Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 853 Guaranteed Profit without Loss

In the end, the two of them still failed to treat all the injured real people within one day.

After treating five real people in a row, Lu Yu suddenly stopped and said: "Okay! Your Highness the Holy Lady of Hard Work, let's stop here for today!"

Meng Ting said in surprise: "Aren't we going to continue? There are still so many injured..."

After the two people combined their powers into one, the effect was far greater than the effect of one plus one, which was greater than two. For Meng Ting, this was a new experience that she had never had before, and she couldn't help but become addicted for a while.

"I don't have the strength anymore. Let's take a rest first and wait until tomorrow!" Lu Yu replied.

"But why do I think you still have some energy left?" Meng Ting said suspiciously.

She has the realm of Dao Heart Transformation into Dust, and the two people's powers were closely connected before. Therefore, it can be said that she has a clear understanding of the situation in Lu Yu's body. Judging from the current situation, at least he is far from it. Reaching the same state as when the two first met yesterday.

"Yes, I do still have some energy left."

Lu Yu nodded and said calmly: "But Your Highness the Saint, please don't forget that our current treatment is to perform surgery on the golden elixir. The difficulty of this is comparable to dancing in the thunder clouds. Of course, Only by maintaining your best condition can you be at ease and ensure absolute safety!”

This statement was high-sounding and impeccable, but Meng Ting always felt that it was not entirely true, but could not find a reason to refute it, so he had to accept Lu Yu's arrangement.

Next, the two of them settled down at Wulaofeng. Master Hailing personally arranged a residence for them, allowing them to rest and recuperate.

The next day, the two men repeated their old tricks and continued to treat the injured real person.

But after only treating three people that day, Lu Yu called for a halt again, shouting that the real person's condition was too complicated and consumed too much of his energy. He had no strength left and needed to rest immediately.

Meng Ting stared at him with a pair of wonderful eyes, naturally not believing a word he said, but she had no choice, she didn't know much about medical knowledge, and she couldn't argue with him, so she had to rest reluctantly. stand up.

Under such circumstances, she couldn't force Lu Yu to fulfill her wish and show her the origin of his power. After all, the teachers in her sect were still lying unconscious on the hospital bed, waiting for his treatment to let him reveal the true meaning of his power. It would be a bit too unkind for Yuan to waste his time on such a matter...

On the third day, Lu Yu's purpose of delaying time became even more obvious. He only treated one real person that day, so Lu Yu stopped again.


Meng Ting said very dissatisfied: "This is just the first real person today, and it only took less than half an hour. Did this also cost you a lot of effort?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "The real person who was treated today did not have much trouble, but the last one left, his identity is quite special, he is the elder Huang Ge who we have defeated in the Northeast. I must treat it with caution. That's it...I still need to think about his treatment plan..."

Meng Ting was speechless.

Although he changed his reasons, in the end it was still the same rhetoric.

Who gave Lu Yu the absolute say in the treatment of golden elixirs, so he could only say whatever he said.

"You did it on purpose, right?" Meng Ting's teeth itched with hatred, "I think you just deliberately don't want to show me... You've obviously already agreed on something, but you're deliberately cheating!"

"Where did Her Majesty the Saint say these words?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said innocently: "When did I say I didn't want to demonstrate? Yes, I promised you, but things always have priorities, and you can't let me leave our Mr. Huang Ge behind." I don't care about my life, but I'm going to cooperate with you to demonstrate something?"

"Or are you willing to take full responsibility if something happens to Huangge Lao and something goes wrong?"

Meng Ting naturally couldn't catch such a big hat.

This time, she could fully see Lu Yu's shamelessness.

So I could only snort bitterly: "Anyway, there is only one person left, how long can you delay it? Which is more important, your secret, or the lives of your real elders?"

After saying that, she left angrily.

Lu Yu watched her leave with a faint smile on his face. He couldn't help but think in his heart: How long I can delay depends on how long you, the elders of Tianshu Palace, can sit still...

In fact, this was the real purpose of his high-profile promotion of the visit of the Heavenly Palace Saint, and the other purposes could only be regarded as incidental.

When the news of Meng Ting's arrival at Wulao Peak became known to everyone, Tianshu Palace would definitely not sit back and ignore the matter, and would definitely try its best to recall her back urgently. In this way, she wanted to test herself The secret matter was solved.

Taking a step back, if there is no reaction from Tianshu Palace, it means that they have long known the purpose of Meng Ting's coming here, and it was even their instructions to let Meng Ting come...

In this way, it means that the entire Bixiao Shrine is doubting him, and he has a more accurate judgment on Meng Ting, and thus has a more calm way to deal with this matter.

All in all, this is a sure-fire deal.

The only fly in the ointment is that Mr. Huang Ge may have to suffer a little more...

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