Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 865 Everyone comes to court

Lu Yu did not immediately go to Tianlan Peak to find Master Kunpeng.

Now that the test strategy has been determined, some preliminary preparations must be done first. For example, regarding the general situation of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, since he is going to take Master Kunpeng to rob Wuya Immortal Pavilion, he must at least Just find out where the other party's warehouse is.

To inquire about information in this area, the best place to go is undoubtedly the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. Although the business of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has not yet spread to the sphere of influence of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, merchants are naturally equipped with sufficient information in this area. sensitivity.

Furthermore, the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is now rooted in Yuanjiangwei City. This is the place where information converges and it is easy to obtain relevant information from all aspects.

So, Lu Yu drove the black tail of the dragon fish directly to the general helm of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce in Yuanjiangwei City.

It seemed that Lu Yu's sudden arrival surprised Yu Wanli and his son who were sitting at the helm. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel an excitement that was difficult to conceal.

Since this day, the territory of Dali Sword Sect has been filled with turmoil and soldiers. From their level, they are unable to get any specific information. They only know that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion have jointly called, and they can't help but feel a sense of fear.

It wasn't until Lu Yu suddenly arrived that their hearts finally fell to the ground... Lu Yu was undoubtedly their biggest backer. As long as this backer didn't fall, nothing mattered.

"Do you have any information about Wuya Immortal Pavilion? Especially the distribution and storage status of their warehouses. Provide me with all the information you have. The more detailed the better!"

Lu Yu said straight to the point without any politeness.

Yu Wanli and his son were shocked, but they didn't say anything and hurriedly went down.

After a while, the father and son walked in with a large stack of documents and records, and said: "Before, my benefactor told us to open up as many material procurement channels as possible. This is some investigation and analysis we did, about Wu Yaxian The parts of the pavilion are already here, and I don’t know if there is anything you need here..."

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Let it go!"

Yu Wanli added: "These records are quite messy, and some of them are very sloppy. Why don't we find someone to sort them out first, and then re-write them for our benefactor?"

"No, no need!" Lu Yu waved his hands repeatedly and said, "That's enough."

Anyway, he didn't really want to rob Wuya Immortal Pavilion, he just wanted to know the general situation, so as not to be exposed when he deceived Master Kunpeng.

The father and son were full of surprise, but seeing that Lu Yu had made up his mind, they said nothing more and retreated silently.

With the blessing of powerful thoughts and consciousness, Lu Yu flipped through the pages very quickly, and quickly browsed through the analysis and investigation information at a glance.

At this time, he already had a rough outline in his mind, and was about to call Yu Wanli and his son in to confirm again.

But at this moment, there were bursts of noise outside the house, as if Yu Wanli was arguing with someone.

"What happened?" Lu Yu asked.

Yu Rongzhou immediately trotted in and said with fear on his face: "I'm sorry, my benefactor, it's all because of our negligence that we disturbed my benefactor..."

"The thing is like this, because everyone was very excited when they heard that our benefactor was coming, and they all wanted to rush over to meet their benefactor in person. Most of them were relatively well-behaved, and only a few of them were very excited and shouted. I want to come in immediately to meet my benefactor. My father is worried about disturbing my benefactor, so he is trying his best to persuade..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh or cry. Before he knew it, he had already developed such a big arrogance.

In fact, with his current state of mind and energy, reading these materials is just like playing. Even if someone is around, it will not affect him at all.

"Who is out there anxious to see me?" Lu Yu asked with a smile.

"Basically all the people staying here have come over, and the one who caused the most ferocity is the Demon Spirit General, who claims to be your apprentice..."

Yu Rongzhou said while watching Lu Yu's reaction, as if he couldn't believe that Lu Yu really accepted a demon spirit as his apprentice.

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of Xijiao's innocent face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Although the experience of recruiting a disciple was a bit strange, Rhinoceros Horn can indeed be regarded as my disciple... Well, you can call them all in and meet me if they want to see me. I'm not a god, I'm just a little busy at ordinary times and you want to see me. In fact, it’s not that difficult, don’t make it like a pilgrimage…”

Yu Rongzhou thought to himself: Isn’t this difficult?

It has been several years since I came to Dali Sword Sect, but I can count the number of times I have met him on one hand. As the head of Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, I am like this, let alone others. Already...

Although Lu Yu is not a god, which of the things he has done can only be accomplished by a god?

While thinking this, he quickly turned around and walked out.

After a while, a large group of people came in in a hurry.

Rhinoceros Horn, Tuwu Wang, Huang Yanqing, Tiger Master, Blood Knife Old Demon, etc... He had met all these people on Jade Butterfly Peak once before when he returned to the mountain, but at that time Jade Butterfly Peak was still there after all. There is no new territory demarcated, which is not suitable for them. Relatively speaking, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is more suitable for them.

"Master, President Yu just said that you are going to attack Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Is this true?"

"If you want to attack Wuya Immortal Pavilion, why don't you bring my rhinoceros horn with you?"

"During your absence, I have been practicing hard and have never fallen behind for a single day. Now my strength has become much stronger. Although it is still not as good as you and my great aunt, I will definitely be able to help a lot. of!"

As soon as he came in, Rhinoceros started shouting loudly, his voice was like rolling thunder.

Hearing this familiar voice again, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

Yu Wanli said fearfully from the side: "My benefactor, please forgive me. I just told Mr. Xijiao that my benefactor was dealing with some important matters, and I can't see him until he is finished..."

"Just then, one of the subordinates in the meeting came over to report that some information about Wuya Immortal Pavilion was missing, so he insisted that my benefactor was preparing to attack Wuya Immortal Pavilion... In fact, I didn't know anything about it. Didn’t say…”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..." Lu Yu shook his head and said.

He looked around the audience, his eyes passing over everyone's faces one by one, and said: "It's really hard for you to live here all this time. Let's do this. Anyway, the sub-peak is almost completed. Before the end of this month , let you all move here! It will be easier to contact you if anything happens in the future..."

Everyone was immediately excited.

In fact, they had been looking forward to this day ever since they heard that Jade Butterfly Peak had demarcated a new territory. Now that they had received Lu Yu's personal consent, they could finally feel relieved.

"However, if you want to follow me to Wuya Immortal Pavilion, this is not possible for the time being..." Lu Yu said again.

Rhinoceros couldn't help but be stunned, and quickly asked: "Why not?"

"Because I have another more important thing to give to you..."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu paused, then looked at Tuwu Wang and Huang Yanqing aside: "Old Tu, Lao Huang, you have traveled extensively for many years and have rich experience in handling various matters. It will be up to you two to take the lead in completing this matter. Bar!"

"I don't know what it is, please let me know, sir!" the two said at the same time.

Lu Yu smiled softly: "Go and pick up a group of people for me..."

"Who is it?"

"Mingjian Villa." Lu Yu replied.

At first, he tried his best to grab a storm spot from Mingjian City, and then everyone in Mingjian Villa fled to Mingjian City one after another with him. Now that time has passed, they have also It has been safely moved to the outskirts of Dali Sword Sect.

Next, it is also time to let the eye of the storm position come into play and let the eye of the storm furnace regain its glory on the new site of Jade Butterfly Peak.

In fact, this was the most direct reason that prompted Lu Yu to enclose the land in the first place.

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