Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 850 Boarding the pirate ship

Rainbow light bridge, fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu, Meng Ting, and Feng Ruhai crossed the Rainbow Light Bridge, appeared above Wulao Peak, and landed directly in front of the Recuperation Hall.

But what Lu Yu didn't expect was that despite such a big battle, the people at Wulaofeng didn't understand his point at all.

Everyone present did not care why they activated the Rainbow Light Bridge, nor did they care about the identity of Meng Ting, who crossed the Rainbow Light Bridge with them and was obviously in the leading position. Instead, everyone gathered around him.

"Lu Yu is here!"

"Lu Shen, you are finally here!"

"I'm just telling you, if you activate the Rainbow Light Bridge, you must bring Lu Shen over..."

"Senior Brother Lu! Please! We must save the first real person we have returned to Yanfeng!"

"Junior brother Lu Yu, I am Zhan Huayun, a true disciple of Sancai Peak. As long as you are willing to save our Elder Tang Yongde from Sancai Peak, I promise to become a Taoist couple with you and grow old together with you in this life!"

"Lu Yu, I am Zhang Zhichun, the deacon of Liushui Peak. As long as you can save our master Wei Ran from Liushui Peak, then I am willing to lead my troops to join you and become a member of Jade Butterfly Peak from now on!"

"Lu Yu, I'm from Dragonfly Peak... The leader of our Dragonfly Peak was very familiar with you, Master Yudie, and was kind to her. You can't just ignore him!"

"Okay, okay! Enough of you people! The Elders' House will make arrangements for how to treat all the real people. Why are you gesticulating here?"

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Lu Yu was really shocked.

Not only do some take the initiative to seek refuge, but there are also those who want to sacrifice themselves... This is really crazy!

Meng Ting, on the other hand, showed great interest in all this, especially taking a closer look at Zhan Huayun who asked for sacrifice. Then he shook his head at Lu Yu and said in a deep voice: "This is not good..."

Lu Yu rolled his eyes, ignored her joke, and turned to Feng Ruhai and asked in a low voice: "What on earth is going on?"

Feng Ruhai stroked the beard on his chin, and was quite troubled by this: "These people have been waiting outside for a long time. So many real people came over yesterday, and they realized that the situation was unusual, and one of them was quite capable. , somehow he slipped in quietly, and the news of the lottery leaked..."

Only then did Lu Yu suddenly realize. turns out to be like this, no wonder it ended up like this.

In this situation, if he didn't have a proper answer, I'm afraid these people wouldn't let him into the convalescence hall...

"Everyone, be patient and please listen to me!" Lu Yu said loudly.

After repeating it three or four times in a row, the scene finally calmed down and everyone looked straight at him.

"I know that everyone is concerned about the safety of their teachers, and I understand everyone's feelings..."

"All of you are in this situation because you fought bravely with Wuya Immortal Pavilion in the Huiyue Bay area to protect our Dali Sword Sect. I am also extremely sad about this."

"Due to Lu's limited ability, he was unable to rescue all the powerful real people in time, so he was forced to use lots to decide the order of treatment. This was a helpless move..."

"But that was what happened before. After Lu went back yesterday, he also felt anxious and uneasy, so he carefully considered every possibility. Finally, the hard work paid off, and I came up with a new way!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly took a step back, and with Meng Ting's surprised expression on his face, he moved her in front of him.

"This is my close friend Meng Ting. Her identity is the Saint of the Heavenly Palace of the Bixiao Shrine. Her status in the Bixiao Shrine is only inferior to the head master. Even the palace masters I am extremely respectful to her... If you haven't heard of her name, you might as well ask your friends at Bixiao Shrine..."

"In short, her strength is very strong, even if I am compared with her, there is a huge gap..."

"The way I came up with is to ask her to help me. I believe that through our cooperation, we will definitely play a greater role!"

"Today, I hereby promise you that we will do our best to save all the real people and will not give up on any of them. If we cannot get every real person to receive effective treatment, we will never leave this place!"

Lu Yu's voice echoed in front of the convalescence hall.

Everyone was shocked by Meng Ting's identity, but also felt invigorated, and couldn't help but cheer.

Only Meng Ting turned his head and looked at Lu Yu in surprise. He had not even figured out why he had made an oath inexplicably...

"Everyone, please get out of the way! You have all heard what Lu Yu said. If you continue to block here, not only will it not help, but it will also delay the rescue opportunity!"

Feng Ruhai took the opportunity to say.

As a result, everyone gave way to the passage and no longer hindered Lu Yu's entry.

The three of them walked into the healing hall.

Meng Ting stared at Lu Yu for a long time: "I know I feel like I have been tricked by you. I never promised those things you just said..."

"Really? You didn't agree? Well, that was my mistake... Oh, Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace, just be more generous and don't care about so much..."

Lu Yu said with a smile.

"Besides, I've said it all. If you don't show up, it won't be just me, but the face of your Bixiao Palace."

Meng Ting couldn't help but feel itching, and glared at him fiercely: "You are plotting against me!"

Lu Yu simply stopped pretending, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "Then do you still want to help me? If you don't help me, I won't help you..."

Meng Ting was silent. After a while, she took a deep breath and finally calmed herself down: "But, I don't know what you are talking about..."

Lu Yu smiled: "It doesn't matter, I can do it!"

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