Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 863 If ​​it were me

Under the guidance of the disciples of Tianxiang Peak, Lu Yu came to a quiet mountain stream.

"Our first master is inside, please go in by yourself, Brother Lu!"

The disciple pointed to a path at the end of the mountain stream and said.

Lu Yu nodded, and then walked into the deep path alone. After a few steps, he suddenly turned around and a mysterious purple mansion appeared in front of him.

This is the natal cave heaven that Zifu Master is famous for - Zhenyou Zifu.

Looking at the entire cultivation world, there is only one family that can sacrifice a piece of cave heaven and earth into something similar to a natal magic weapon.

Therefore, this Zhenyou Zifu is very famous, especially when it first came out. It is said that it caused a great sensation at the time. The reason why people call him "Zifu" is because of this.

And Zifu Master himself is obviously very satisfied with his masterpiece. Later, even he changed his name to Chen Zifu, so that as time passed, no one knew what his original real name was.

Full of curiosity and awe, Lu Yu walked into the purple mansion.

When Zifu Zhenren came out of retreat, he had seen this mansion. At that time, this mansion was shining with rosy clouds and had extraordinary momentum...

But now, there are obvious signs of damage in this mansion. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is dilapidated.

This is obviously caused by the previous battle back to Yuewan. No wonder Changchun Zhenren said that Zifu Zhenren was seriously injured and trapped in his natal mansion. It was damaged like this. Zifu Zhenren really needs to spend some time to repair it...

However, even so, Lu Yu still saw many mysteries in this mansion.

Every brick, stone, beam, and tile in this mansion are manifested by the power of the law.

In his opinion, rather than saying that this is a mansion cave, it is better to say that this is an external golden elixir system... Or, to put it in a more vivid way, this is actually a layer of the outer shell of Zifu Zhenren's natal golden elixir.

The law circulation in the mansion complements the natal golden elixir of Zifu Zhenren, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and complementing each other... It was the first time that Lu Yu saw someone use this method to strengthen his natal golden elixir, and he couldn't help but marvel at it.

This method naturally made Lu Yu think of the Tiangang circulation in the Nine Heavens.

It can be said that this is a powerful magic weapon that can fight against the Nine Heavens Gangqi, and Zifu Zhenren is undoubtedly the one closest to the Tiangang realm among all the Zhenren strongmen Lu Yu has come into contact with.

"What do you think, my friend? Do you have any corrections for my mansion?"

Lu Yu was looking at it intently, and suddenly a voice sounded beside him. It was Zifu Zhenren who came out.

"Disciple meets Master Zifu..." Lu Yu bowed slightly and said, "Disciple's cultivation is low and his knowledge is shallow. Your mansion can be said to be a masterpiece of the ages. It opened my eyes and shocked me thoroughly. How could I have any suggestions..."

Master Zifu smiled and said, "If it were two hundred years ago, I would have been very happy to hear what you said, but now as my cultivation deepens, I feel more and more the limitations of this mansion, especially in this battle of Huiyue Bay, which fully exposed its shortcomings..."

"You are an extraordinary person. Although you have not concluded the golden elixir, you have unique insights into the golden elixir law. Therefore, I really want to hear your opinion on this mansion..."

Faced with Seeing the earnest eyes of Zifu Zhenren, Lu Yu thought for a moment and smiled: "In this case, I will say a few words about my superficial views. If I am too wrong, please don't laugh at me..."

Zifu Zhenren nodded slightly: "You can talk!"

Lu Yu stretched out his right hand and gently touched a beam in front of him. While feeling the power of the law flowing through his fingertips, he talked freely:

"Your mansion is unique in structure, and each law is unique in its concentration. It can be seen that Zifu Zhenren has far-reaching plans. If I am not wrong, this should be your advance preparation for fighting against the nine-day thunder tribulation... I wonder if I am right?"

Zifu Zhenren couldn't help but jump in his heart.

It is true that an expert can tell the truth with one move.

Lu Yu only took a quick look, but he revealed his ultimate goal in one sentence, which really surprised him...

Although he is only in the Jindan realm now, and has not set foot in the Tiangang, and is far from transcending the tribulation and ascending...But what Lu Yu said is right. The reason why he had the idea of ​​building his own mansion was to transcend the tribulation and ascend.

All this is related to an adventure in his early years...

In that adventure, he was fortunate to witness the scene of a great cultivator transcending the tribulation. Although the great cultivator did not succeed in transcending the tribulation in the end, this incident had a profound impact on him, allowing him to realize the truth in the power of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, and thus this purple mansion was born.

"Unfortunately, this idea was very good at the beginning, but later, for some reason, some deviations occurred in the process of specific implementation..."

"In this mansion now, I clearly saw some laws with unknown intentions gathering. Although I don’t know what they are, I think it should be consistent with the purpose of resisting the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation..."

"So, I boldly say that when you built this mansion, you may have forgotten the original intention, so that if you look at it with the most severe eyes, the function of this mansion will appear somewhat unclear, and gradually the function of this mansion will become unclear. Chengwei is invincible..."

Master Zifu couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat again.

Yes, it can be said that Lu Yu's words hit the point...

He gained enlightenment from the divine power of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, and his original purpose was to build the Purple Mansion to fight against the Thunder Tribulation. However, in the long period of time that followed, he gradually became confused...

He hasn't even touched the threshold of the Tiangang Realm, so how can he fight against the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation?

So in the subsequent construction process, he adjusted the cohesion of the laws to fight against Tianyu Gangqi. In retrospect, this Zifu has indeed become not pure enough, so there is a situation of "unclear function" in Lu Yu's words .

"Of course, I am saying this with a critical eye." Lu Yu continued, "Actually, this mansion is quite powerful. Even if it is not as good as the Litian Sword Code, it is at least as good as half of it. Let’s leave the Heavenly Sword Code!”

"But if the purpose is to fight against the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, I think the power of this Zi Mansion is far from enough. If it were me..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly paused and seemed to be thinking about improvement strategies.

"What would happen if it were you?" Master Zifu asked quickly.

Lu Yu said while thinking: "Since we have already made the Cave Heaven Realm into a magic weapon with such great ambition, why not just increase the intensity a little more? If it were me, I might try to turn the Cave Heaven Realm underground into a magical weapon. The entire spiritual vein is placed in it..."

This idea popped up, and even Lu Yu himself couldn't help but be surprised.

He completely idealized the problem. He placed the entire underground spiritual vein in Zhenyou Mansion. Even if he did not consider the life and death of Tianxiang Peak, the shocking power involved was simply unimaginable.

This is tantamount to bragging that he doesn't have to pay taxes. He is completely pointing out the country and talking nonsense.

But looking back, Master Zifu was actually quite moved, and seemed to be really considering the feasibility of this matter...

Lu Yu couldn't help being frightened. If he really carried out this, he would probably become the sinner of Tianxiang Peak through the ages. By then, he would be afraid that all the disciples of Tianxiang Peak would hate him to death.

"I'm just kidding, I'm kidding! I've said it before, my opinions will definitely make people laugh. Master Zifu, please don't take it seriously... I almost forgot to come here to see you, let's talk about business first. !”

Lu Yu said quickly while taking out the list of names that had been circled before and handed it to Master Zifu.

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