Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 864 Got into big trouble

In fact, Master Zifu only had a fleeting thought, and did not really intend to use the underground spiritual veins of Tianxiang Peak to operate in a few words.

Seeing Lu Yu take out the list, his attention was immediately attracted and asked: "What is this?"

Lu Yu explained the ins and outs of the list, and then said: "There is a mole among the senior leaders of our Dali Sword Sect. I believe that the real person of Zifu must have noticed this matter. At present, I think the mole is the most important. It is possible to appear among these eighteen people..."

"These eighteen people have followed Your Excellency to Huiyue Bay. You must have some idea of ​​their situation at that time. Is there anyone among these people whose behavior makes you feel suspicious? For example, is there anyone? No one suddenly took the opportunity to send a message to the outside world? "

Master Zifu took the list without saying a word. After reading it carefully, he said: "These people are all real strong men. Each of them has a great background. They are the mainstay of our Dali Sword Sect. Are you sure about the inner ghost?" Is your identity among these people?”

"I am sure."

Lu Yu nodded, and then told the story that the golden elixirs of all the injured masters had problems with the "Little Zhoutian Mysteries".

He had only mentioned this matter to Master Hailing before, and later told Master Changchun. Now, coupled with Zifu Zhenre, only four people in total knew about it.

When Master Zifu suddenly heard the news, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "So, this matter does need to be treated with caution..."

He looked at the names on the list one by one, and said as he read: "On the way to Huiyue Bay, I was on high alert all the way. Even if there was really a mole among them, he would There is no chance to send a message to collaborate with the enemy... So judging from this point, I'm afraid it won't work..."

"As for the performance of these people during the battle..."

Just as he was speaking, Master Zifu suddenly closed his eyes, apparently recalling the specific situation at that time in his mind.

Lu Yu looked at him quietly, full of expectation, hoping that he could find clues from everyone's performance at that time.

However, in the end, Master Zifu slowly shook his head: "Sorry, I really can't remember any of them who have behaved suspiciously..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Although he was a little disappointed, this was to be expected. After all, this mole was a real strong man, how could he reveal his flaws so easily... What's more, he had already asked Feng Ruhai a similar question once. , the other party also couldn’t think of anything suspicious.

"What are you going to do next?" Master Zifu asked.

"What else can I do? Since the other party is so cautious and does not reveal any flaws, the next thing I can do is visit one by one to see if I can defraud this mole... Fortunately, there are only eighteen people in the first list. That’s it, although it’s a little troublesome, it doesn’t take much time,” Lu Yu said.

"If that's the case, then I suggest you start here first..."

As he spoke, Master Zifu pointed his finger at one of the names.

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled and raised his head in surprise: "Didn't you just say that there is nothing suspicious..."

Master Zifu said: "It's just that their performance on that day was not suspicious, it does not mean that their performance all the time is not suspicious... Don't ask me why, I can't tell myself. If I have to find a reason, then Maybe it’s just intuition…”

"It can also be said that among this list, I am most worried about this person. If he is really a mole, it can be said to be the worst situation. But if he can rule out suspicion, it will be very important for us to leave. It's actually a good thing for Jian Zong... From this point of view, I hope I'm wrong this time!"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, then looked at the name intently, and immediately understood what Zifu Zhenren was worried about.

Kunpeng real person Yang Yuankun...

This person is the leader of Tianlan Peak.

The power of Tianlan Peak is extremely huge. Although it is not as good as the first-class mountains such as Tianxiang Peak, Wangyue Peak, and Baiyun Peak, it is still nearly first-class in strength.

If one of the dignified first masters really turned out to be a mole, it would be really bad. The impact and turmoil it would cause to the Dali Sword Sect would not even be lighter than the two battles they had just experienced.

"Okay, then I'll start checking from him!" Lu Yu nodded and said.

"This person's identity is extraordinary. We must pay attention to the methods and methods. We can neither alert the snake nor cause too bad influence. We, the assassins of Dali Sword Sect, cannot withstand such a turmoil... I don't know what you plan to do. Investigation?" Master Zifu asked again.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said: "Master Jin Xiang just told me the news that all major sects are snapping up elixir materials at high prices. The purpose should be to prevent us from continuing to refine the turtle's breath and dragon elixir. Now It’s almost impossible to buy high-end elixir ingredients on the market anymore…”

"How about I encourage Master Kunpeng to join me and go overseas to do business without capital?"

Master Zifu saw the wild light in Lu Yu's eyes and knew that he had made a decision, so he nodded gently.

"That's fine, I hope you can win!"

So, Lu Yu left Zhenyou Mansion.

But what he didn't expect was that not long after he left, before he could even walk out of the gate of Tianxiang Peak, there was suddenly a loud bang behind him.

Looking back, I saw a burst of dust flying between the mountains.

The Zhenyou Mansion is falling apart and collapsing everywhere.

The only person who can make such a move is Master Zifu...

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead.

It's over, now we are in big trouble...Did Master Zifu really follow his own instigation?

Now that he no longer has Zhenyou Zifu, can he still use the name "Zhenyou Zifu" in the future?

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