Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 875 The Nether Locking Curse

Lu Yu couldn't help but be extremely surprised. He didn't expect that the real Yudie, who had never heard from him, would hear information about her from Wei Zhihan.

Then think of the identities of Wei Zhihan and Kunpeng Zhenren as moles...

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tightening. Could it be that the disappearance of Master Yudie also involved Wuya Immortal Pavilion?

However, he said calmly: "Brother Wei, you might as well prove to me whether you really have the information first, otherwise how would I know whether you lied to me or not?"

Wei Zhihan glanced at Lu Yu and said, "You were the one who treated all the real people in the sanatorium. After that, you went directly to Tianlan Peak. I guess you already know that Wuya Immortal Pavilion has a secret secret that specifically restrains the Dali Sword Sect." Dharma…where do you think these secret laws come from?”

"Isn't it the work of Shi Zhiquan who betrayed the Dali Sword Sect and formed a partnership with Wuya Immortal Pavilion?" Lu Yu said.

Wei Zhihan said: "It's not wrong to say that. Shi Zhiquan did have the greatest contribution, but the secrets of the Dali Sword Sect's skills have been honed and hammered for thousands of years. How can it be so easy to find flaws? It must go through thousands of times. Only through trial and error can we find a special method of restraint..."

"At the beginning, Shi Zhiquan determined the general direction of the restraint method based on what he had learned. However, the specific trial and error process was not completed by him. After all, his apparent identity is the leader of Tianlan Peak. It is impossible to leave Tianlan Peak alone, but disappear all year round to test the method of restraint. Moreover, the process of this test itself has certain risks and harms. Shi Zhiquan is a very calculating person, how could he make such a self-indulgent move? Something to ruin your future?”

"So, he must find a substitute, and this substitute must be someone with extraordinary talents and high cultivation level to be perfect..."

Lu Yu was startled, and his voice suddenly became cold: "You mean, this restraint method specifically for the Dali Sword Sect was actually tested after thousands of attempts on our master Yudie. of?"

Wei Zhihan nodded and said with a calm smile: "Not bad."

A feeling of anger suddenly arose in Lu Yu's heart. Although he had never met Master Yudie, he had always been under the protection of Master Yudie, and he was able to gradually grow up. Everything he has now , are closely related to her.

Furthermore, Master Yudie and Yang Chudie are twin sisters. His current relationship with Yang Chudie alone makes him feel a natural closeness to Master Yudie.

Now that he knew that there was such a secret behind her disappearance for decades, and that she had been suffering inhuman treatment for decades, how could he not feel extremely angry?

Of course, it was not that he had not considered the possibility that Wei Zhihan had lied, but Wuya Immortal Pavilion had a special method of restraint. This matter was originally an absolute secret. Wei Zhihan's ability to accurately tell this information was enough to prove that he was indeed Knowing the inside story, Lu Yu basically believed what he said.

"So, we, Master Yudie, are now imprisoned in Wuya Immortal Pavilion?" Lu Yu asked in a cold voice.

"It is true that Master Yudie was imprisoned, but he was not imprisoned in Wuya Immortal Pavilion, but in a place that you can't imagine at all..."

Halfway through, Wei Zhihan suddenly paused and immediately laughed: "I can't say anything else for the time being... Unless you agree to let me go immediately, I can tell you her specific whereabouts."

"Brother Wei seems to have not figured it out yet. Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me? I'm afraid you don't know how Master Tianmiao revealed the information about Wuya Immortal Pavilion and Jade Sea Immortal Sect joining forces!"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "You have only two choices now, either tell me everything you know, whether it's about Master Yudie, Master Kunpeng, or any secrets of Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

"Or I will just crush your skull, invade your mind and consciousness, and dig out all the secrets in your head!"

"As for you wanting to escape unscathed, that's simply impossible!"

Wei Zhihan's face suddenly tightened and he said: "How could I not know about Junior Brother Lu's ability? You can invade other people's thoughts and consciousness and directly check the memories in other people's minds. Such a technique is simply unheard of. It is indeed very outstanding. ability……"

"But because of this, Wuya Immortal Pavilion was very afraid of this, so they specially gathered many cultivation masters to conduct special research on this. Finally, under the auspices of a Tiangang Realm master, they finally found the Ways to deal with it..."

"This method of coping is called the Secret Locking Curse, which forcibly locks the mind and consciousness with the body of life. Once the mind and body of life are broken by others, the body of life will self-destruct and directly blow up its own head."

"This method was immediately copied to Shi Zhiquan. Brother Yu is not talented. Since he knows a lot of their secrets, he was forced to practice this spell. If Junior Brother Lu doesn't believe it, you might as well tell me Give it a try, but I’ll say it first. If you fail, you may never know the whereabouts of Master Yudie!”

Lu Yu was stunned and stared straight at Wei Zhihan for a long time.

Wei Zhihan was always calm and confident, looking confident.

For a moment, Lu Yu really couldn't tell whether he was really sure or if he was deliberately bluffing.

"Okay, just give it a try! Do you think I don't dare?"

Lu Yu sneered, raised his palm and pressed it on Wei Zihan's Tianling Cap.

When he had done something to Master Tianmiao before, because he was a powerful real man and possessed a first-grade golden elixir, he had to be careful and go through a lot of troubles before he could invade the other person's mind and consciousness.

At this time, although Wei Zhihan also had profound cultivation and superb Taoism, he had not yet developed a golden elixir. Therefore, Lu Yu successfully penetrated into the periphery of his sea of ​​consciousness without any effort.

Sure enough, on the periphery of Wei Zhihan's sea of ​​consciousness, Lu Yu saw circles of indescribable legal bonds, wrapping his mind and consciousness, arming it like a hedgehog.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The fetters of this kind of law are even more bizarre and unpredictable than the first-grade golden elixir of Master Tianmiao...

Lu Yu really couldn't imagine that someone could actually achieve such a level with magic. It seemed that Wei Zhihan was indeed not lying. This should be the handiwork of a strong person in the Tiangang Realm...

Lu Yu did not try to crack it rashly, because for a while he really couldn't see through the operation rules of this Nether Locking Curse, so he had to give up trying for the time being.

"How's it going? Junior Brother Lu, do you believe what I say now?"

Wei Zihan asked with a smile when he felt Lu Yu's hand retracting from the Tianling Cover.

Lu Yu didn't answer, just picked him up and threw him on the Nine Lives Divine Coffin next to him. Then he snorted and said, "Do you think this is the only way for me to know your secret? You want me to let him go directly?" You, let’s wait until you have survived my torture... There are many ways to get you to speak out, let’s go back to Dali Sword Sect now!”

Wei Zhihan said: "Would you like to go back to Dali Sword Sect and play slowly? I don't care, I'm just afraid that you Master Yudie won't be able to wait that long!"

Lu Yu's body shook slightly, but he didn't say anything. He directly raised the Nine-Life Priest, and behind him, the dragon fish's black tail wings spread out and flew away through the air!

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