Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 876 Game of Heavenly Ways

It took half an hour for Lu Yu to return to the place where the previous battle took place.

At this time, Master Jin Xiang had gotten rid of the shackles of the Da Tian Yan Sword Technique, but he still stayed in the same place and was exercising his skills. In front of him were bottles and jars filled with various kinds of elixirs. It was obvious that he was using Elixir for healing and recovery.

"Master Fan, how are your injuries?"

Hearing Lu Yu's voice, Master Jin Xiang opened his eyes, but did not immediately answer his question. Instead, he looked at the Nine Lives Divine Coffin that was carried on his shoulders with questioning eyes.

"Where are the people?"

Lu Yu patted the coffin on his shoulder and said, "It's inside!"

Along the way, he thought Wei Zhihan was an eyesore, so he directly cast a Dragon Trap Curse on him, and then threw him into the coffin.

"But... we only caught such a young one, but the old one let him run away without a trace..."

Lu Yu said with regret again.

Jin Xiang didn't say anything. Although he was trapped by the Da Tian Yan Sword Technique before, he also noticed the last series of methods of Master Kunpeng. This was something that could have been foreseen a long time ago.

It was a pity to let Master Kunpeng run away, but the matter has come to this, and there is nothing they can do about it. Now if they want to continue chasing, they don’t know which direction to pursue, so they can only choose to accept the fact...

"Forget it! It's just luck of the times! Maybe Shi Zhiquan really shouldn't die, and you and I have done our best!" Master Jin Xiang sighed.

Lu Yu glided to the side of Master Jin Xiang, threw the Nine Lives Divine Coffin directly onto the sea, and asked: "Can you cope with your injury? Do you want me to take a look at it?"

"It's okay, I'm fine..." Jin Xiang replied.

However, before he could finish his words, Lu Yu pressed his palm against his back and injected a red lotus power into his body.

Master Jin Xiang was stunned for a moment, and felt a strange force move through his body instantly, making his originally paralyzed body feel like he was being shocked by electricity.

Immediately Master Jin Xiang couldn't laugh or cry: "You really don't have to waste your true energy here. I have already taken the elixir. As long as I wait for a moment and the potency is completely dissipated, I should be able to move freely..."

Lu Yu said: "Master Fan, there is no need to refuse. I owe you a favor for today, so now I should make some compensation!"

Master Jin Xiang didn't speak anymore. Although he said no, his body was very honest. Within a moment, his body, which had been numb and had poor energy and blood, gradually regained consciousness. It seemed that his whole body suddenly became transparent. got up.

"Your healing method is really amazing. It's a good thing that this method is unique to this one. Otherwise, if a few more people have your method, I'm afraid that all the top healing elixirs we refine will be lost." There is no market!”

Master Jin Xiang said with great emotion.

Lu Yu said: "What Chief Fan said is an exaggeration. Pills have their own uses, and healing techniques have their own uses. They both have their own strengths, how can they be confused?"

"Even I carry healing elixirs with me at all times in case of emergencies. How could there be no market for healing elixirs?"

While speaking, Lu Yu had already retracted his hand. Jin Xiang was the leader of the peak and had an excellent foundation. Lu Yu only needed a little guidance to successfully suppress the injuries in his body, so he didn't put in much effort. The problem was solved.

Master Jin Xiang stirred up the true energy in his body and moved around casually. He felt that although the injury had not healed, it basically did not affect his actions.

He suddenly stretched out his hand, and a huge force surged out, and he immediately picked up the Nine Lives Divine Coffin floating on the sea.

Master Jin Xiang opened the coffin and looked at Wei Zhihan, who was unconscious but still intact inside, and his expression gradually became serious.

"He should have explained some of the situation, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to bring him back intact..."

Lu Yu scratched his head: "Barely..."

"What does he know?" Master Jin Xiang asked in a deep voice.

Lu Yu was silent, took a deep breath, and then said: "He knows a lot of things, but we can wait until we return to the Dali Sword Sect to talk about the details!"


Master Jin Xiang nodded: "After this matter has turned out like this, there will still be a lot of mess waiting to be cleaned up after we go back. Let's discuss countermeasures together then!"

As he spoke, Master Jin Xiang let out a long sigh with a frown on his face. He was obviously troubled by what to do after he returned.

Lu Yu said nothing.

In fact, compared to Master Jin Xiang's difficulties, he was more troubled about how to face Yang Chudie.

Now that she is at the critical juncture of concluding the Golden Elixir, how should she speak about the whereabouts of Master Yudie?

Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Misty Peak, the highest point.

An old man with an immortal spirit was playing chess alone.

This old man is wearing a golden robe, his aura is extremely powerful, and his movements seem to shake the mountains and rivers. He is the master of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, Lan Jianzhenren.

Originally, Master Tiansheng was his long-term chess friend, but since the death of Master Tiansheng in the battle at Huiyue Bay, he has no one to play chess with. But even so, he still remains true to his original intention and spends every day in the mist. Feng Ding was concentrating on deducing the chess game, but he was even more forgetful than before. No one knew who his opponent was...

"See the Pavilion Master!"

Suddenly, a ray of light came, and a middle-aged man appeared next to the chessboard and saluted Master Lan Jian.

Without even raising his head, Master Lan Jian held a sunspot between his two fingers and asked, "Brother Tianwei Dao, where do you think this sunspot should land?"

Upon hearing this, Master Tianwei quickly lowered his head: "My chess skills are low, so I don't dare to make random moves on the pavilion master's chessboard..."

Master Lan Jian came back, looked at Master Tianwei in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't be nervous, Tiansheng, Tianmiao, Tianwei, you three real masters of the Tianzi generation are all our Wuya Immortal Pavilion The mainstay, although Taoist Brother Tianmiao and Taoist Brother Tiansheng have already made moves on the chessboard, this time I came to you not because of the move, but because I have another matter that I need to trouble you with..."

Master Tianwei was slightly startled: "Please give me some instructions, Pavilion Master!"

"I need you to go to Guoyun Ancient City in person and report to the ancestor that Shi Zhiquan's identity has been exposed, but he is fine. He is on his way back now, but his apprentice was captured by the Dali Sword Sect." Master Lan Jian Said lightly.

Master Tianwei was shocked and his eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the Pavilion Master actually said such a thing in such an understatement.

But that was the fact. After saying this, he turned his attention to the chessboard in front of him, as if what he just mentioned was just a trivial matter.

"As ordered..."

Master Tianwei bowed and saluted, then turned to leave.

But before leaving, he couldn't hold it back after all. He turned back and asked Master Lan Jian: "Pavilion Master, can I ask...who is the person you are playing against in this game of chess?"

Master Lan Jian raised his head and was stunned for a while before he answered with emotion:

"Perhaps, it should be the way of heaven..."

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