Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 851 Going crazy together

The two of them walked into the healing hall.

Master Changchun and others have been waiting inside for a long time.

The Recuperation Hall was an important place of the Dali Sword Sect. Master Changchun was originally quite dissatisfied with the rash entry of an outsider like Meng Ting.

But since this was the person Lu Yu brought, and he also said with certainty that she could play an important role in the treatment of all the real people, he didn't say anything more, and just looked at Meng Ting with eyes that remained fixed. alert.

"Are these real people injured in previous battles?"

Meng Ting followed Lu Yu and looked around the convalescence hall before saying, "I didn't expect that so many real people from your sect were injured..."

"The other party's losses were even more severe."

Lu Yu said without hesitation.

Although Meng Ting came here in the name of a personal friend, her status destined her to always be the benchmark representative of Bixiao Palace. He would not show weakness in front of her.

"We, the Dali Sword Sect, will never bow to power and power. The Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion dare to plot against our Dali Sword Sect, even if they use up every one of our Dali Sword Sect's soldiers, we must Let them pay a heavy price!"

Meng Ting was slightly stunned, wondering why Lu Yu suddenly became so tough, and said in surprise: "Have you taken the gun medicine? It's not that I want to go to war with your Dali Sword Sect, what's the use of what you are saying to me? "

Lu Yu's expression relaxed, and suddenly he smiled again: "It's better to take precautions before they happen, lest your Bixiao Palace will fall to our enemies one day, so I will always put down any harsh words first."

Meng Ting glanced at him angrily: "Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. Isn't it because you deliberately brought me in to threaten our Bixiao Shrine? I can only say Your wishful thinking is wrong. In fact, I cannot be the master of Bixiao Shrine, let alone affect the overall situation of Bixiao Shrine..."

At the end of her speech, there was a hint of loneliness in her tone.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled. He didn't expect that Her Royal Highness the Saint didn't look very smart, but in fact she had already gained some insights secretly.

Regarding her statement, Lu Yu didn't know whether it was true or false, and whether there was any element of acting in it...

But none of this matters.

In short, he has witnessed her status in Bixiao Shrine with his own eyes. The reason why he did this was not just to threaten Bixiao Shrine, but also to create a show for the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Watch Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Besides, if Meng Ting thinks that this is her only purpose, it only shows that she is still a little naive...

"I've seen the injuries of these people, but what exactly do you want me to do? I still don't understand where I can help you?"

Meng Ting frowned again and said.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You have also seen that the injuries of these real people are quite serious. With my own strength, it is simply not enough to save so many people, so I need to rely on your strength!"

"Don't you always have a special feeling for my power? In fact, I have a similar feeling towards you, so we might as well work closely together to treat these wounded people and see if we can find this person. What’s the reason? Why not kill two birds with one stone?”

"The specific thing is actually very simple... Next, I just need to transfer your true energy into my body so that I can use your power. The specific treatment work will be completed by me!"

Only then did Meng Ting understand that this was what Lu Yu meant by helping. This was also a very novel attempt for her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She blinked and said, "My true energy is not something that just anyone can receive. Are you sure there won't be any problems if you do this?"

Lu Yu nodded: "What a coincidence, I happen to be not that kind of ordinary person... So, just teach me the skills boldly and confidently!"

In fact, the two had cooperated sincerely as early as at the top of the blue clouds. Although the two people's powers were combined through the Tianshu star disk, it also made Lu Yu have an understanding of her power. Basic judgment, he believes that his own judgment will not be wrong.

"Okay... I just want to see what you can do with my power," Meng Ting said.

Therefore, Lu Yu selected Master Xuehua among the ten real men and officially began to rescue him.

In fact, in terms of status or cultivation level, Huang Zhenlin should be ranked first. But at this time, Master Xuehua's injury was obviously more serious, and Lu Yu had Meng Ting's help, so he didn't have to. Considering whether to give up or not, he simply started with the most seriously injured one.

"In a moment, please pay attention to my instructions. After I call you, pour the true energy into my Yunmen point. Is there any problem?"

After all, this was the first time for the two of them to cooperate like this. In order to avoid making mistakes, Lu Yu planned to use his own power to penetrate into the Golden Pill, and then use Meng Ting's power to reshape the Golden Pill's laws and bring order to the chaos.

"No problem." Meng Ting replied.

"Okay, then we'll officially start!"

After saying that, Lu Yu used Butterfly Shuangfei and slashed open the belly of Master Xuehua.

After all, the real person's body is different from that of ordinary people, so he still needs to use a sharp weapon like the Xuanling Divine Weapon to strike faster.

This scene was already familiar to other powerful real people around, but Meng Ting was really shocked.

However, before she could react, Lu Yu reached into Master Xuehua's Dantian with lightning speed.

This time, Meng Ting was completely shocked!

This Lu Yu was actually touching the golden elixir with his bare hands!

Is this his so-called treatment method? ?

Doesn't he know that golden elixir is a very dangerous thing, and his actions at this time are equivalent to reaching into another completely unfamiliar world? If this goes wrong, there is a risk of being shattered into pieces at any time!

Meng Ting was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

This guy is so crazy!

Looking at the other real strong men around him, no one stopped him from such a crazy move, and no one even raised an objection.

It can only be said that the people in the Dali Sword Sect are all just like him, they are all crazy...

"Now! Transfer the power to me!"

Lu Yu closed his eyes tightly and suddenly said loudly.

Meng Ting was suddenly shocked.

She has the realm of Dao Heart Transforming into Dust, and she has already seen the clues at this time.

But because she could see clearly, she understood more and more how dangerous Lu Yu's actions at this time were.

Should I take this risk with him?

Meng Ting thought for a moment and felt the shocking power surging like a tsunami in Lu Yu's body, causing the true energy in his body to fluctuate...

Finally, she walked to the opposite side of Lu Yu, stretched out her delicate hand, and pressed Yunmen on his shoulder.

Forget it, let’s go crazy with these people!

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