Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 849 Rainbow Light Bridge

The next day, Lu Yu walked out of his residence in high spirits.

Meng Ting, the saint of the Heavenly Palace, also arrived as scheduled, accompanied by Ling Yufei.

Looking at Lu Yu who had completely recovered and became energetic again, Meng Ting couldn't help showing a surprised look on his face: "I didn't expect you to recover so quickly. It seems that you must have some special recovery." means……"

Lu Yu's face froze slightly, thinking that there are indeed special means, but this matter is really not enough for outsiders to explain...

He coughed dryly and said: "There are indeed some special methods, but in the final analysis, the mountains and rivers of our Jade Butterfly Peak should be more nurturing, so we can recover faster... I wonder how your Royal Highness the Holy Lady rested last night? Are you still used to living in our Jade Butterfly Peak?"

Meng Ting nodded and said: "Miss Ling's arrangements are very thoughtful. There is nothing I am not used to...but the landscape aura of Jade Butterfly Peak is indeed very special. If I expected it to be right, it should be the best place to go." Deacon Yang, who came to Bixiao Shrine with you last time, is concluding the golden elixir here, and it seems that she is not far away from success! "

Lu Yu suddenly looked blank.

I can’t talk today…

Ya's just stayed on Jade Butterfly Peak for one night, and through the smallest details such as the changes in aura, he could see that Yang Chudie was at the critical moment of concluding the golden elixir... This state of Taoist Heart Transforming into Dust is inevitable. Too perverted?

"'s okay, it's okay..." Lu Yu replied vaguely.

Meng Ting didn't care about his attitude and asked eagerly: "Can you say it now? What exactly do you want me to do before you agree to my request?"

"Don't worry..."

Lu Yu bent his eyes and laughed: "I'll take you to a place in a while, and we'll talk about it in detail when we get there!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!" Meng Ting urged.

"I told you not to worry..." Lu Yu said, "There is no problem for me to go to that place, but your identity is relatively sensitive. If I want to take you there, I have to find someone to report it first..."

"Besides, you are a majestic saint from the Heavenly Palace, and your status in the Bixiao Shrine is extremely respected. If we just let you pass directly, wouldn't it seem that we are not treating guests well? So, I arranged a 'special car with special personnel' 'Come and get you!"

Meng Ting was confused and frowned: "What on earth are you playing? Then when should we wait?"

"Come on, come on, it should be here soon..."

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, he saw the light of Master Hailing appearing at the end of the sky.

"Look, aren't you already here?"

In the blink of an eye, Master Hailing arrived in front of the three of them.

Lu Yu and Ling Yufei saluted him at the same time, but he looked at them, then at Meng Ting beside him, and asked, "Is this the helper you mentioned in the summons?"

Lu Yu smiled and introduced: "This is the Heavenly Palace Saint Meng Ting from the Bixiao Shrine. I think Master Hailing must have heard of her name..."

Feng Ruhai was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He naturally knew the name of the Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace. This identity was specially set up to cater to a certain special belief habit of Bixiao Shrine. She was extremely respected within Bixiao Shrine, even compared to the head of Bixiao Shrine. Not to mention giving in too much...

But the question is, such a special person? Why did it suddenly appear here?

Even if Bixiao Shrine gave enough face and Lu Yu sent a summons overnight, she wouldn't be able to get here so quickly...

Lu Yu ignored Feng Ruhai's surprise and introduced to Meng Ting: "This is the guardian elder of our Dali Sword Sect's Scripture Pagoda - Master Hailing."

Meng Ting glanced at Master Hailing and said calmly: "This is the person you said came to pick us up? Can we leave now?"

Her performance seemed extremely arrogant, but in fact she did not mean to look down upon Master Hailing.

Because she has always been surrounded by various high-level officials from the Bixiao Shrine, and they all paid homage to her, so naturally she would not be anything special for a Guardian of the Scripture Pagoda of the Dali Sword Sect. a feeling of.

"This alone cannot show the importance we attach to Her Highness the Saint..."

Lu Yu smiled and turned to look at Feng Ruhai: "Master Hailing, are you ready?"

Feng Ruhai nodded and turned around without saying a word.

Originally, he was a little confused about Lu Yu asking him to make some "special arrangements", but now that he knows the truth here, the previous doubts are naturally completely gone.

Feng Ruhai walked to the edge of the mountain peak and suddenly opened his arms in the direction of Wulao Peak.

Suddenly, the floating clouds in the sky were like panicked beasts on the grassland, running rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the clouds and mists dissipated, leaving the blue sky clear.

At the other end of the blue sky, a colorful band of light spread quickly, forming an unparalleled bridge in the sky, displayed in front of several people.

This is exactly the rainbow light bridge formed by the formation of Wulaofeng! It is the highest courtesy for the entire Dali Sword Sect to receive distinguished guests!

Seeing this scene, Meng Ting finally showed a surprised expression.

She didn't seem to understand why Lu Yu wanted to start such a big battle.

Moreover, the masters of the Dali Sword Sect were willing to cooperate with him to cause such a big battle.

"What...are you asking me to do?" Meng Ting couldn't help but hesitate.

"Don't think nonsense, it's just to save time..." Lu Yu said with an affable face, "We have a lot to do today, and I don't want to waste my energy on boring things like rushing..."

Meng Ting looked at him deeply.

Just at this moment, Feng Ruhai invited from the front: "Your Highness the Saint of Heavenly Palace, please come to the Rainbow Light Bridge!"

Meng Ting said nothing more and boarded the Rainbow Light Bridge.

"Senior Sister Ling, then I'll leave this to you for now!"

Lu Yu turned around and said to Ling Yufei.

Ling Yufei shook her head and said with emotion: "If the Bixiao Palace knew that you were plotting against their Tiangong Saint, they would definitely hate you to death!"

Lu Yu blinked: "What are you talking about? The Saint of Heavenly Palace has come all the way, and we are just showing hospitality, how come it has become a plot?"


Ling Yufei curled her lips disdainfully: "Don't think that I don't know what kind of medicine you are selling in your gourd. You must have some agenda when you show kindness to others..."

"If I just fell into your trap like this, and somehow became this senior sister... don't worry, I can handle it here!"

Lu Yu nodded and walked onto the Rainbow Light Bridge.

As he walked, he was still thinking to himself: Why did he become such an image in the eyes of Senior Sister Ling? Is he so snobbish...

But don't say it yet...she was really right this time.

The reason why it is so high-profile is to save time, but more importantly, it is to show to the people of Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion. If they learn that the Saint of Tiangong visited the Dali Sword Sect and was also affected by The highest courtesy, I'm afraid they might wake up from their dreams in the middle of the night.

It seems that Senior Sister Ling also has a very vicious vision...

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