Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 846 Special restraint

The light flew by, and in a blink of an eye, the mountains were behind them, and the mountains to the south of the Dali Sword Sect were clearly visible.

"What exactly is your guess?"

Feng Ruhai finally couldn't help it and asked Lu Yu.

"Anyway, I absolutely trust you. It's okay to tell me what you think, right?"

Lu Yu said: "I also trust Master Hailing...I didn't say it before because people were so confused at the time and worried that this matter would cause unnecessary panic...and after all, it was just my guess at the time."


Feng Ruhai said in surprise: "The implication is that you can be sure now?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "The reason why I have been treating Mr. Shangge for so long is that a considerable part of it was to confirm this matter. After observing the condition of Mr. Shangge's golden elixir, I can basically be sure..."

"What's going on..." Feng Ruhai's tone involuntarily became lower.

Lu Yu did not speak, but instead raised his hand and gathered a ball of light on his palm.

In the light ball, there is a black sword-shaped shadow.

"Can Master Hailing recognize this thing?" Lu Yu asked him in return.

" this the secret of 'Little Zhou Tian'?" Feng Ruhai was surprised, "How could you..."

The mysteries of "Little Zhou Tian" are one of the Taoist mysteries of the Dali Sword Sect. The method was passed down by the founding master and is regarded as the supreme skill by the majority of disciples of the Dali Sword Sect.

The conditions for practicing such a technique are also very strict. You must be a true disciple or more, and you must spend hundreds of thousands of merit to be qualified to read it.

In Feng Ruhai's impression, Lu Yu should have never practiced this technique...

But when he thought about it, he suddenly understood, who is this guy in front of him? He is a genius appointed by the ancestor of Yunxiao. Back then, he could even simulate the blood moon eclipse of the Red Moon Demon Lord. Now, it is no problem to simulate the mysteries of "Little Zhou Tian"...

Thinking of this, Feng Ruhai took a closer look. Sure enough, the secret of "Little Zhou Tian" in Lu Yu's hand was just an illusion. Just like the Blood Moon Eclipse he had shown before, they were all fakes.

"You mean...their problems are all in the mysteries of 'Little Zhou Tian'?" Feng Ruhai said thoughtfully.

The golden elixir is composed of countless laws and secrets. The laws and secrets can evolve in thousands of ways, but the basic composition remains unchanged.

"Little Zhou Tian Dao Ji Sutra" is a highly respected skill in the Dali Sword Sect. There are naturally not a few people who practice it, and there are naturally not a few people who are also proficient in the secrets of "Little Zhou Tian". Therefore, there are many people in the Dali Sword Sect. The composition of a real person's golden elixir naturally includes the composition of the mysteries of "Little Zhou Tian".

In Master Hailing's impression, most of the dozens of injured masters were indeed people who had practiced the "Xiaozhou Tiandao Jing Jing". Now that Lu Yu has simulated such a profound meaning alone, its intention is naturally self-evident. Metaphor.

Seeing that Master Hailing had already responded proactively, Lu Yu couldn't help showing a pleased expression: "Yes, within the Jindan of Master Guyun and Mr. Shangge, there were problems with this secret, and they still happened in the same way. The problem……"

"Therefore, I dare to conclude that Wuya Immortal Pavilion must have mastered some special method that can directly reverse the secret meaning of 'Little Zhou Tian' in Jindan. Combined with the situation described by you before, I boldly guess that the reason for this is As a result, the problem probably lies in the formation formed by the eight exquisite pagodas at that time!"

"In other words, Wuya Immortal Pavilion is very likely to have mastered a formation that can directly target the secret of 'Little Zhou Tian'. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a formation specially set up to restrain our Dali Sword Sect. ”

Master Hailing's face was full of shock, and he was so surprised that he was speechless.

This is undoubtedly a huge piece of bad news for the Dali Sword Sect.

" could this could this be possible..."

"There are at least three issues behind this incident."

Lu Yu continued: "First, there is a traitor within our Dali Sword Sect, and he is also a traitor with a very high rank."

"Because a formation offensive like this that specifically targets the secrets of the Great Li Sword Sect cannot be realized without more than tens of millions of tests, and it must be based on the active cooperation of the testers before it can be successful... "

"Judging from the current situation, at least the secret of 'Little Zhou Tian' has been exposed. As for whether there will be other weaknesses, I still need to see the specific internal conditions of several other real people's golden elixirs before I can further determine ”

"Secondly, there must have been a strong person from the Tiangang Realm in Wuya Immortal Pavilion, because such a feat is unlikely to be accomplished by a real strong person. In all likelihood, a strong person from the Tiangang Realm was involved in it, combined with the Wuya Realm. Regarding the specific situation of Yaxian Pavilion, I guess there is a high probability that it is the so-called Seventh Ancestor of Wuya..."

"Thirdly, combined with the information revealed by Master Tianmiao before, Master Master once speculated that the Seventh Ancestor Wuya was probably going to deal with an ancestor of our Dali Sword Sect Sword Sect... Now I can make a more accurate judgment based on the information. To be more precise, the eight exquisite pagodas in Wuya Immortal Pavilion are most likely tailor-made for our ancestor..."

"We can even deduce the identity of this ancestor in detail. I wonder which of the existing ancestors of our Dali Sword Sect has studied the "Xiaozhou Tiandaoji Sutra" carefully?"

Master Hailing exclaimed in shock: "That must be Ancestor Yunxiao!"

As the guard of the Scripture Pagoda, he can check the reading records of various people in the Scripture Pagoda for thousands of years. In his spare time, he will also be curious about what classics those great figures have read and whether they can learn from them. One or two...

In his impression, Patriarch Yunxiao had read the "Xiao Zhou Tian Dao Ji Sutra" a lot. As for the other two ancestors, they did not take a fancy to this technique, but chose other cultivation routes.

"It seems we already have the answer..."

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Look, this is the answer. Do I dare to say it in front of everyone in the convalescence hall?"

"But even if I know this, I can only make some remarks. There is absolutely nothing we can do about this situation... Perhaps the most we can do is inform Ancestor Yunxiao and let him be more careful!"

Master Hailing was speechless.

Obviously, this incident had a great impact on him. He didn't say a word until Lu Yu'an was sent back to Jade Butterfly Peak.

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