Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 861 Narrowing down the scope

According to common sense, Lu Yu is not the most suitable candidate to investigate the traitor. With his ability, it is a better choice to hide away, refine a few batches of elixirs, and quietly manage and develop Jade Butterfly Peak.

But the problem is that due to the current shortage of materials, even if he wants to refine elixirs, he can't make high-level elixirs. He can only refine some low-end elixirs.

Secondly, it is not easy to find a traitor. One move can affect the whole body. At this time, only a barefooted loner like him who is not too involved with any force can cut through the mess quickly.

Thirdly, it was because the traitor was directly targeted by Patriarch Yunxiao.

Although he has never met Patriarch Yunxiao, he has always been under his care, otherwise he would not be treated like he is today in Dali Sword Sect.

Moreover, when he broke through to the Guihai realm that day, his mind and consciousness directly broke through the ninth level of the sky and was intercepted by many Tiangang realm powerful men. Thanks to the cover of the Yunxiao Ancestor, he was able to reach the starry sky. Just for this favor, he could not Ignore the matter.

It is easy to make this decision, but it is difficult to implement it in detail.

All the information he had at this time was that he knew that there was a mole among the senior officials of the Dali Sword Sect, and that the mole was also proficient in the "Xiao Zhou Tian Dao Ji Sutra" and had assisted Wuya Immortal Pavilion in experimenting with a method specifically designed to restrain Xiao Zhou Tian's mysteries. Formation... If you want to lock down the identity of the traitor with this little bit of information, you can imagine how difficult it is.

But there is no other way. Now that I have decided, I have to do it no matter how difficult it is...

So after Lu Yu made this decision, the first thing he did was to go directly to the Sutra Pagoda and ask Master Hailing to provide him with a list of all the masters who had read the "Little Zhou Tiandaoji Jing".

"Here, this is the list record you need. In the past thousand years, the list of all the people who have read the "Little Zhou Tiandaoji Jing" is here."

Master Hailing took out a thick stack of documents and threw it in front of Lu Yu, causing dust to rise all over the room.

"Why are there so many?" Lu Yu said in surprise as he used his hands to disperse the dust around him, "Didn't I say that only records for real masters and above are required? Did you bring over the records for true disciples and deacons? "

Master Hailing glanced at him and said: "This is the record of real people and above... Even if they are real people, they can't start learning "Xiaozhou Tiandaoji Sutra" after they become real people. Most of them learn from them or from the real people. When I was a disciple, Bian had already begun to try to practice this technique..."

"And the process of them practicing this skill is not accomplished overnight. They often read it over and over again to review the old and learn the new. The person who read it the most often has read it more than 500 times... This is how ordinary people practice the skill. The normal process of Taojue.”

The implication is that Lu Yu's previous experience of practicing the Star Sword Art is not applicable to ordinary practitioners. How can anyone directly understand the Taoist law that has been lost for thousands of years after only reading the summary of the catalog once?

Lu Yu shrugged and said helplessly: "There are too many, I didn't expect there to be so many... You can help me sort out some more. At least those seniors who have passed away will not need to be considered for the time being."

So, the two of them worked for another whole afternoon, and finally got a brand new list of all the existing strong people who had read the "Little Zhou Tiandaoji Jing".

There are a total of eighty-nine people on the list, which already accounts for more than half of the total number of real powerful people in the Dali Sword Sect.

"Actually, your list is very inaccurate..."

Master Hailing added: "For example, although I have read it seven times in total, in fact I have not practiced this technique at all. In addition, although some people have practiced this technique, they failed in the end. There are situations like this when you understand the secret of Little Zhoutian..."

"Everything says that your list still has a lot of water content..."

Lu Yu said: "There's nothing we can do about it. You can't exclude people just because they haven't read it enough times, right? What if one of the insiders is also a rare genius who only read it once and successfully cultivated it? "

"Furthermore, the inner ghost will not go around shouting that he has understood the secret of Little Zhoutian. It is very likely that no one knows that he has mastered this secret. Only in this way are there relevant clues."

Master Hailing nodded: "What you said makes sense..."

Then, Lu Yu directly crossed out a dozen more names on the list.

When Master Hailing took a look, he saw that these people were the real people who had been treated in the convalescence hall after being seriously injured before. This was what he meant. He thought that the inner ghost would come here when he knew that Wuya Immortal Pavilion had such a big killer. , he should not take the initiative to touch the other party's bad luck and put himself in a desperate situation...

To take a step back, if the mole really had such an IQ, then it would save them trouble.

Next, Lu Yu thought for a while, and with a stroke of his pen, he crossed out a dozen more names.

These dozen or so people all hold key positions in the Dali Sword Sect, such as Mr. Zhu Ge, who is in charge of the Tiangong Treasure House, and Master Maoye, who is in charge of the Hate Water Sword. If these people are also insiders, then they will be responsible for the consequences of the Dali Sword Sect. The damage will be far more than that, so they can be excluded as well.

But in the total list of eighty-nine people, even after these two exclusions, there are still more than sixty people. With such a huge scope, it is impossible to lock them down.

So, Lu Yu split the list into three parts.

Master Hailing really didn't understand this operation and couldn't help but ask: "Why is this?"

Lu Yu explained: "This is the action trajectory of all the powerful real people on the day when Tianmiao was captured. The first part followed you to Huiyue Bay, the second part followed us to the Jinji Islands, and the last part is left. Either he stayed behind in the Dali Sword Sect, or he traveled abroad and did not return at all, and did not participate in the events of that day. "

With that said, Lu Yu picked up the first part of the list again, and there were less than twenty people left on the list.

A bright light flashed in his eyes, and he emphasized: "I seriously doubt that the mole is probably here..."

Master Hailing was immediately stunned and asked, "Why?"


Lu Yu answered briefly.

After a pause, he continued to explain: "Master Hailing may not know something. When we made a surprise attack on the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's fleet that day, we used a special combat technique. At that time, the combined strength of more than sixty of us But as one, we can say that we are connected with each other for the time being..."

"During this process, as the main attacker, I took charge of the overall situation, but I didn't find anything suspicious. Therefore, I think it is unlikely that the mole will be involved in the second part..."

"As for the last part, they are all people who were not very active in this incident. I think as a mole, he should not be so derelict in his duties... So, after thinking about it, I still feel that the first part of the list is the most suspicious. !”

"Of course, all this is just my speculation. The truth can only be determined after investigation."

Master Hailing was amazed.

Although all of this is just speculation, it has narrowed the scope to a dozen or so people, giving the originally unknown matter a clear direction.

"Then how do you plan to start the investigation?" Master Hailing asked.

Lu Yu looked at the list in his hand, exhaled and said, "Let's start from Tianxiang Peak!"

"After all, as the commander-in-chief at the time, Master Zifu must have a different structure and vision. I wonder what he thinks of this list..."

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