Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 869 Change baby

Several people thought that Lu Yu's so-called verification meant verifying what he said, but they never thought that his so-called "verification" actually meant something else.

The four of them went into battle lightly, each drove the escape light and left Tianlan Peak, and rushed to Wanshui City overnight.

At this time, Lu Yu had to consider another issue...

Master Kunpeng forced Wei Zhihan to join him. It was obvious that the two had a close relationship. If he was really the mole, was Wei Zhihan involved?

If he was involved, to what extent? Could he have also completely rebelled? Or is he originally an undercover agent sent by Wuya Immortal Pavilion to lurk?

Wei Zhihan has a prominent family background and was born in a great Wei family...

This is a huge family similar to the Yuan family of the Great Wu Dynasty, except that they do not seek imperial hegemony like the Yuan family. In terms of cultivation strength, they are probably even more powerful than the Yuan family.

With a background like his, the influence of family factors will be huge, so his movements are really difficult to figure out.

And there is Wei Zhihan’s Nine-Life Divine Coffin...

If these two people are really a den of snakes and rats, then Master Kunpeng pulled Wei Zhihan probably just in case. With his quasi-earth-level magic weapon here, even if he joins forces with Master Jin Xiang, he wants to Capturing him will also become difficult.

It can even be said to be impossible...

"What is Junior Brother Lu thinking?"

Wei Zhihan suddenly spoke, bringing Lu Yu's thoughts back to reality.

He patted the Nine-Life Divine Coffin under him and said with a smile: "I guess this isn't the first time that Junior Brother Lu has seen my Nine-Life Divine Coffin, right? Why are you still so fascinated by it?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Everyone has a love for treasures...Senior Brother Wei's magic weapon is so miraculous. No matter how many times I see it, I can't figure out its method. I have only seen it once or twice, so how can I figure it out?" enough?"

"This Nine-Life Divine Coffin was passed down from the ancestors of my Wei family. However, the Wei family's talents have been declining and they have no way to control this thing. It was not until it fell into my hands that I was lucky enough to successfully refine it and make it rejuvenated. Divine power..."

"Although this object is quite powerful and highly respected by everyone, its style is really unflattering... Frankly speaking, carrying such an ominous object out all day long sometimes makes me quite bored. It’s not as handsome as the black tail of arowana on Junior Brother Lu’s back, which is more handsome, chic and calm..."

"If possible, I really hope to make an exchange with you, Junior Brother Lu!"

Wei Zhihan stared at the black tail of the arowana behind Lu Yu without blinking, showing an envious look.

Lu Yu knew very well that his performance was just pretentious. If he really cared about the shape of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, he would not sit on the coffin board so leisurely...

Besides, this treasure is his natal magic weapon, integrated with his cultivation, and shares weal and woe with his life. How can he exchange this? Do you really risk your life?

"Senior Brother Wei is joking. This treasure of mine is a free gift from others. It just has some functions of saving leg strength. It is completely incomparable with your artifact, Senior Brother Wei..." Lu Yu said.

Wei Zhihan shook his head and said: "This is not a popular product... I wonder where it comes from? Can Junior Brother Lu tell me something?"

"When I visited Haixi before, I happened to meet a few old dragons. Those old dragons thought I looked scary and didn't want me to be an eyesore to them in Haixi, so they gave this thing to me. I'll hurry up. Leave... As for its detailed origin and what it is made of, I don’t know.” Lu Yu said calmly.

"So, this thing was really given to you by someone else?"

Wei Zhihan's heart was really excited now. How could such shitty luck happen to this kid?

"I have long heard that giant dragons have appeared frequently in the Haixi land recently. It seems that this is true! In the past, Master Yudie slayed a dragon in the Haixi land and became a real person. This incident became a good talk..."

"I have long wanted to hunt a few dragons in the land of Haixi to get materials, but it's a pity that something like this happened. If it hadn't been like this, I'm afraid I would have been in Haixi by now!"

Wei Zhihan said with regret.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that there are not many disciples from major sects who have similar ideas to Wei Zhihan. It seems that the feud between Dali Sword Sect, Yuhai Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion has invisibly shared the pressure on Liu Hongxu's side. .

The escape of the four people took place all night long.

As dawn approached the next day, the four of them were already exhausted, so they decided to take a rest on the spot and replenish their energy before continuing to set off.

At this time, they were far away from the range of Dali Sword Sect, but there was still a very long distance from Wanshui City. Based on their current journey, they would not be able to reach their destination until at least evening.

However, it was naturally impossible for Lu Yu to really go to Wanshui City to verify...

Moreover, it would take too much time and cost. Wanshui City was originally the territory of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and they went to other people's territory to verify other people's traitors. At that time, it is not certain who will arrest whom!

The time is just right now, there is no village in front of the village, no shop in the back, and several people traveling at such a speed have spent a lot of real energy.

And because he was relying on the power of the dragon fish's black tail, it could be said that there was no consumption at all. This was just the time for him to give full play to it!

Lu Yu looked at the three people who were meditating and adjusting their breathing, and thought for a moment, and suddenly a plan came to his mind, so he slowly walked forward and said to Wei Zhihan: "Senior Brother Wei, I wonder if you can lend me your Nine-Life Divine Coffin? "

Regardless of whether Master Kunpeng is a mole or not, and whether Wei Zhihan is involved or not, to be on the safe side, we must cut off their retreat first.

Wei Zhihan opened his eyes in surprise.

Master Kunpeng on the side raised his eyelids slightly, imperceptibly.

"Junior Brother Lu doesn't need to adjust his breathing and rest?" Wei Zhihan asked.

"Of course it is necessary..."

Lu Yu rubbed his hands and said, "Who told Senior Brother Wei to flirt with me on the street just now? Now my curiosity has been completely aroused. If you don't let me take a closer look at this treasure of yours, I won't be able to calm down at all. Meditate and fall into concentration...So, please satisfy my curiosity, Senior Brother Wei!"

Wei Zhihan looked at Lu Yu silently, and after a while, he laughed: "What a coincidence. I happen to be very curious about this dragon treasure of Junior Brother Lu. I wonder if you can show it to me as well?"

Lu Yuxin said, this guy really doesn't want to suffer!

However, the more cautious the other party is, the more it indicates there is a problem...

Lu Yu immediately took off the black tail of the dragon fish from behind without thinking and threw it away.

"Take it!"

Wei Zhihan caught it blankly, but now he was embarrassed. The other party was so happy, so he couldn't just say no to him now, could he?

So he could only watch as Lu Yu rushed forward and took the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

After Lu Yu took the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, he was not in a hurry to observe it carefully. Instead, he sat down on the coffin board and looked at Wei Zhihan with a half-smiling look.

Wei Zhihan was filled with astonishment. Naturally, he had no intention of checking the black tail of the arowana in his hand. He immediately asked in a deep voice: "Junior brother Lu, what do you mean? Don't you want to see the Nine Lives Divine Coffin? If you don't want to see it, please, please Give it back to me!"

"No rush, let's make one thing clear before returning it to you..."

Lu Yu said slowly and calmly: "Senior Brother Wei, are you the ghost of Wuya Immortal Pavilion?"

Wei Zhihan was startled and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be the inner ghost of Wuya Immortal Pavilion?"

Lu Yuli ignored him and kept telling lies: "I just received another subpoena from Qin Yanzhen. She told me that the transaction in Wanshui City was suddenly canceled temporarily. This is obviously because one of the four of us leaked the news... …”

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head and his sharp eyes shot out.

"If the mole is not you, could it still be Kunpeng Zhenren?"

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