Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 855 The dust of the past

Master Yixuan walked into Weiyang Palace tremblingly.

This is nominally the place where the head of Bixiao is seated. The magic circle is densely covered and the guards are extremely tight. The strength is far superior to that of the head of other sects. The reason is simply because there is a cave inside, and knowing this There are only a few secret people in the entire Bixiao Palace.

When he came here, everyone thought he was here to meet the real leader.

But in fact, after entering it, he suddenly took out the red message message he had received before, chanted a magic formula in his mouth, and the magic circle in the palace was instantly activated.

The scene in his eyes changed rapidly. The staircase that originally climbed upwards turned into a dark tunnel that descended downwards and led nowhere.

Master Yixuan took a deep breath and walked into the dark tunnel.

It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Since Her Majesty the Saint's loss of control has been noticed by the Lord God, there is no use in avoiding it. He can only bite the bullet and go ahead.

The dark tunnel is extremely long. Every few steps you take, a light in front of you will automatically light up, and at the same time, a light in the back will automatically go out. After walking long enough, you will see the same scenery both front and back, as if there is time and space in it. In the infinite reincarnation.

Although it was not the first time he came here, Master Yixuan still couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling.

In his perception, the section of road in front of him was very unusual. Walking along it, there was always a feeling of transcending spatial barriers, as if he was constantly traveling from one secret realm to another.

However, all this is just his suspicion, and he has no courage to verify the mystery.

Finally, the passage came to the end and came to a small room.

There was no one in the room, but Master Yixuan immediately knelt down and bowed his head and said loudly: "Disciple Wang Yixuan pays homage to the Lord God!"

There was a flickering candlelight in the room.

Then a figure walked out of the shadows. Because his back was to the light, his whole body was shrouded in shadows, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"You finally came."

Lord God said calmly.

This was just an ordinary sentence, but it made Master Yixuan bend his body lower.

"What? What's the matter with you?"

Lord God's thoughts and consciousness are extremely powerful, and his eyes can see everything in the world. Master Yixuan just made a casual move, and he immediately noticed something strange.

"Disciple knows his mistake... Disciple neglected to take precautions, which caused Her Majesty the Saint to escape from control... Disciple has betrayed the trust of the Lord God, and deserves death. Please punish me, Lord God!" Master Yixuan said tremblingly.

The Lord God remained calm and said calmly: "Is the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace out of control again? Please tell me what is going on."

Master Yixuan couldn't help but be stunned.

From the Lord God's tone, it seemed that he was unaware of the disappearance of His Highness the Saint. Could it be that this was not the reason why he summoned him here?

What else could happen that would require him to use a red summons to summon him?

At this point, Master Yixuan had no time to think about it, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and tell the whole story of the disappearance of the Holy Maiden of Tiangong.

After a while, after hearing the whole story, the Lord God smiled faintly: "So, do you think I asked you to come here this time because of the matter about the Holy Maiden of Tiangong?"

Master Yixuan lowered his head and said: "Whether it is true or not, this matter was caused by the disciple's negligence, and the disciple cannot escape the blame."

"Okay, you get up and talk first! For this little thing, I thought there was something big wrong..."

Lord God gently waved his hand: "You don't have to be too nervous. The Holy Maiden of Tiangong has always stayed in Tianshu Palace and has never left the scope of Bixiao Palace. She will be curious about things outside. It’s human nature, and besides, she has already disclosed her whereabouts, so her behavior is not out of control, so don’t be too sensitive!”

Immediately Master Yixuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

He has always been responsible for monitoring the Heavenly Palace Saint. He is very clear about the attitude of the Lord God. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is cautious. He did not expect that such a earth-shaking change has occurred now.

"What? Do you think my attitude is inconsistent and difficult to understand?" Lord God said calmly.

Master Yixuan quickly lowered his head: "Disciple doesn't dare! If the Lord God does this, there is a reason for doing so. Disciple doesn't dare to say anything!"

The Lord God smiled and said: "Today's Heavenly Palace Saint is different from any previous one. She has entered the realm where the Taoist heart has turned into dust. Her attitude towards a three-year-old child will naturally be different from that towards an adult... …”

"She has now stabilized her Taoist mind, and her way of looking at problems and thinking about the world has fundamentally changed. If she continues to strictly control her at this time, it will only arouse her rebellious heart. In the long run, it will not be conducive to the implementation of our plan..."

"As the general person in charge of Tianshu Palace, you must clearly grasp the appropriateness in this, do you understand?"

"Disciple understands..."

Master Yixuan responded blankly, but he still felt it was necessary to remind him: "But, Lord God, it is the Lu Yu who is staying with His Highness the Saint at this time..."

"What about Lu Yu?"

Lord God smiled faintly: "Are you still worried about what happened twenty years ago?"

Master Yixuan was suddenly frightened and was too frightened to say a word.

Twenty years ago, a major event happened in Tianshu Palace. Although this matter was not known to outsiders, it caused great shock within Tianshu Palace.

The Holy Maiden of Tiangong who was in office at the time suddenly turned against Bixiao Shrine for some unknown reason, so that a huge plan of Bixiao Shrine almost failed. Fortunately, the Lord God stepped in to take charge of the situation, and finally put it all together. The plan is back on track...

Investigating the reason, it is very likely that the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace at that time had a mortal heart and fell in love with an ordinary person, so she escaped from control.

It is precisely because of this reason that Tianshu Palace learned from the pain. Since then, it has been cautious and cautious, not daring to make any mistakes, and has been closely monitoring all the actions of Her Highness the Saint.

I heard Lord God continue to say: "What happened twenty years ago did have a great impact, but this should not be a reason for us to remain stubborn. You only saw the bad impact of that incident, but you did not see the positive aspects from it. benefit……"

"Compared to our entire huge plan, what happened twenty years ago was just an experience! If it hadn't been for that experience twenty years ago, how could we be in this situation now?"

"Every experience is a refinement of our plan! Our Bixiao Shrine has been established for 200,000 years just to plan one thing. The chance of this matter was slim. It is precisely because of such tempering and polishing again and again. This matter has successfully progressed to where it is today!”

Master Yixuan was filled with shock.

Unexpectedly, the turmoil twenty years ago turned out to be nothing more than an insignificant experience in the mind of Lord God.

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel like he was standing tall on a mountain.

For them, what happened back then was a catastrophic disaster that caused countless people to die. But in the mind of the Lord God, it was just a speck of dust in the long river of time...

"However, at this sensitive moment, it is best not to let the Heavenly Palace Saint stay in the Dali Sword Sect. If possible, it is better to bring her back as soon as possible." Lord Shenzun added.

Only then did Master Yixuan come to his senses and hurriedly said: "Yes... I have asked Deng Xianming and Bai Shengyuan to handle this matter..."

Lord God nodded: "Okay, let's stop talking about the past twenty years ago here for the time being... I called you here this time mainly because I want you to meet someone on my behalf."

Master Yixuan was stunned: "I don't know who I want to see, please show me, Lord God!"

The Lord God smiled slightly: "It's just a little flea. Originally it would have been best to let Lian Xishan deal with him, but now he is not free, so I have to trouble you to go there!"

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