Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 845 Who Lives and Who Dies

Next, Lu Yu switched to the medical field of vision and examined the remaining dozen or so real strong men who could not afford serious injuries one by one.

Sure enough, the final result once again verified Lu Yu's guess that these dozen real people had problems within Jindan.

Everyone was immediately shocked. They didn't expect that so many powerful real people would have their golden elixirs directly disrupted during the battle. This obviously couldn't be just a coincidence. It was obviously a premeditated and deliberate act by the enemy.

If this issue is not clarified, it will simply make everyone in the Dali Sword Sect have trouble sleeping and eating.

So everyone recalled the specific details of the Battle of Huiyue Bay.

Not only the real people present, but also the real people who had participated in the battle, also rushed over after hearing the news.

Even the leader of Tianxiang Peak, Master Zifu, Master Tianquan Peak, Master Cangsong, and Master Baiyun Peak, Master Tingyuan, were all present. Four of the six main attackers who originally attacked Huiyue Bay were already present, and the remaining two Shangge elders Huang Zhenlin and Huang Zhenlin were lying unconscious in the nursing home.

From the oral accounts of so many elders, Lu Yu had a more detailed understanding of the battle of Huiyue Bay.

However, because the scene at that time was so chaotic, it is difficult to find any commonality among the injuries of these dozen real people. Therefore, even after gathering so many real experts and discussing for a long time, they still had no clue as to the cause of all this.

"Lu Yu, you were the first to discover this problem. What do you think?" Master Cangsong saw Lu Yu thoughtfully beside him, so he asked him, "Otherwise, what kind of guesses do you have?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu replied: "Through the descriptions of the real people just now, I do have some guesses, but this guess is too incredible. I will tell you after I verify it and feel more confident!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu didn't wait for their reaction, then continued: "Instead of caring about the reason, you might as well worry about another more imminent matter... Mr. Zhu Ge, the mana in this Lingxi Pot has been exhausted. You Is there any way to make it recover quickly?”

While talking, Lu Yu took out the Lingxi Pot and handed it to Mr. Zhu Ge, who was in charge of the Tiangong Treasure House.

Everyone was suddenly surprised and didn't understand why Lu Yu suddenly pulled on the Lingxi Pot. Could it be that the Lingxi Pot's loss of mana was what he called an "imminent" thing?

Mr. Zhu Ge was also obviously stunned and replied: "The last time the supreme monster appeared in Xiaolitian Secret Realm, the Lingxi Pot was used up once, and it took more than a year to replenish it. , it is simply impossible to fill it up quickly in a short period of time..."

"That would be difficult..."

Lu Yu sighed softly and said helplessly: "I have seen the injuries of all the real people just now. Now there are a total of eleven people who still have problems within the golden elixir. Next, I plan to treat Mr. Shang Ge, because no matter from the injury, Regardless of the seriousness or the importance of Mr. Shangge, I have to deal with his situation first... But curing Mr. Shangge, today is the limit of what I can do..."

"In other words, if there is no reply from the Lingxi Pot, with my ability, I can only treat two real people in a day... But there are still ten real people left. According to the most optimistic scenario, they can only treat at most two real people. It can only last three days..."

"It is simply impossible for me to save ten people within three days... Therefore, there is a question of choice..."

Lu Yu finished these words in a low tone.

Suddenly, a storm broke out in everyone's hearts.

In other words, they must make a decision, among the remaining people, who should they let live and who should die...

This is really cruel...

These people are the mainstay of the Dali Sword Sect, and they are also their like-minded "taoist friends". The reason why the current situation has become like this is entirely to protect the Dali Sword Sect... let them make a choice between them, It was so hard.

"Is there no other way?"

Mr. Zhu Ge said: "In King Wu's Palace, there is a true energy conversion array that allows everyone to focus their magic power on one of them. Is it possible to try this method?"

"No." Lu Yu shook his head firmly and said.

He had also heard of the True Essence Transformation Formation of King Wu Palace. When the monsters were raging in the Xiaolitian Secret Realm, he had also used Li Wangji's magic power to kill the supreme monster in one fell swoop with the Star Sword Technique...

But this time it was different from killing monsters. This time he had to repair the golden elixir, which he could only do with the power of the red lotus that contained the secrets of the stars. He couldn't rely on the power of others at all.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other and were speechless for a moment.

"Please make your own decisions. I will deal with Mr. Shangge's injury first."

Lu Yu bowed and then left, leaving only a group of powerful real people who were stunned in place.

Two hours later.

Lu Yu walked out of the quiet room exhausted.

He finally succeeded in repairing Mr. Shangge's golden elixir, which took much more time than he expected, because the golden elixir in Mr. Shangge's body was a first-grade golden elixir, and the situation was more complicated. It was not an isolated case at all. Elder Yun can't compare.

However, fortunately, he succeeded in the end...

In the convalescence hall, all the real people still stopped in place. Not only did the number of people not decrease, but they increased in number.

Lu Yu had already anticipated such a situation. After all, this was a major matter involving the life and death of a real strong person. Everyone must make a unanimous decision, otherwise it might lead to complaints.

Seeing Lu Yu come out, everyone's eyes suddenly turned to him.

Lu Yu didn't intend to ask the audience what the discussion was like. It was obviously a matter of course. If there was a result, there wouldn't be so many strong real people gathered here.

"Master Hailing, can you please help me one more time and send me back to Jade Butterfly Peak?"

Since Lu Yu had never thought that he would face such a situation today, he did not take the black tail of the dragon fish with him. Instead, he stayed with Ye Weilan and wanted to return to Jade Butterfly Peak with his own ability. It takes a lot of time.

Besides, he has absolutely no energy left now.

"Do you want to go back?" Feng Ruhai said in slight shock, "How about you just recuperate and adjust your breathing at Wulao Peak? I will specially arrange a quiet place for you on the Sutra Pagoda."

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "I have a special method at Jade Butterfly Peak that can restore my vitality more quickly. It saves time compared to going back."

Hearing Lu Yu say this, Feng Ruhai immediately had no objection: "In that case, let's go this way!"

So, the two of them walked out of the healing hall together.

Before leaving the house, Lu Yu couldn't help it. He turned around and said to everyone: "If it doesn't work, let's draw lots. Maybe this is the fairest..."

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