Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 860 Full support

Meng Ting finally left with their secrets.

Everyone in the Bixiao Shrine saw that Her Highness the Saint was so obedient and completely at the mercy of the other party. They couldn't help but feel frightened and frightened. Now they agreed to Lu Yu's conditions and dared not go back on their word, otherwise this guy would deliberately fan the flames of the Saint. What should I do if someone is abducted?

Everyone ignored the Dali Sword Sect's enthusiasm to stay and left immediately, not because they were unkind, but because they really wanted to stay as far away from Lu Yu, the disaster star, as possible.

After watching Meng Ting and others go away, Lu Yu stayed there for a long time, carefully recalling the whole incident. After making sure that there was no problem, he turned around and headed to the convalescence hall.

I have to say that the agreement with Meng Ting still has certain risks, not because she doesn't trust her. If she really has a problem, it will be troublesome from the first time she says the name "Meng Feiyan" She should have come, but because of her status, it was an adventure in itself to win her over to attack the seventeenth underground floor.

However, Lu Yu was still willing to try this. After all, planning the seventeenth underground floor was an extremely difficult task, and he had to make dangerous moves.

Moreover, the greater the risk, the higher the reward. With Meng Ting's status, if she is really trustworthy, then the entire plan to conquer the seventeenth floor underground will have a lot to accomplish...

Relatively speaking, the risks arising from this matter are not unbearable.

With his current status, even if the secret of the Lotus Seed is completely exposed, it will not be easy for the Bixiao Palace to touch him.

Anyway, he has a lot of worries at the moment, and the plans of the Seventh Patriarch Wuya against the Patriarch Yunxiao are much more deadly than this, so he doesn't care about one or two more troubles.

When they arrived at the Recuperation Hall, Lu Yu ran directly to Huang Zhenlin without explaining much, and cured his golden elixir with a few clicks.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

Didn't it mean that Huang Gelao's injury was a serious illness? After gathering the power of the Heavenly Palace Saint, the cure could not be cured even after so many days of delay. Why was it that the Heavenly Palace Saint was cured right away as soon as she walked away?

However, the mature Changchun master saw some clues and asked with a smile: "All the troubles have been solved?"

Lu Yu clapped his hands and said, "Solved."

It sounded like these two people were talking about Mr. Huang Ge's condition, but in fact both of them knew very well that what they were talking about had nothing to do with Mr. Huang Ge.

Master Changchun stroked his beard and said: "Everyone in the world says that you are arrogant and unruly, and that you are a very difficult person to get along with. I originally had a preconceived opinion about you, but after this period of contact, I realized that the rumors were untrue. , don’t trust it gullibly..."

"I have spent nearly eight hundred years in the Dali Sword Sect. I have experienced countless changes in personnel and witnessed many ups and downs. Now my life is about to end and I am about to die... When a person is about to die, his words Ye Shan, I boldly assert here that the next eight hundred years of the Dali Sword Sect will all depend on you alone!"

"Don't worry, from today on, the Recuperation Hall and its headquarters will fully support you. It is said that the Bixiao Shrine came to your door, or that all the other seven major sects came to your door. As long as I have a breath, I will Never let them touch you!"

Lu Yu's face was full of surprise. He didn't expect that his experience in the convalescence hall these past few days would unexpectedly gain his full support.

The power of the Recuperation Hall is extraordinary, not to mention that Changchun Zhenren, who is in charge of the Recuperation Hall, will live to be eight hundred years old. He has various friendships and friendships throughout the sect. He is the oldest person in the entire Dali Sword Sect below the Tiangang Patriarch. , but in terms of the importance of the Recuperation Hall, it also has a huge influence on the Dali Sword Sect.

Who can guarantee that he will not be injured or sick for a day, and that he will not use the sanatorium?

Although Master Changchun's statement was about external affairs, it was true externally, let alone internally.

Obviously, he also saw that the Dali Sword Sect was now in crisis. At such a critical moment, only Lu Yu was the one worthy of entrustment, so he made such a public statement.

The eight-hundred-year-old Changchun master is using his eight-hundred-year-old wisdom to protect the Dali Sword Sect for the last period.

"Master Changchun's words are serious. How can I be so virtuous as a disciple... You are a famous pine and cypress evergreen tree in the Dali Sword Sect. What's the harm in holding on for another eight hundred years?"

Master Changchun shook his head and smiled: "You don't need to say these words to make me happy. I have lived for such a long time and have already seen through life and death. What is there that I dare not face? In short, now that I see you, I Knowing that the Dali Sword Sect has a good chance of succeeding, it depends on you from now on!"

As he spoke, he gently patted Lu Yu's shoulder.

The strength in his hand was very light, but it felt as heavy as a ton of weight to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu felt his heart was heavy, he opened his mouth, and finally decided not to say any more polite words, and replied sincerely: "Thank you for your support, Master. Lu Yu doesn't dare to promise you anything, only four words can promise you, I will do my best!"

Master Changchun burst out laughing: "These four words are more than enough!"

After a pause, he continued: "Now that all the injured real people have been treated, the work in the convalescence hall can be regarded as temporarily coming to an end, but the crisis of our Dali Sword Sect is still not over..."

"It just so happened that Li Wangji was seriously injured and had no time to take care of himself at this time. Although Chen Zifu was not injured, his natal mansion was used in the battle of Huiyue Bay, which also severely damaged his vitality. These two are our Dali Sword The two most popular people in the sect, but now their movements are restricted, which has led to us currently falling into a leaderless situation..."

"I wonder what your next plan will be in response to this situation?"

Lu Yu thought for a moment and replied: "The Dali Sword Sect has no leader. This matter cannot be solved by me... But we must first settle the internal affairs before fighting against foreign aggression. Since Master Changchun has handed such a Shangfang sword into my hands, then I plan to Let’s use it to stabilize our interior first…”

"Next, I will find out who the spy is lurking at the top of Dali Sword Sect!"

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