Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 868 Friends of the Saint

"What? Did I make a mistake?"

Master Kunpeng saw Lu Yu's reaction was a little strange, so he smiled and explained.

"I just want to know if the source of the news is reliable, but don't wait until we get to the place to find out that we made a mistake... If it's inconvenient, just pretend that I didn't ask!"

Lu Yu seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Shishouzuo is worrying too much. In fact, there is nothing inconvenient. It's just that it's a bit unbelievable to say this... I wonder if you have ever heard of the Saint of Great Luo?"

"Daluo Saint?"

Master Kunpeng and Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be startled at the same time.

Lu Yu nodded and said rather embarrassedly: "Actually, the saint I know is not only the Tiangong saint from Bixiao Shrine, but also the Da Luo saint from Da Luo Holy Land. My good friend..."

"This is the person who overthrew the Dawu Dynasty in one fell swoop. Ancestor Qiu of the Yuan family came to the house angrily to argue, but in the end left in despair... You must have heard of her!"

"It turns out to be her!"

Master Kunpeng and Master Jin Xiang showed expressions of enlightenment, but soon they became confused again. How does this relate to the question that Master Kunpeng asked before?

"Now that things have happened, I will no longer hide it from you two. The sect that will trade with Wuya Immortal Pavilion in Wanshui City is the Daluo Holy Land. This news was revealed to me by my saintly friend. …”

"As for the friendship between me and this Daluo saint, your senior brother Wei Zhihan from Tianlan Peak is aware of it...Does Mr. Shi think the source of this news is reliable?"

Lu Yu asked indifferently.

Master Kunpeng and Master Jin Xiang couldn't help but be surprised. They didn't expect that this matter was revealed by the Holy Lady Da Luo.

As for the relationship between Lu Yu and Daluo Saint, although it is not possible to verify it with Wei Zhihan for the time being, Lu Yu just showed his extraordinary friendship with the Tiangong Saint at Shangwulao Peak, so the two subconsciously recognized it. this matter.

Since even the Heavenly Palace Saint is like this, then there is nothing surprising about the Daluo Saint...

In fact, the two of them didn't expect that the relationship between him and the Saint of Daluo couldn't be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Master Kunpeng nodded and said: "If so, then this is indeed a very reliable source of information... Well, let's set off now! However, this trip to Wanshui City is extremely dangerous, and the final outcome is still unknown..."

"Please wait for a moment, I will explain the affairs on the mountain, and then we will set off immediately! Don't worry, I will never reveal our whereabouts!"

Lu Yu raised his hand and said with a smile: "Shishou, please help yourself."

Naturally, he was not afraid that Master Kunpeng would turn around and send a summons. Anyway, he was not really going to rob Wanshui City. The reason why he had given so many warnings before was just to create a tense atmosphere.

If Master Kunpeng really informed Wuya Immortal Pavilion, then it would save him trouble. Next, as long as it is verified that Wuya Immortal Pavilion has indeed received the news that they will attack Wanshui City, then the identity of Master Kunpeng as a traitor can be confirmed .

After Master Kunpeng left, Master Jin Xiang also began to nervously check the various equipment and magic weapons on his body.

Although he thought that he was only good at alchemy and not Taoism, he was the leader after all, and a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. If he really wanted to fight hard, he would not be hesitant at all.

"You should have a specific strategy for this surprise attack on Wanshui City, right?"

Master Jin Xiang asked Lu Yu while inspecting it.

It was really because of the previous surprise attack on the Jade Sea Immortal Sect that left a very deep impression on him. If he had used a combination of combat skills similar to the last time to deal with Wanshui City this time, it would undoubtedly be much easier.

"Of course there are strategies..." Lu Yu replied.

"What is it?" Master Jin Xiang asked.

Lu Yu blinked: "We will adapt to the situation when the time comes..."

Immediately Master Jin Xiang's hands trembled with fright, so he rechecked the various magic weapons and equipment on his body more carefully.

After a while, Master Kunpeng returned.

But what surprised the two of them was that Master Kunpeng did not come back alone this time. He brought another disciple with him...

This man was majestic and handsome, and he was carrying a dark coffin behind him. The strong spiritual power fluctuations in it made people feel palpitating... It was the Nine-Life Divine Coffin!

And this person is also Wei Zhihan whom Lu Yu mentioned just now...

"Little friend Lu Yu just mentioned Zhihan, and it suddenly reminded me of something. Although Zhihan's cultivation level is not high, fortunately, his Taoism is extremely superb, and he even possesses the Nine-Life Divine Coffin, which is a 'quasi-earth spirit level' If we talk about the true strength of his magic weapon, he is not inferior to the average real strong person..."

"So, I want him to come with us and participate in this surprise attack on Wanshui City... But even if Zhihan joins, we are determined not to get an extra share, and he has the Nine-Life Divine Coffin to protect his body. , you can also guarantee that it will not hold us back...please rest assured about this!"

The two couldn't help but look at each other.

Although this is true, it is obviously unreasonable for Master Kunpeng to kill first and then show off...

But the matter has come to this, and it is useless to talk about anything else, so Jin Xiangzhen can only nod and say: "That's good, one more person will have more strength, at least Xiao Wei's strength is beyond doubt..."

But Lu Yu couldn't help laughing: "Did Shi Shouzu really call Senior Brother Wei because of our plan? Could it be that he specifically went to find Senior Brother Wei to verify whether I had lied?"

Master Kunpeng smiled and said: "My little friend, you are worrying too much..."

However, Wei Zhihan immediately focused his gaze, and the sudden sparkle in his eyes was extremely sharp: "So Junior Brother Lu, did you lie? Did you really get the news from Saintess Daluo?"

Lu Yu knew that there was some connection between Wei Zhihan and Qin Yanzhen. When he ordered people to collect materials in Wanbat Cave, it was actually to supply Qin Yanzhen. Now that he thought about it carefully, what they did at that time should be for the sake of the demon spirit world. The layout of the empty mountain...

However, as the reincarnation of Fairy Qin Yanzhen Yaoji, he bet that Wei Zhihan didn't know her too well, and they were just using each other at best.

So, Lu Yu replied without any timidity: "Did I get the news from her? How about Senior Brother Wei directly sending a message to her? I'm afraid Senior Brother Wei doesn't have her real name imprint at all, and I'm afraid he wants to You can’t even contact her, right?”

Wei Zhihan was stunned, speechless, and his face was slightly distorted.

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "It's useless to talk more. Whether this matter is true or not, we might as well go to Wanshui City to verify it and find out!"

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