Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 862: Crazy Man and Resentful Woman

Lu Yu just did what he said. After leaving the Sutra Pagoda, he unfolded the black tail of the dragon fish and headed to Tianxiang Peak alone.

The black tail of the dragon fish was originally left at Ye Weilan's place, but he cheated on Meng Ting and secretly went back to Jade Butterfly Peak for a long time, and took it out when he went out again. After all, he couldn't really let Feng Ting Ruhai has always been his own coachman.

Of course, he could have brought a group of real experts to the Tianxiang Peak together, but this was only the initial stage of the investigation. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, it was more convenient for him to act alone.

After the identity of the mole is truly confirmed, it is not too late to call in some helpers.

Arowana Blacktail was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the mountains and arrived at Tianxiang Peak.

It was already dusk, and under the setting sun, the afterglow of the setting sun painted the entire Tianxiang Peak in a golden color, making it look magnificent and magnificent.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the last time he stayed here, and also couldn't help but think of Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun...

He doesn't know if this couple is still on the Tianxiang Peak. In his opinion, these two people must have problems, but compared to the mole, their problems can only be regarded as minor problems. At this time, there is still a problem. It’s not their turn to deal with them…

"Whoever comes, stop immediately..."

Before the disciple who was responsible for guarding the mountain gate could finish his sentence, Lu Yu's escaping light fell steadily in front of him, which immediately startled the disciple.

"Ah! Lu Yu? Why is it you?"

Lu Yu took a closer look. Good guy, although he couldn't call the other party's name, he recognized that the other party was the Tianxiang Peak disciple who had gone to the Sutra-Tibetan Pagoda to make trouble in the morning. He didn't expect such a coincidence that he was now here again. Encountered here again...

"Senior Brother, please pass on the message to me. Lu Yu, a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak, would like to see the real person of Zi Mansion." Lu Yu said meticulously.

It's not that he abides by the rules, even if he flies directly into the Tianxiang Peak, no one can stop him.

After all, it was to avoid alerting others. He didn't want to be too high-profile, so everything followed normal procedures.

The disciple did not dare to neglect, and quickly introduced Lu Yu into the reception room inside Tianxiang Peak, and asked his fellow disciples to be responsible for the hospitality. Then he turned around and ran to seek instructions from the top management of Tianxiang Peak.

In any case, with Lu Yu's current status, there is no reason to turn people away regardless of whether the first real person sees him or not.

Not to mention his recent deeds of taking charge of the storm, just because Huang Ge Lao's life was in his hands, they did not dare to treat Lu Yu lightly.

After a while, unexpectedly, Master Zifu's response did not come, but Ma Guangyuan came first.

Also arriving at the same time as Ma Guangyuan were several deacons and elders from Tianxiang Peak, including Elder Liao Jinyi, who had met Lu Yu once at the Oracle Court.

These deacons and elders seemed to be persuading Ma Guangyuan, but Ma Guangyuan refused to listen and rushed towards Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu! Look what good things you have done! You actually have the nerve to come to our Tianxiang Peak!"

He stared straight at Lu Yu and said angrily.

Lu Yu couldn't help but was stunned and said in surprise: "Why is Senior Brother Ma so dissatisfied with me? Could it be that he is worried about Mr. Huang Ge? It doesn't matter, even if you don't find Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun, I have already treated Mr. Huang Ge Come here, if you don’t believe it, you can go to the sanatorium to see it in person!”

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Ma Guangyuan gritted his teeth and hesitated: "You... you, you, why did you decide on your own to confirm the engagement between me and the Bixiao Palace?"

"So this is what you were talking about..."

Lu Yu was startled. He didn't expect Ma Guangyuan to be so resistant to this matter. This is really strange...

"Senior Brother Ma, please be patient. This matter is just a cover-up to confuse the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Everything is for the sake of the overall interests of our Dali Sword Sect."

"Consider the overall situation?"

Ma Guangyuan sneered: "For the sake of the overall situation, I have no objection, but why did you choose me to sign a marriage contract with Bixiao Shrine?"

Lu Yu blinked: "Of course it's because Senior Brother Ma is good enough and can be a role model among all our disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, so I chose you... In today's Dali Sword Sect, who else is there? Can anyone be better than you?"

"That's right!" Ma Guangyuan said disdainfully: "I'm just your defeated general. How can I be qualified to be called outstanding... I don't know about others, but you are definitely more suitable than me. Why don't you let yourself go with Bi Marriage in Xiaoshen Palace?"

Lu Yu laughed at himself: "Only Brother Ma can praise me so much... Maybe I do have some unique insights on Taoism, but this is just one aspect. In the eyes of Bixiao Shrine, I am just a How can a despicable villain like me?"

Ma Guangyuan wants to say more.

At this time, Elder Liao and others on the side had already grabbed him, and said loudly: "Guangyuan! This matter has been settled, don't talk about it anymore! As the chief disciple of Tianxiang Peak, you should do everything Put the overall situation first, and consider the impact on the junior brothers and sisters in everything... Could it be that you are still thinking about the woman from Wuya Immortal Pavilion? "

Ma Guangyuan said sadly: "Elders, I know that Junior Sister Ruan and I are destined to have no connection in this life. This is forced by the situation. It is our destiny, and I will not force anything... But after all, we have made a promise to each other. , even if there is no fate in this life, how can I immediately turn around and marry her? How is this different from those unfaithful people? "

"That's nonsense! If you really stay with that woman named Ruan and ignore the important affairs of the sect, then you are really confused!"

Lu Yu was greatly surprised. He didn't expect that Ma Guangyuan was still an infatuated person, and that he and Ruan Lijun still had true feelings...

It seems that I have indeed ordered a mandarin duck randomly...

Lu Yu originally wanted to gossip again, but Ma Guangyuan was soon dragged down by the crowd, and he couldn't hear it even if he wanted to.

After another moment, Master Zifu finally responded.

"Senior Brother Lu, our first real person, please come over and have a chat!"

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