Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 852 Starry sky spying

The moment Meng Ting put his hand on Lu Yu's shoulder, a whirlwind suddenly blew up in the healing hall.

This whirlwind was centered on Lu Yu and Meng Ting. There was nothing special about it at first. But after a breath, the whirlwind suddenly accelerated, the wind became stronger and stronger, and there was a faint whistling sound. .

Master Changchun's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly: "No, get out of here!"

However, it was still a step too late. The whirlwind quickly swept and spread, and the real strong men around were shocked and retreated.

After all, these real people are powerful. Although the whirlwind was strong, it only forced them back two steps and did not cause any substantial damage. However, the various furnishings and objects in the hall suffered, and they all floated into the air at once. It started to spin and was thrown everywhere.

"Don't worry about these objects. Close the formation eye here first. Don't let this formation eye drag down the entire formation in the convalescence hall!"

Master Changchun hurriedly commanded.

"Boundary! Barrier! Open the barrier quickly! Don't let the wind spread again!"

With the hurried efforts of many real people, they finally stopped the chaos and regained control of the situation.

The entire convalescence hall returned to calm, except for Lu Yu and Meng Ting who were at the center of the barrier...

At this time, they were seen facing each other, standing sideways in front of Master Xuehua's bed. Lu Yu closed his eyes tightly and stretched one hand into Master Xuehua's Dantian. Meng Ting pressed his hand on Lu Yu's shoulder again, A strange connection is formed between them.

Both of them are wearing clothes flying and their hair is dancing wildly. This scene looks extremely weird, but it is also full of an indescribable sense of harmonious beauty.

"What on earth is going on?" Master Ding'an said with lingering fear.

It was really hard for him to imagine that Her Royal Highness the Saint from Bixiao Shrine just "touched" Lu Yu's shoulder, how could she make such a big fuss...

"It seems that Lu Yu is not lying. This girl can really help a lot..." Changchun Master looked at the two people in the center of the barrier and said with a look of shock.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened or why there was such a tacit understanding between the two people, he clearly felt that Master Xuehua's condition was improving rapidly. Such effectiveness was the result of his previous treatment of Master Guyun. This was never the case when I was old with Shangge.

If this effect can continue, maybe these two people can really save all the real people!

"I think we should go out and give a brief explanation to the outside world..." Master Hailing said.

He was very confident in Lu Yu, so his focus was not on Lu Yu and Meng Ting, but on the reaction outside the hall.

At this time, there were bursts of noise outside, and it was obvious that even the outside was aware of the commotion just now. At such a sensitive moment, if no one went out to explain, it would probably cause panic.

"You go, you go!" Master Changchun waved his hand and said.

Only someone with such seniority as him dares to command such a being as Master Hailing at will.

Therefore, Master Hailing personally went out to appease the disciples outside.

The rest of the real masters stayed in the hall, watching the two people in the barrier with unblinking eyes as they continued to perform their actions.

However, no matter how concentrated they are, they can only see some external appearances. The secrets hidden under the appearances are beyond their reach.

Only Lu Yu is truly involved in the mystery.

At this time, although his eyes were closed tightly, what was displayed in front of him was a beautiful starry sky.

To be more precise, it should be displayed in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It was at the moment when Meng Ting put her hands on her shoulders and her power began to be transmitted into her body that the starry sky began to quietly unfold.

Although this starry sky is equally vast and vast, and looks similar, if you look carefully, you can see that the positions of the stars are different.

Lu Yu had a clear understanding in his heart. This was another starry sky that was completely different from his original starry sky.

Now he finally understood why the two of them always felt familiar with each other, because their power came from the stars in the universe nine days away.

Although these are two completely different starry skies, they are indeed from the same source...

I don’t know if I can compare the surprises in the two star maps to determine the relative positions of each other. Perhaps in this way, I can find the deeper secrets between the two...

Unfortunately, he could only think about such thoughts.

After all, the main purpose now is to save the real person Xue Hua. If he is distracted, not only will he not be able to complete the task, but he may easily be noticed by Saint Meng that he is spying on her secrets...

He could only bury this matter in his heart for the time being and wait to figure it out later.

I wonder if there is a connection between her and her mother...

After a moment, the starry sky scene in Lu Yu's mind quickly went out.

Because at this time, Master Xuehua's golden elixir has been repaired, and Meng Ting has taken back her power.

"I didn't expect that you could think of using this method to repair the golden elixir... This is really unbelievable..." Meng Tingman said in surprise.

Lu Yu suddenly felt more at ease.

Her reaction undoubtedly showed that the snooping just now was only one-sided, and she did not notice anything unusual.

"How was it? It was quite challenging, wasn't it?"

Lu Yu smiled and said calmly: "Next, there are more challenges waiting, let's give it a try and see if we can complete them all within today!"

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