Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 847 The arrival of the saint

"Then you should cultivate your breath well! When you regain your vitality, send a message to me immediately. I will wait for your news at Wulao Peak."

Standing outside the door of Lu Yu's residence, Feng Ruhai said to Lu Yu.

The implication is that he plans to be Lu Yu's exclusive "car driver" and will provide special transportation to Lu Yu.

Feng Ruhai naturally knew that Lu Yu had arowana and black tail. In fact, he was fully capable of rushing there on his own. However, Lu Yu was too critical at this time. It was related to the lives of more than a dozen real strong men and he could not be allowed to go out. A little glitch.

Therefore, it was better for him to pick him up and drop him off in person. After all, there was also Lord Chiyue hiding in the dark. He might use some tricks at some point, so he had to be careful.

Lu Yu nodded and did not refuse his kindness. After all, he did not want to use the black tail of the dragon fish easily. It was better to leave this magic weapon on Jade Butterfly Peak so that Ye Weilan could maintain mobility at any time.

So Feng Ruhai left Jade Butterfly Peak.

Lu Yu watched as his escaping light rose again and quickly went away until the escaping light had disappeared. He still did not turn around and return to his home, but stood there in a daze.

What happened today also had a great impact on him, and he needed to clarify his thoughts.

Especially regarding the urgent matter of rescuing people, from his true heart, he hopes to rescue all these real strong people.

First, this can preserve more vitality for the Dali Sword Sect.

Secondly, this is a life-saving grace, and there is no greater kindness than this. He does not expect these real strong men to be grateful to him, but there is no doubt that this will greatly expand his network of contacts.

Maybe one day in the future, when he wants to break into the eighteenth floor underground to find out what's going on, these people can be a big help behind him.

Therefore, he must reconsider carefully to see if he has missed anything, and if there are other better ways to forcefully rescue more real people...

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"We are already at the door of our house, why don't you go back?"

Lu Yu was startled and turned around suddenly, but the figure that appeared in front of him shocked him so much that his eyes almost flew out.

"Your Highness the Saint?" He exclaimed in shock, "Why are you here?"

I saw that the person in front of me had a peerless appearance, which captivated the country and the city. She was as beautiful as if she could not eat the fireworks of this world. Isn't she none other than Meng Ting, the saint of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Temple?

"Why are you so surprised?" Meng Ting slightly frowned his delicate eyebrows and said with some confusion, "Don't you welcome me? I thought... when we were in Bixiao Shrine before, we were already We are friends now..."

Lu Yu was speechless for a while.


Don't you know who you are? Are you worthy of saying such a thing?

You are the majestic Holy Maiden of the Bixiao Shrine, and you are treated like a treasure by the entire Bixiao Shrine... Such a big shot suddenly appeared at the door of his house one day. Who is this person? Is it surprising?

Today's Dali Sword Sect is different from the past. There are many checkpoints and full martial law. She can appear here quietly, and even Feng Ruhai is not aware of her existence... This is really an exaggeration!


Considering that she is already in the realm of Dao Heart Transformation, which is a level higher than ordinary real people, this is actually understandable...

But the question is, why did she suddenly come here alone?

I remember that the last time we met at Bixiao Shrine, the senior officials of Tianshu Palace were very strict with her. Even in the middle of the chat, they suddenly pushed her away, denying him the chance to get close to her. Why? At this time, she suddenly ran to Jade Butterfly Peak to find herself?

Lu Yu took a few deep breaths, tried to calm down, and said, "Of course we are friends... But I'm curious, why did you suddenly come here alone?"

"What else are you talking about?"

Meng Ting complained with some dissatisfaction: "I originally wanted to come to visit you through normal channels, but your Dali Sword Sect is now under full martial law and refuses all outsiders to visit, so I have no choice but to make this decision. A person sneaked in quietly..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless again.

Her Highness the Saint is Her Highness the Saint. She ignores the defensive formations of the Dali Sword Sect as if they are nothing. How can she take it for granted...

"Are you in a hurry? Why do you come to me in such a hurry?" Lu Yu asked.

"It's not an urgent matter, I'm just curious..."

Meng Ting gently tiptoed a few times, making her look even more light and graceful.

"What happened in the past few days? Who was the person who fought with you? Even my Tianshu star chart caused violent fluctuations at that time..."

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what she was referring to was the previous battle between him and the Red Moon Demon Lord.

After all, she was someone who had once climbed onto the Biyun Tianmen and faced the starlight. She also held an artifact like the Tianshu Star Plate in her hand. Therefore, it was not inappropriate for her to be able to react to the battle between herself and the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord at that time. What an incredible thing...

"So, you have already been to the Golden Rooster Islands?" Lu Yu asked again.

Meng Ting nodded: "I have seen the traces left by your battle at that time, so this makes me even more curious, and I can't help but come here to find you directly to find out... You first tell me who the person is. Who is it?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but secretly dumbfounded for a while.

This holy lady is in the realm of Taoist Heart Transformation, and she has personally visited the field to investigate. I am afraid it will be difficult to hide any secrets from her...

However, it seems that there is nothing to hide in this matter.

"Have you heard of the Red Moon Demon Lord?" Lu Yu said.

Meng Ting suddenly showed an expression of realization: "It turns out it's him..."

Now it was Lu Yu's turn to be surprised.

From the tone of Meng Ting's words, it was obvious that he had a considerable understanding of the Red Moon Demon Lord, and it was not just some hearsay stories.

"Do you know him? Who is he..."

Meng Ting frowned slightly, as if he was thinking for a moment, and then said in a light tone: "It's just a little flea!"

Suddenly, Lu Yu was completely shocked.

The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect has been causing harm to the world for tens of millions of years. Even the eight major sects came into being to prevent the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect from poisoning living beings. Unexpectedly, from the mouth of this holy lady, as the leader of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, The Red Moon Demon Lord turned out to be just a little flea.

"Why do you say that?" Lu Yu asked.

Obviously, she must know some little-known details, so she made such a judgment.

However, what she didn't expect was that Meng Ting's face once again showed a confused look. After thinking for a long time, she said: "I don't know why... It seems that this is an incident from our Bixiao Shrine a long time ago. What a senior told me, what he said at the time was that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect is just a bunch of fleas..."

Seeing her suddenly becoming a little talkative, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that this is not a problem with the memory of the Heavenly Palace Saint, but that the person who said this to her may not exist in this world...

For example, this voice comes from nine days away...

Considering the scene seen in the underground world, combined with what Senior Tianjian once said, there is another Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm beyond the nine days. The Bixiao Shrine in the current world is just the Bixiao Palace in the upper realm. It’s just a branch of the shrine…

Based on this information, Lu Yu felt that the other party did have the confidence to say this.

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