Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 854 A disaster is coming

Biyunjian, Tianshu Palace.

Strictly speaking, the Tianshu Palace does not have a palace owner. It is an institution similar to the elders of other sects. All decisions are made unanimously by the elders of the Tianshu Palace. They are not subordinate to each other, so they are not subordinate to each other. There is no distinction between superior and inferior status.

However, this is just theory.

In real practice, the personal strength, cultivation level, and background forces behind the Tianshu Palace elders will all create differences in status between them.

Therefore, in Tianshu Palace, there is actually the most powerful elder. This person is Zhenren Yixuan who sits in the East Palace. Among the twenty-seven disposal palaces under the Bixiao Palace, people secretly regard him as He is respectfully called the Great Elder.

At this time, Elder Bai and Elder Deng stood anxiously in front of the east palace gate of Zhenren Yixuan.

"What? What did you say?"

Master Yixuan stared at the two people in front of him in astonishment, and his voice suddenly rose up: "Her Royal Highness the Saint is missing? How could she be missing?"

"The main responsibility for this matter lies with me..."

Elder Deng lowered his head guiltily and said: "The Dali Sword Sect, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion started the war at the same time. One against two, they finally won a complete victory. There are many doubtful points worthy of attention, but we are waiting for them. But I suffer from the inability to know the details..."

"At this moment, Her Majesty the Saint was also very interested in these two battles, and requested to go to the location of the battle to conduct an on-the-spot investigation... I thought that Her Majesty the Saint had entered the realm of Taoist Heart Transformation, and I could just use her to help her. He used his strength to find out the details, so he approved her request..."

"big eater!"

Master Yixuan rebuked mercilessly.

However, Deng and Bai, who were both elders of Tianshu Palace, did not dare to have any dissatisfaction, and instead lowered their heads even lower.

"The locations of those two battles were both near the Dali Sword Sect. Not to mention that that area is very uneasy now. Just because of what happened before, how could you still dare to let the Holy Lady go down and approach the Dali Sword Sect? Zong...don't you know how important Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady is to our Bixiao Palace!"

Elder Bai trembled and said, "Actually, we sent people to follow Her Royal Highness the Saint..."

"Send someone to follow? So where are the people now? Why is Her Royal Highness the Saint missing?"

Master Yixuan said angrily.

In fact, he has not been so angry for a long time. It is really because Her Royal Highness the Saint is too important. She is related to a huge plan of the Bixiao Shrine that has been planned for a long time, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Only a few people in the entire Bixiao Palace knew about this matter. Even Elder Bai and Elder Deng in front of them had no idea about it, so they were not vigilant enough about it.

"It is not a matter of finding out who is responsible now..."

Master Yixuan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down: "Please tell me in detail first what is going on..."

Elder Deng said tremblingly: "Actually, what happened is not complicated. We sent eight true disciples to follow Her Highness the Saint. The journey went smoothly without any accidents. Her Highness the Saint first went to see Hui Yue. Bay, and then went to the Golden Rooster Islands... Then for some reason, she suddenly said she wanted to go to the Jade Butterfly Peak of the Dali Sword Sect..."

Immediately Master Yixuan's brows jumped: "Jade Butterfly Peak? But where is Lu Yu?"

"Yes..." Elder Deng said in a difficult voice.

A few months ago, this guy named Lu Yu first climbed onto Biyun Tianmen, and then made a big fuss all the way to Chunyang Palace, Bohai Palace, and Pingxi City... surprising everyone.

However, these are nothing. What really makes everyone in Tianshu Palace fearful of him is that he has the audacity to express his love for Her Highness the Saint, and even openly expresses his love!

The incident that Master Yixuan just mentioned was referring to this matter.

Although they managed to cover up this matter and did not let Her Royal Highness the Saint notice it, this person has been regarded by them as their number one enemy and is an obstacle that is likely to affect Her Highness the Saint's path of cultivation.

But despite all calculations, they still made a miscalculation. Why did Her Highness the Saint, who had no idea about the matter, suddenly take the initiative to find the other party?

"Then what?" Master Yixuan said in a suppressed voice.

"The eight true disciples who went with His Highness naturally tried to dissuade them in every possible way. However, no matter what they said, Your Highness the Saint could not listen at all and insisted on going..."

"So the eight true disciples went to the Dali Sword Sect with her and handed in their greeting cards. Unfortunately, the Dali Sword Sect had just experienced a war and had instituted full martial law and would not accept visits from any outside sect. Therefore, they were not able to enter the Dali Sword Sect..."

"They had no choice but to return the way they came, but unexpectedly, on the way back, Her Royal Highness the Saint suddenly disappeared, leaving only this note..."

Elder Deng said while presenting a piece of paper.

I only saw one sentence written on it: Don't disturb me, I will return in one month, otherwise you will have no trace.

The implication is that she needs a month to deal with related matters. She does not want anyone to disturb her during this month, otherwise she will disappear completely, leaving no one able to find her.

Master Yixuan stared at the note for a long time, then smacked his lips and said: "So, Her Royal Highness the Saint should be at the Jade Butterfly Peak of the Dali Sword Sect at this time?"

Deng and Bai looked at each other, and then Elder Bai said: "Yes, it is in Dali Sword Sect, but it should not be Jade Butterfly Peak, but Wulao Peak..."

Master Yixuan was immediately surprised. Wulaofeng was a place similar to Tianshu Palace and the core of the entire Dali Sword Sect. How could she go there?

"Why is she at Wulaofeng?"

"Well, we don't know exactly what happened..."

Elder Bai said: "But there are indeed rumors that Her Royal Highness the Saint appeared at Wulao Peak, and that the Dali Sword Sect opened the Rainbow Light Bridge to lead her there. Her Highness the Saint received the highest standards from the Dali Sword Sect. Courtesy... At this time, I am afraid that it will be known to the whole world soon. How to deal with it is up to Elder Yixuan to decide!"

Master Yixuan couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded by this development, but he didn't feel the slightest bit melancholy about Elder Bai's question: "Since we already know the whereabouts of Her Majesty the Saint, what else is there to say? You guys should bring her immediately." If you go to Dali Sword Sect, you must bring Her Royal Highness back to me at all costs!"

"But, Her Royal Highness the Saint's message..."

Elder Deng held up the note in his hand and said in a daze.

Master Yixuan took a deep breath again and snorted loudly: "Her Royal Highness the Saint is new to the mortal world. She doesn't know the dangers of the world. How can we let her do whatever she wants? We are also protecting her..."

"Besides, there are many things that cannot be decided by her! You should go there as soon as possible and don't delay any more!"

Deng and Bai finally had no doubts at this time and nodded quickly: "Yes!"

Watching the two people leaving the East Palace, Master Yixuan was filled with a heavy heart. Just as he was about to turn around and return, a red light flew over quickly and landed steadily on his hand.

This is a summons.

There was not a word in the summons, and there was no content in it.

However, Master Yixuan understood the meaning of the message in an instant, and his face instantly turned pale.

This was a special summons, which meant that someone wanted to summon him, and there was only one person in the world who would summon him in this way.

This person's status is extremely respected, even the master of the Bixiao Palace is far behind him.

Everyone calls him "God Lord".

For a moment, Master Yixuan couldn't help but feel that a disaster was imminent.

Could it be that the news leaked out so quickly, and the Lord God now knew about the disappearance of His Highness the Saint?

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