Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 878 Be honest

Lu Yu stepped forward and pressed his palm on Wei Zhihan's Tianling Cap, as if he wanted to read the memory.

The result pleased him quite a bit. The whole place was silent, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, and no one made any drastic move.

In this case, there should be no comrades among these real strong men at the scene.

Lu Yu was completely relieved now, and silently activated his power to wake up Wei Zhihan.

Wei Zhihan woke up slowly and looked at the completely unfamiliar environment around him and the room full of real strong men. He was at a loss for a while, and then he exclaimed in shock: "This, this is the High Pavilion Council? Lu Yu! Take me with you!" Returned to Wulaofeng?"

"No matter what, you are a disciple of our Dali Sword Sect after all, and you should be bound by the sect's rules and regulations... Wei Zhihan, do you think there is a better place for you?" Lu Yu said.

" you really not want to know the whereabouts of Zhenren Yudie? Do you really not care about her life or death?" Wei Zhihan said with a gloomy face.

Lu Yu did not answer. Instead, he turned to look at Elder Wei Ge, who was in charge of the Discipline Hall. He asked, "Mr. Wei Ge, what should I do if I betray the sect?"

Mr. Wei Ge's deep voice said word by word: "Those who conspire to rebel will be killed according to the law!"

Lu Yu then turned around and said: "Wei Zhihan, you yourself betrayed the sect and ignored the rules and regulations of the Dali Sword Sect. You can't ask me to be like you... You also heard what Mr. Wei Ge said, you Betraying the sect will lead to death if you follow the sect's rules... The only one who can save you now is yourself!"

"If you are willing to take the blame and confess the secrets you know, then I can intercede for you with the Discipline Academy. If the secrets you confess are of great use and have outstanding achievements, then let the Elders continue to retain your identity as a true disciple. It’s not impossible to let go of the past!”

Wei Zhihan was stunned and looked at Lu Yu in shock, not believing that he dared to make such a promise to himself...

"Don't doubt my words. In front of so many real people, I will never lie to you... Moreover, I think that with my status today, I have no problem saying such things to you..."

With that said, Lu Yu slowly backed away, and in front of Wei Zhihan, he sat down in the "head seat of Jade Butterfly Peak", "Head of the Recuperation Hall", and "Pavilion Elder" position.

Wei Zhihan was suddenly shocked again. Looking at the reactions of everyone around him, no one raised any objections to Lu Yu's actions...

You must know that this is the High Pavilion Council, one of the most serious and sacred places in the entire Dali Sword Sect. There is no room for joking here. In this way, Lu Yu has really taken this position. I didn't expect that he is now in Dali. The status within the Sword Sect is actually so respected!

If he makes a promise in this capacity, it can still count...

For a moment, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but his thoughts were racing and he was secretly making calculations.

Lu Yu added: "Wei Zhihan, don't think that the Soul Locking Curse is your life-saving amulet... Even if you don't tell me the whereabouts of Master Yudie, do you think I have no clue? If I estimate that there is no If I’m wrong, our first real person is now in Guoyun Ancient City, right?”

"We, the Dali Sword Sect, are full of talents. If we gather the strength of the whole sect, it will not be difficult to level the entire ancient city of Guoyun... Do you really think we have to be you?"

"I just heard that you were betrayed by Shi Zhiquan, so I just want to give you a chance for revenge... Or, even if you die, you have to lie in the coffin with Shi Zhiquan's secret. Do you think this can still give me a chance to take revenge?" What benefits do you bring?”

This last sentence became the last straw that broke Wei Zhihan's psychological defense...

After this incident, he finally saw Shi Zhiquan's true face. The other party had always used him as a pawn. Once in danger, he would immediately abandon him like a worn-out shoe. Now he still wants to count on him. Come to rescue, that is simply impossible...

"Okay, I can tell you all the secrets I know, but you must give me a clear guarantee from the Presbytery..." Wei Zhihan said through gritted teeth.

"That's right!"

Lu Yu laughed: "This way, it will save you the trouble and save me a lot of trouble, right?"

As he spoke, he stood up again, looked around the audience and said: "Everyone, I propose to spare Wei Zhihan's death temporarily and give him a chance to make meritorious deeds. When the matter with Wuya Immortal Pavilion is settled, we can settle his merits and demerits together. How about we deal with it separately at that time?”

There was no objection from the audience.

Master Hailing said: "Since everyone has no objections, how about voting directly on this matter?"

Next, voting began in the cabinet, and the resolution was finally passed unanimously.

This result can be said to be no surprise. After all, whether Wei Zhihan is dead or alive is of no importance to the overall situation. On the contrary, if the secret behind it can be learned, it may completely change the situation.

And such a vote was not originally intended to convince everyone, but just to go through the motions and make a "guarantee" to Wei Zhihan.

Lu Yu walked up to Wei Zhihan again and said: "Wei Zhihan, you have already seen the result. This is the result of a unanimous vote of all the real people. There is absolutely no possibility of deceiving you... In the following days, I will call you Brother Wei, It’s still Senior Brother Wei, it all depends on your own performance!”

Wei Zhihan nodded and said: "Okay! Let me tell you! I will tell you everything I know...but from now on, you must be responsible for protecting my safety!"

"Shi Zhiquan had an identity before joining the Dali Sword Sect. He had another teacher at that time. As for who he studied under, I don't know, but that person was in the ancient city of Guoyun, and at least he was a Tiangang realm master. A mysterious person who cultivates..."

"That mysterious man never taught him any skills. He only washed his menstruation and cut his marrow. He completely transformed his physical talent and made him a unique cultivation genius. Then the mysterious man handed him over to One of his tasks requires him to join the Dali Sword Sect, lurk secretly, and wait for opportunities..."

"You all know what happened after that. Shi Zhiquan relied on his unique cultivation talent to join the Great Li Sword Sect in an instant, and then gradually showed his prominence until he became the leader of Tianlan Peak..."

"Before becoming the first real person, he had never done any evil deeds. At most, he only collected information from all aspects. Until he became the first real person, that was the beginning of his real evil... Among them, the biggest one he had ever done The thing is to study how to restrain the Dali Sword Sect, and for this purpose, he even planned to capture the real person Yudie and use her golden elixir to conduct experiments..."

"By the way, the method of restraint specifically aimed at the Dali Sword Sect was completed by Shi Zhiquan and the mysterious man, and the real Yudie was also imprisoned by the mysterious man... As far as I know, until Today, mysterious people are still using various methods to manipulate her..."

Wei Zhihan spoke slowly, and as expected, he poured out everything he knew as if he were pouring beans.

Some of the details he mentioned could be corroborated with Tianmiao's memory. Because of this, Lu Yu was sure that Wei Zhihan was not lying.

He not only told the origin of Shi Zhiquan, but also told many details about Shi Zhiquan's back-up arrangements at Tianlan Peak and his interactions with Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Among them, the most shocking thing, in addition to the whereabouts of the real person Yudie, is that the reason why Qi Tongshan was conquered by the Red Moon Demon Lord was precisely because Shi Zhiquan worked behind the scenes and provided various relevant information to help Red Moon. The demonization of the Moon Lord provides an opportunity.

This can be regarded as solving a long-standing question in everyone's mind.

Unexpectedly, the mastermind behind the scenes turned out to be him...

"How come you know so much about Shi Zhiquan?" Lu Yu finally asked.

Wei Zhihan was silent for a moment and then said: "It's very simple, because he used this method to instigate me."

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