Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 844 New doubts

Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique is the most powerful healing method in the world today.

Zhouguang refers to time, which means that this Taoist method has the ability to accelerate time.

However, accelerating the passage of time is something that only the supreme gods can do. It is impossible for a mortal body to have such an ability.

Therefore, what this method really speeds up is the passage of time through water.

Water benefits all things without any struggle.

Water exists in all living things in the world. By accelerating the passage of water particles, the metabolism of all living things for hundreds of years can be completed in an instant, thus achieving the effect of instant recovery of injuries.

This is the basic principle of Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique.

However, this Taoist method has a fatal flaw, that is, if it is healed without any injuries, even if it is accelerated for tens of millions of years, it will still not be cured...

For example, in front of Master Guyun, there is a problem with the internal laws of the golden elixir, which means that the internal laws and order of the golden elixir have changed. If it is not corrected, no matter how time passes, there will be no possibility of returning to the original state.

And what Lu Yu is doing is exactly this kind of work.

The reason why real energy storms were brewing all over the body of Master Guyun was precisely because he was adjusting the internal structure of the golden elixir in Master Guyun's body.

After listening to Master Changchun explain all this, Feng Ruhai and others couldn't help but look stunned.

There is such a thing...

Even the internal structure of the golden elixir can be readjusted. How strong is this guy?

This guy is obviously still in the Guihai realm, how can he know so much about the structure of the golden elixir law?

Moreover, just understanding is not enough...

The key is that he still has the ability to touch...

Several people present are already seasoned masters, especially Master Hailing, who possesses a first-grade golden elixir. But even with such strength, they dare to touch other people's golden elixirs at will... But what exactly does Lu Yu do? How did you manage to do all this with ease?

For a moment, several powerful real people could not help but be deeply shocked...

"I don't know exactly how he did it, but judging from the reaction of Master Guyun's body, he is indeed doing such a thing now..." Master Changchun said with a wry smile.

Feng Ruhai shook his head and sighed: "It seems that I will spend more time sitting with him and discussing things in the future. Maybe some of the questions that have troubled me will be answered!"

Several others nodded silently in agreement...

A full hour passed like this.

In the meantime, more and more powerful real people noticed the abnormality here and rushed over to check. After learning the cause and effect of the incident, they couldn't help but shocked Lu Yu.

If Lu Yu had previously disintegrated Tianmiao's golden elixir, forcibly read his memory, and was suspected of heresy, this time it can be said that it was completely proven that what he practiced was the righteous path of Huanghuang.

His understanding and mastery of the mysteries of the law has reached an astonishing level. Even real people like them in the Golden Core Realm are far behind and can only lag behind.

As a result, there were more and more people in the room, and it gradually became overcrowded.

In a small quiet room, there were actually more than a dozen real strong men crowded at once. If the disciples outside saw such a scene, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

Finally, the real Guyun became quiet while lying on the bed, and everything returned to calm.

Although he was still unconscious at this time, everyone could tell from his face that his condition had improved significantly compared to before.

Lu Yu withdrew his hand from Master Guyun's Dantian, and brought his two fingers together, stimulating a burst of soft red light that adhered to the wound.

Immediately, Master Guyun's belly healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing all this, Lu Yu raised his head and found that the people around him were already in darkness. He was startled: "Huh? Why did everyone come here? Don't the other injured people need to be taken care of?" "

Everyone had different expressions, and everyone looked directly at Lu Yu.

" did you do it?" Master Changchun asked in a difficult tone, his lips trembling.

Lu Yu took a deep look at him, with a bit of relief in his eyes: "It seems that Master Changchun has understood what I was doing just now, and there is no need for me to explain any more..."

Changchun Master sighed: "I have been studying medical science for nearly 800 years, and I have never seen anyone able to heal the injured by repairing golden elixirs..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Master Changchun is exaggerating. In fact, it is not that mysterious. The golden elixir in Master Guyun's body is just that one of the laws is misplaced. I only need to put it back into place. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it." It’s so hard to think…”

"I only know some tricks because of chance and I have come into contact with the golden elixir many times. If Master Changchun also knows these tricks, there is no need for me to intervene at all."

Master Changchun shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew that Lu Yu's words were just modesty.

Everyone present, except Lu Yu, is a person who has a golden elixir. They naturally know how mysterious and complicated the structure of a golden elixir is. Even their own golden elixir may not be able to clearly understand it, so why talk about it? Know others?

Not to mention the difficulty of correcting the chaos and regaining its place. One can imagine the difficulty of this.

Lu Yu paused, then continued: "Compared with my little fuss, there is another thing that deserves your concern..."

"You are all real strong people. Naturally, you all know that the golden elixir is actually extremely stable. It is either as solid as gold or broken into pieces. It will never be completely destroyed for a while. Like Master Guyun, who was beaten in the battle and the golden elixir had problems. , is an extremely rare thing..."

"Aren't you curious about how all this happened?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Master Gu Yun's injuries were caused in the battle of Huiyue Bay. The battle at that time was huge and the battle situation was very tragic... The golden elixir is indeed a very stable thing, but in such a battle, no matter what happens, All situations are possible, right?

Master Changchun gradually came back to his senses and said thoughtfully: "You mean, there was something weird about that battle at that time?"

Lu Yu said: "It has been several days since the battle at Huiyue Bay ended, but there are still more than a dozen real people who are seriously injured and cannot afford it. With the treatment conditions of the convalescence hall and the help of all the real people here, absolutely This shouldn't be the result..."

"So, let me boldly speculate that the conditions of the remaining dozen or so strong real people have not improved after being treated by Zhouguang Water Dividing Art, right?"

After being treated with the Zhouguang Water Dividing Art, the situation still did not improve, which meant that their problem most likely also stemmed from the golden elixir.

If one person is like this, there is nothing to say, but if everyone is like this, then the problems here are worth pondering...

However, no one spoke, and everyone had strange looks on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu suddenly knew something.

It seemed that he was indeed right.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel extremely curious. He didn't know what the battle in Huiyue Bay was like at that time...

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