's not true..."

Feng Ruhai replied: "The latest news we got is that Zhong Chuyue and his wife have left Liuli Island at the same time, apparently to pick up the remnants of the floating fleet. Even if they want to stop the offensive again, it will take a certain amount of time... "

"However, I am not looking for you this time because of this, but because after this battle, many real elders were seriously injured, and some were even in very critical condition..."

"These people are now gathered in the healing hall of Wulaofeng. However, because there are too many injured and the injuries are too complicated, the healing hall is helpless at this time. However, if they are not treated in time, these people are likely to die. It's dangerous, even if the situation is slightly better, your cultivation level may still fall..."

"You are an expert in alchemy and have dealt with Fang Haoran's injuries before, so I want you to go over and try to see if there are other ways..."

Only then did Lu Yu suddenly realize.

It turned out that a group of real strong men who participated in the Battle of Huiyue Bay were seriously injured. Until this incident, they could not get timely help, so they wanted to let him rescue people.

Moreover, from Master Hailing's words, he also heard another layer of consciousness...

These real strong men all fought bravely to protect the safety of the Dali Sword Sect in order to deal with powerful enemies, which led to the current situation. If the Dali Sword Sect cannot make proper arrangements for them, I am afraid that there will be It has a great impact on the morale of the military. If a similar situation happens again in the future, I am afraid that everyone’s enthusiasm to fight the enemy will be greatly reduced...

From this point of view, this is indeed a very urgent matter.

Lu Yu asked Master Hailing some specific details about the battle of Huiyue Bay. Master Hailing answered them all one by one. Only then did he realize that the battle did not go smoothly.

Although there are a total of six Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pills in the Dali Sword Sect, the eight exquisite pagodas of Wuya Immortal Pavilion still maintain a certain formation with each other even during the march, forming a powerful force.

The members of the Dali Sword Sect took the lead in attacking. Not only did they fail to gain an advantage, but they also fell into a bitter battle for a time. Fortunately, Master Zifu took charge of the storm and succeeded in a sneak attack with the Great Yin Yang Sword Technique. He directly killed Master Tiansheng, who was the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, and then suppressed two exquisite pagodas by himself. This Only then did he finally win.

However, this victory was just a tragic victory. During the battle, eight real strong men fell directly. On the way back, two more died due to serious injuries. Until now, there are still more than a dozen people lying in the convalescence hall. , if timely rescue is not possible, the number of people dying will continue to increase...

Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that Master Hailing would wait in front of Lu Yu's door.

"Master Hailing, please rest assured, I will do my best and go all out."

Finally, Lu Yu assured Feng Ruhai.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Wulao Peak. Master Hailing kept escaping the light and took Lu Yu directly to the healing hall located in the fourth finger area.

At this time, the outside of the healing hall was already overcrowded.

Although Lu Yu had never been here before, he knew that it shouldn't be like this under normal circumstances.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly understood. The people lying inside were all big figures from various mountains, and there were countless disciples and disciples under them. These people were obviously here to find a solution, although they probably couldn't help at all. Busy, but this is human nature.

"Master Hailing is here!"

"Great, Master Hailing is finally back!"

"Why did Master Hailing bring Lu Yu here?"

"Could it be that...he was also injured?"

"What do you know! Pills, pills, and medicines have always been inseparable. People who are proficient in the way of pills must also be proficient in the power of medicine. Lu Yu is so good at making pills, he will definitely use medicine to save people!"

"Master Hailing, please be sure to save the first master of our Guyun Peak..."

"What's the use of begging Master Hailing? You should beg God Lu!"

It wasn't until they entered the healing hall that these voices finally subsided.

"Master Hailing! Where have you gone?"

Suddenly, an urgent voice came: "Even if you are not proficient in medical science, it is still good to help out..."

"Now the Dantian of Guyun Zhenren is seriously damaged, and the five qi are in chaos. The elders are taking turns to suppress him, otherwise his life will be in danger at any time. If you are here, you can share their pressure..." The person who spoke was an old man in a white robe. He was Changchun Zhenren Zhao Huaisu, who was in charge of the convalescent hall and had many healing methods. He had a very long history in Dali Sword Sect and his life span was close to 800 years. Therefore, even when talking to Hailing Zhenren, he was very impolite. However, this also indirectly shows that the situation was very bad, so he was so impatient and could not control his temper after nearly 800 years of practice. Feng Ruhai coughed dryly and said, "I'll go find Lu Yu..." "Lu Yu?" Changchun Zhenren looked at Lu Yu who was following Feng Ruhai and was slightly stunned. He wanted to scold him on the spot. What could he do with such a kid who hadn't even grown all his hair? However, thinking of the recent series of events, he still held back and said with a pinched nose: "Since we are here, let's go and take a look first!"

So, the three of them came to a quiet room in the hall together.

To be more precise, this should be the location of a formation eye.

The entire convalescent hall is actually a huge formation. Being in it can accelerate the recovery of injuries, especially in several key formation eye positions, the effect is particularly significant.

At this time, there are five real people in the room, one is the real person Gu Yun lying on the bed, and the other four real people are constantly suppressing his chaotic five qi. It seems that the situation is indeed very critical.

"Real person Gu Yun was severely injured by one of the exquisite pagodas in Wuya Xian Pavilion. It seems that those exquisite pagodas are indeed strange. I have used the Zhouguang Dividing Water Art and Huifeng Fuliu Art, but there is no effect. Now I can only temporarily stabilize his situation like this. If I can't find a solution, I may have to consider giving up..."

Changchun Zhenren introduced to Lu Yu.

Although he was quite critical of Feng Ruhai for leaving his job and specifically looking for Lu Yu, for the sake of the overall situation, he still hoped that Lu Yu could really come up with some solution, although he also knew that the chances of this were very slim... But what if?

Lu Yu said nothing, switched his sight to the sight of the medical classics star, and observed silently.

The situation was indeed very complicated...

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many real elders guarding beside him...

Changchun Zhenren saw that Lu Yu hadn't said anything for a long time, and his heart finally sank gradually, and he shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly sacrificed a mysterious magic weapon, aimed at the body of Guyun Zhenren, and said to the real elders beside him:

"Several elders, please make way..."

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