Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 879 Monster Invasion

The high cabinet meeting lasted until late at night and was still not over.

Although Wei Zhihan initially explained some facts, it brought more questions.

"What is the identity of that mysterious man?"

Li Wangji's body was still recovering and he couldn't speak, so his true energy forced out his voice, which echoed throughout the high pavilion.

In fact, this is also the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

No matter whether the next step is to deal with Shi Zhiquan, rescue the real person Yudie, or launch a large-scale expedition against Wuya Immortal Pavilion and Yuhai Immortal Sect, this is an unavoidable problem.

Wei Zhihan said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Master...Although I have always been very curious about the identity of the mysterious person, unfortunately, I have no way to figure out his identity, otherwise I would not use the name 'mysterious person'" Instead of him..."

"Is that person one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya?" Zifu's real person asked directly to the key point of the question.

"The Seventh Ancestor of is this possible!"

Wei Zhihan smiled softly: "I'm afraid they are not qualified yet... Judging from Shi Zhiquan's tone when he talks to me about the people of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, I think they actually do not belong to each other, so you say Shi Zhiquan is The undercover agent of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, I'm afraid this is not very accurate, even the Seventh Ancestor of Wuya makes me feel like he is just a follower of that mysterious man..."

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

I didn't expect that this mysterious man had such a powerful background. Even the Seventh Patriarch of Wuya was just a follower... What is this person's identity that could make the Seventh Patriarch of Wuya willing to do such a thing?

"Of course, this is just my guess. I don't know the truth..." Wei Zhihan added.

But no one paid attention to his additional explanation. After all, the tone and demeanor revealed unintentionally often can best explain the problem. Since Wei Zhihan has such suspicion, it is definitely not unfounded.

"What is the relationship between Shi Zhiquan and Lord Chiyue? Why does he provide convenience for Lord Chiyue?" Lu Yu asked again.

Wei Zhihan thought for a while and then said: "In fact, there is no relationship between them. If there is a relationship, it is that their purpose is the same in dealing with the Dali Sword Sect, so both parties have the same purpose. There will be some contact..."

"It is for this reason that Shi Zhiquan suggested Lord Chiyue to incite the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and let them deal with the Dali Sword Sect together... because he has been in the Dali Sword Sect for many years and has no feelings for the Dali Sword Sect and the Yuhai Sect. The conflicts between the Sea Immortal Sect are the clearest, but among the eight major sects, the Yuhai Immortal Sect is the most likely to be incited. "

Everyone was immediately surprised again.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zhiquan was behind the feud with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Although this guy did not turn against the Dali Sword Sect on the surface, the things he did behind the scenes were really bad!

"This man really deserves to be killed!"

Master Maoye's face was full of anger, and he couldn't help complaining to Lu Yu: "You should have informed me beforehand, otherwise you wouldn't have let him run away!"

As the person in charge of the Hateful Water Sword, Li Wangji and Chen Zifu were seriously injured one after another. He can be regarded as the current number one combat force of the entire Dali Sword Sect.

Lu Yu could only sigh speechlessly.

Cangsong Zhenren said: "Lu Yu cannot be blamed for this matter. Before this, among all of us here, did any of us ever think that Shi Zhiquan would be the person hiding the evil spirit? If it weren't for Lu Yu's ingenious design, I'm afraid we would all be here today. If he is kept in the dark, that is the end we are waiting for!”

Everyone agreed and praised Lu Yu.

Master Maoye didn't say anything else. In fact, he didn't blame Lu Yu. He was just angry when he heard what Shi Zhiquan had done and couldn't help complaining.

"So, what is the real purpose of Shi Zhiquan colluding with Lord Chiyue, or that mysterious man sending Shi Zhiquan to lurk in the Dali Sword Sect?" Li Wangji asked again.

"Haven't you already guessed the destination?"

Wei Zhihan spread his hands and said: "That mysterious man has been planning and planning for a long time. He even planned for hundreds of years for this purpose. He has only one purpose, which is to kill the Yunxiao ancestor of the Dali Sword Sect."

These words came out of Wei Zhihan's mouth slowly, but everyone couldn't help but feel a thrilling feeling.

They had only guessed before, but now it was confirmed from Wei Zhihan's mouth.

In this way, all the clues fit together.

The previous attack from Wuya Immortal Pavilion was just to let the Dali Sword Sect open the Litian Sword Code, so as to reveal specific clues about the whereabouts of the ancestor Yunxiao.

The specially researched restraint methods were used to deal with Patriarch Yunxiao.

In vain, they had always thought that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect were the most serious troubles, but they did not expect that the real trouble was someone else.


Li Wangji frowned and said, "The mysterious person is so deliberate, there must be a reason for this?"

"I'm afraid even Shi Zhiquan doesn't know about this problem of the real person in charge..."

Wei Zhihan said with emotion: "There is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hatred without reason. As for the reason behind it, maybe you can only know it by asking the ancestor Yunxiao..."

Everyone was silent.

The leader of the Wuwang Palace, Shangge Lao, asked Li Wangji: "I wonder if the master has a way to contact Patriarch Yunxiao?"

Before Li Wangji had time to answer, Mr. Zhu Ge, who was in charge of the Tiangong Treasure House on the side, categorically intercepted and said: "No! Even if you can contact him, you must not contact him at this moment... Now the mysterious man is in trouble and cannot be known. As for the whereabouts of Ancestor Yunxiao, wouldn’t it just give them a chance to take advantage of us if we take the initiative to contact him?”

"But, if we don't remind Patriarch Yunxiao, what should we do if he accidentally gets hit?"

"Ancestor Yunxiao has made countless deductions and has unparalleled plans. How can he fall into the trap so easily? Besides, they can't even find the whereabouts of the ancestor, so how can they plot against Ancestor Yunxiao?"

"Having said that, the enemy is hidden and we are exposed, so we have to guard against this matter..."

"Since we can't inform Ancestor Yunxiao directly, can we contact the other two Ancestors first and let them decide how to deal with this matter..."

"I think it's still inappropriate. Since they are plotting against Ancestor Yunxiao, it is impossible not to consider the reactions of the other two ancestors. If they contact the other two ancestors rashly, they will only expose their whereabouts..."

"But if we don't inform our ancestors, how to deal with this matter is beyond our capabilities even if there is no threat from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion!"

"Is there a way to allow the ancestor to receive information without exposing his whereabouts?"

The High Council fell into heated discussions.

Everyone said everything, but no one discussed how to rescue Yudie, whose life was hanging by a thread.

Also, the person imprisoning Master Yudie now is a strong person in the Tiangang Realm. Everyone is still arguing about whether to inform the ancestors on the Nine Heavens. How can they have any spare time to consider the affairs of Master Yudie?

But others can ignore it, but he cannot ignore it. No matter what, it was impossible for him to watch Master Yudie fall into the enemy's hands and be left alone.

Therefore, he did not participate in the discussion, but planned to pry out more details about the mysterious man from Wei Zhihan.

Just when he was about to pull Wei Zhihan aside and have a "chat" with each other alone, an alarm suddenly sounded outside, and a deacon on duty hurriedly rushed in.

"To inform all of you, the enemy has been discovered in the lookout array. Judging from the display information of the array, it seems that there is an invasion of monsters. The specific location should be around the Jade Butterfly Peak..."

Everyone was still in a daze.

But he saw a figure rushing out of the high pavilion, fluttering its wings behind its back, flying through the air, and disappearing into the vast night sky in the blink of an eye.

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