Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 848 Super Help

Meng Ting's unintentional words made Lu Yu suddenly understand something that had puzzled him for a long time.

I remember Fang Haoran once said that the real leader Li Wangji once personally went to the Danwu Conference in Daluo Holy Land to meet with senior figures from various sects, explain to them that the Red Moon Demon Sect has resurrected again, and explain to them their interests and harms. Unexpectedly, the result was unexpectedly cold.

Now combined with Meng Ting's words, it is not difficult to guess the reason.

Perhaps the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect was indeed very powerful for a while, but after the changes of the times, the views of the major sects have gradually changed.

Even the Bixiao Shrine, which is the strongest among the eight major sects, regards the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect as a small flea. Naturally, the other major sects will no longer be wary and will continue to be wary of it.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

Even the Dali Sword Sect himself, if it hadn't been for the impending crisis, probably wouldn't have paid such special attention to the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect.

It was under such circumstances that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect took advantage of the opportunity and successively attracted the Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion, causing them to join forces to launch an attack on the Dali Sword Sect.

"In addition to asking for the identity of that person, I actually have a special request when I come to you this time..."

Meng Ting continued: "When you congratulated me on Biyun Tianmen to fight against the three-star connection, I felt that your power made me feel particularly familiar... This time I saw your battle on the Golden Rooster Islands. After visiting the ruins, I became even more determined in this idea..."

"So, I would like to ask you to show your power again, just like when you fought the Red Moon Demon Lord before, show it to me completely and without reservation, is that okay?"

Lu Yu was stunned, not expecting that the other party would make such a request.

Indeed, he had the same feeling about Meng Ting at the beginning, and felt that her power was very familiar. He even once doubted whether she had some kind of connection with his mother, and once wanted to find out about his mother's whereabouts through her. …

But those were things before entering the underground world. After finding Senior Tianjian in the underground world, he had already gotten the answer he wanted and knew what his ultimate goal was.

Therefore, Meng Ting's words at this time sounded more like a test to Lu Yu.

Maybe she does have some kind of connection with her mother, but her identity is the Saint of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine. It is very possible that her battle with the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord shocked the people who were in Bixiao Shrine at the time. A senior member of the Bixiao Palace in Yuntianmen revealed some information related to the Lotus Seed, so he sent her here to test him.

This possibility is not impossible.

However, looking at the expression on Meng Ting's face at this time, as well as a series of behaviors since getting along with her, she does not seem to be such a scheming person.

But no matter what happened, Lu Yu couldn't take this risk.

Anyway, he no longer needs to rely on the other party to determine the specific whereabouts of his mother, so there is no need to bet on whether Her Royal Highness the Saint of Heavenly Palace can be trusted?

So, Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "You have become the Taoist Heart. It should be easy to see through my reality. Do you think I can fully show my true state in my current state?"

Meng Ting frowned and said, "You're so good, how did you end up like this? Did you fight with someone again?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Could it be that he gave her the impression that he liked to fight?

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, so he rolled his eyes and said:

"In short, I can't satisfy your request now... It's not impossible for me to agree to your request, but before that, you have to do me a favor!"

"What are you busy with?" Meng Ting asked.

"I can't tell you what the business is now." Lu Yu deliberately kept it secret. "Anyway, you wait here for now. When I regain my strength, I will tell you what the business is... I will find someone to come and take you there first. Get settled!"

Meng Ting had no choice but to follow Lu Yu's arrangement.

After a while, Ling Yufei rushed over.

As a former true disciple of Bohai Palace, she once had the opportunity to personally present the original crystal core to the Saint of Tiangong, so she naturally recognized Meng Ting.

Seeing Meng Ting appear here and standing side by side with Lu Yu, Ling Yufei was stunned and couldn't figure out the reason behind all this.

"The senior sister is here..." Lu Yu said with a smile, then turned to Meng Ting and asked: "This is our senior sister from Jade Butterfly Peak. You should recognize her, right?"

Meng Ting looked at Ling Yufei carefully and said with a confused look on his face: "I recognize you. I remember that you are not a disciple of our Bixiao Palace? Why are you here?"

Ling Yufei smiled bitterly and said: "Your Highness the Saint, you don't know. I have been expelled from the Bixiao Palace and am now a disciple of the Jade Butterfly Peak of the Great Li Sword Sect."

Meng Ting nodded gently. Although he still didn't know what was going on, he didn't ask further.

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless. In order to save Ling Yufei, he made such a big fuss in the Bixiao Palace and even went to the Chunyang Palace to fight. Unexpectedly, Meng Ting didn't know anything about it. I really don't know. Is she pretending to be confused, or is she really confused...

"Senior Sister, please do me a favor and be responsible for arranging for Saint Meng to stay one night at Wen Yudie Peak. Anyway, you two know each other. If you have any questions, please communicate slowly... Your Highness, we will see you tomorrow! "

After saying these words, Lu Yu ignored Ling Yufei's shocked expression and turned around and walked back to his residence.

After making sure that everything was safe and sound, he opened the magic circle and went directly into the Yin-Yang Cave under the ground.

When people arrived, he started shouting impatiently:

"Lan'er! Lan'er! I'm back again. Come out quickly to help me recover. I'm going to do something big tomorrow!"

In fact, his plan was very simple. Meng Ting's power did have a lot in common with his own, and it was not unfounded to say that they were from the same source.

Since she can test him, why can't he let her help him in turn.

The true energy conversion formation that Mr. Zhu Ge mentioned before does not work for others, but it may not be impossible for Meng Ting.

Lu Yu could just use her power to save all ten remaining strong men at once!

Originally, he was still struggling with how to solve this problem. Unexpectedly, such a super helper came in a blink of an eye, making all problems easily solved.

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