Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 877 High Cabinet Meeting

Lu Yu and Jin Xiang returned directly to Wulao Peak.

At this time, the Wulao Peak High Pavilion Council was already overcrowded, and all the powerful real people from the whole sect had already arrived.

After all, the leader of Tianlan Peak is the inner ghost of Wuya Immortal Pavilion. This is a huge event, and there will be a series of problems that require everyone to work together to deal with it.

Even the real person in charge, Li Wangji, rushed to the scene regardless of his injuries.

Half of his body was still in a state of condensation, but the bones that had been burnt to charcoal were no longer visible, and red flesh had grown out. It looked like a blur of flesh and blood, but it was still the same terrifying thing.

Fang Haoran stood behind him with his head bowed. It was obvious that his job here was to take care of Li Wangji.

Seeing Lu Yu walking in, Fang Haoran raised his head and nodded to him slightly. Lu Yu nodded to him slightly. On such an occasion, it was not convenient for the two of them to communicate in private. They could only make eye contact with each other. it is more than words.

At this time, Master Hailing took the initiative to greet him, waved to him and said: "Lu Yu, come over here, your position is here..."

Lu Yu looked in the direction he pointed and saw that the location was the central area of ​​the entire High Pavilion Council. In addition to the words "First Seat of Jade Butterfly Peak" marked on the seats, there were also "Head of the Recuperation Hall" and "Pavilion Elder". Words such as "position"...

Lu Yu suddenly looked surprised: "Are you sure I'm sitting here? Is there anything wrong?"

The position at the top of the Jade Butterfly Peak is fine, but what about the "control of the sanatorium" and the "position of the Pavilion Elder"?

Master Hailing stroked his long beard on his chin and said: "No mistake, this is what Master Changchun meant. Before he left just now, he came here specifically to give instructions, saying that from now on, you will be the sole representative. He exercised the power of being in charge of the sanatorium and the pavilion elder... Many real people present witnessed this incident. If you don’t believe me, you can ask everyone..."

Lu Yu was really frightened this time: "What does Changchun Master mean by this? Does he want to give up his career? I can't control his sanatorium..."

Master Hailing smiled and said: "Don't worry, Master Changchun did not ask you to take over the convalescence hall. He just asked you to participate in this meeting as his representative. You can make any decision on his behalf with full authority, and he will fully support you." !”

Lu Yu immediately understood that Master Changchun was fulfilling his previous promise. He was announcing his attitude to the entire sect in this way, striving to unite the entire Dali Sword Sect and stop fighting among themselves. The endless old road.

"Lu Yu, there is no need to shirk anymore. I think that even without this explanation from Master Changchun, you are qualified to sit in this position."

Right next to that seat, Du Tingyuan, the leader of Baiyun Peak, suddenly spoke.

Although Bai Yunfeng had always had a grudge against him because of the Dawu Dynasty, those things have long since passed. At this time, Du Tingyuan made no secret of his admiration for Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was startled for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly understood.

In fact, speaking of which, there is still some enmity between Wei Zhihan and Du Tingyuan...

Under Wei Zhihan's instigation, Qingyang Peak and Jin Mingfeng once surrounded Baiyun Peak. The two sides were at war with each other and the battle was imminent.

Although the mediation of many elders did not lead to a tragedy of fratricide, Baiyunfeng must be dissatisfied with Wei Zhihan as the instigator behind this, and he does not know whether it was the instruction of Master Kunpeng behind this. Now these two Everyone fell into Lu Yu's hands, so it's not surprising that Du Tingyuan would have such a change in attitude.

Lu Yu looked around the audience and found that except for Du Tingyuan, most of the real people present were smiling back at him, and no one showed any dissatisfaction.

I don’t know how much of these expressions are sincere and how much are fake. In short, under such a situation, no one dared to raise objections to this.

So, Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Since you are so complimentary, I will be disrespectful!"

After saying that, he followed Master Hailing and walked towards the seat.

While walking, Master Hailing whispered to him: "The situation at Tianlan Peak has been controlled by Master Changchun and a group of elders! Nothing will go wrong for the time being!"

Lu Yu nodded, and then he knew the whereabouts of Master Changchun... But then again, it is undoubtedly the safest for Tianlan Peak to be controlled by Master Changchun. After all, the current Dali Sword Sect, Master Changchun and others Department is one of the most trustworthy people.

"Are all the real people here?" Lu Yu asked again.

In fact, Lu Yu was careful when he sent the news back. When he asked Master Hailing to call everyone over for a meeting, he deliberately spread the news that Shi Zhiquan and Wei Zhihan were both arrested, and quietly controlled them secretly.

He was not dazzled by this trivial victory. The purpose of doing this was to verify whether there were any accomplices among the remaining real strong men.

If the accomplices really existed, once they heard about the arrest of the two people, they would definitely panic and run away, not daring to come to this high cabinet meeting.

Therefore, Lu Yu would be particularly concerned about the attendance of people at this meeting.

Master Hailing glanced at him and replied: "I informed everyone according to what you said. Everyone has arrived at the scene and no one is absent."

Lu Yu nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

In this case, the "comrades" should not exist...

However, this is only a preliminary judgment. If we want to find out the truth thoroughly, we have to go one step further...

"In this case, let's officially start!"

Lu Yu came to his seat, but did not sit down. Instead, he stood directly on the seat, looked around the audience and said loudly:

"I think everyone knows why I asked all the masters to come here today..."

"How did Master Kunpeng and Wei Zhihan's identities get exposed? I have already told Master Hailing about the specific incident. I believe he has also told you... This matter was witnessed by me and Master Fan of Baoding Peak. If you have any doubts about this, you can ask Master Fan for confirmation..."

"Because the incident happened in a hurry, we were not well prepared, so Master Kunpeng The main responsibility for this matter lies with me. I misjudged the strength of Kunpeng Zhenren. I was not fully prepared, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it... But fortunately, we still have a way to remedy it! "

"Wei Zhihan, the first disciple of Tianlan Peak, is the proud disciple of Kunpeng Zhenren. He also participated in this matter and colluded with Kunpeng Zhenren... Although Kunpeng Zhenren ran away, Wei Zhihan did not run away. I believe everyone is as curious as I am. What secrets does this person know? Why is Kunpeng Zhenren willing to be a running dog of Wuya Xian Pavilion? What is their ultimate purpose for doing this..."

"Next, I will interrogate Wei Zhihan together with you in the presence of all of you, and let him spit out all the secrets!"

As Lu Yu said, he directly opened the Nine Life God Coffin, took out Wei Zhihan and threw him on the ground.

This is his second round of testing...

If Kunpeng Zhenren has accomplices and is bold enough to come to the meeting, then it is impossible for him to watch Wei Zhihan being interrogated in public, and he will definitely find a way to kill him to silence him.

Lu Yu just hoped that he wouldn't be given too many "surprises" next time...

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